User info. Use singleton class or not? - ios

My app will be used by one user. However, there will be a lot of user related info. So i have a class called User.h/.m and #property many fields. One one instance will be made of this class since only one user will be using the phone.
My question is,
1.should i adopt a singleton design pattern for this class? I don't want to continuously instantiate this class again and again thru out different view controllers.
I'm saving all info about this class using core data. Having said that, does this compel one to use singleton more?
is singleton design pattern the way to go? or should it be using external json file or plist?
Thank you

Like #iOS Weblineindia said Singleton will do the job just fine. But if you think in different direction, maybe not. Did you consider that your User obj can have more than one Google (lets assume) accounts? How your app wil interact and deal with such social accounts?
Here is the real use case scenario - I have one account when I'm at work (mail, services, drive etc.) and separate one when I'm out of the office. I want them to stay separate. I'm in such position myself now.
Maybe if you hare some more information about your User class logic it'll be easy to answer.


How to invite users to join a multi player Gaming Session using Parse (swift)

I'm trying to develop a trivia app, much like Quiz Up but with multi players.
Here's what I thought of doing:-
Creating a class called 'Game Session' on Parse, that has information of who created it (PFUser.current), the name of the gaming session(name), and the names of users invited(invited_users). Think of this Gaming Session as a closed group where the users interact with each other only.
So there's a createSessionViewController, and a joinSessionViewController.
If User A creates a gaming session (in createSessionViewController) and sends invites out to User B and User C, they get to accept or decline these invites in joinSessionViewController.
Now from what I have researched is that I would have to query through all the objects in the class Game Session (in viewdidload of the joinSessionViewController) and use query.wherekey for eg, User B's object id is in the column "invited_users". If so, I return that Gaming Session's object. Is that right?
If that is the case, is that an efficient way of doing it? Because it seems like if the app gets popular and there are lots of objects in the class, then it could take up a lot of time to get the one object with User B's id.
I hope I made myself clear and you guys understand my question.
PS: I'm sort of new to parse and swift, so if you could give me detailed answers it would be much appreciated.
Your logic is correct but I would also strongly suggest you take a look at Parse-LiveQuery. This tool allows you to subscribe to a PFQuery you are interested in. Once subscribed, the server will notify clients whenever a PFObject that matches the PFQuery is created or updated, in real-time.
Your assumption is correct and that is indeed one way you could go about doing that although it has drawbacks as you mentioned. If you felt like putting more effort into it, you can write JavaScript parse cloud code that executes after an item is saved (for example after a game session is created) and send out silent push notifications with the new objects id to the users who were invited. You could then use that push notification data to know the exact ids instead of having to query for them. This is much more advanced though. For whatever your app is, the simple route of having a model query the data on load should be fine. If you find yourself in a situation where performance is hindered due to this, well then congratulations.

Can ActiveRecord sub classes be used to hold data from other sources such as Facebook too?

I am creating a new application that allow the users to either create content in the local application database or directly on Facebook.
Imagine the user have a CRUD interface for a Post. I have a created a model for Post that sub classes ActiveRecord::Base. Objects of this class has methods for saving the post to the local database.
However, the user is also able to "tick" and option in my application that says "connect to Facebook". When it is checked the content will not be stored in my local database but it will go directly to Facebook Graph API.
The service layer and controller layer is not aware of where the data actually goes. At least this is my idea.
My question is if I can use the same Post class for both local data and Facebook data? Some of the methods in the Post class would not make sense when the post object contains data from Facebook; such as the save method.
Does that design seem stupid? Should I create another Post class that is just a normal Ruby class without sub classing ActiveRecord::Base? Or are there other better ways?
When designing a class you should make it as lean as possible. A good way to look at it is counting the nouns and verbs that are included in your model. A post can be saved or deleted, but if your save and delete start having logic related to Facebook it's a good sign that this should belong to a different class altogether.
One more note related to Facebook: the new guidelines don't allow posting 'pre-written' posts for a user. Meaning that you won't be able to make a post to a users wall without prompting him with Facebook either way.
I don't see any problems with having Post < ActiveRecord::Base - that is the standard Rails way and it does look like you should implement the standard ways of storing data to your DB and look into the Facebook posting from another angle.
There are some definite problems with that approach - the first is that you will end up with alot of tight couplings to the Facebook API. I have had tons of grief from the FB API's changing without warning or not working as documented.
Another issue is performance - loading data from FB is often painfully slow even compared to reading from a DB across the wire. It is also prone to outrages (at least in my experience).
I would definitely use "proxy objects" which are stored in your database and regularly hydrated from Facebook instead.

iOS Cross Cutting Concerns

I have a Swift application i'm working on that allows a user to save various settings about their profile. Throughout my code, there are times where knowing these settings/preferences are important for the application's business logic. One of them is where the user works (their job, (which is a row in a sqllite database that has an ID as a primary key). The user is allowed to select one (and only one) in the app at any given time. Think of it like a profile - they can work many jobs, but only have one selected.
The following are scenarios where knowing the workplaceid profile is important:
In my sqllite database, retrieving work/shift information based upon the currently selected work ID(so not the ID from the database, but the ID they currently have selected). I'm passing this into my query.
In an NSDate extension function, when I go to determine some things about their starting date, I need to retrieve their currently selected profile, and use that for the calculation.
Within a particular view model when I want to show/hide certain fields.
On an alert view to show something related to their current workplace.
Now I think the quick and dirty way to do this is simply create a wrapper class to your nsuserdefaults in a utility class. Sure, all your info is stored in sqllite, but your currently selected app preferences are in nsuserdefaults since I can change this around (and it will change). This would parallel my other cross-cutting concerns such as logging/error handling, where I could use similar utility classes for all my work.
The fact that I might call this helper/utility class from every single layer of my application seems like a typical red flag you wouldn't do. Whether it's logging, or a user service to get information.
I'm curious to know what other people are doing in scenarios like this. When you need nsuserdefaults from all over your app, is the answer "eh who cares, just make a utility class and call it wherever you need it" ? Or is there a best practice others have followed with well-designed iOS apps? I know AOP is something folks tend to recommend. Does that have a place in iOS?
Thanks so much stackoverflow :)
The user is allowed to select one (and only one) in the app at any given time.
This tells me you want to create a singleton class. Every time you want to change the profile, you hit the singleton class and set it. That class encapsulates all the logic to get/set whatever you need, and the accessor functions. That's what I've been doing in my ObjC code for many years, and it has served me well. It's extremely easy to debug, and the rest of the code needs to know nothing about profile management (unless it's the UI part where you choose a profile).

How to make sure that a form is only opened once?

Is it possible to make sure a user only can open one instance of a specific form, for instance CustTrans from CustTable?
Modal form is not an option. Some sort of Singleton pattern?
You can use the global cache for this, more info on MSDN: However a lot of the time the use of the global cache is a sign of bad design.
You can use the global cache to implement a singleton pattern as demonstrated here:
Also consider alternative solutions to your problem, for example the one used on inventory journals. When you open the lines for a journal, it is marked as "in use" so no one else can open that particular journal.
Side note: I believe what you are trying to achieve is a bit of an anti-pattern. Dynamics AX uses dynalinks to link forms together. All of this functionality will be lost if you implement this.

Suggestion for CoreData and object handling

I need a suggestios on how to correctly implement CoreData with objects that can be uploaded/downloaded from server and sent through game center.
The app is similar to a trading card game, you can get the idea from these 2 separate entities:
Card: The actual unique cards with all the information about each one. The "Card"s entities are static and do not change, they do not need to be sent on server either because all I need to do is send the "CardId" to pull a "Card" entity.
UserCard: All the cards that a user owns, a user may have the same card multiple times but this would be a different "UserCard" with a pointer ("CardId") to a basic "Card". They are always changing. They need to be easily sent through GameCenter and uploaded/downloaded from server. Also, some temporary "UserCard"s would need to be downloaded from server when the user visits a friend's profile to see which cards they have.
Does anyone have any suggestion on how to do this correctly? Currently I have two ideas:
A. Use CoreData for everything, this would mean that the "UserCard"s are NSManagedObject subclasses which get intelligently encoded/decoded (using NSCoding) to upload/download and send through GameCenter. The basic "Card" is set as a relationship in Core Data. A "temporary" attribute is also set for the "UserCard"s to be able to know which ones do not belong to the current user so they can be deleted later.
B. Use CoreData only for the Basic "Card"s and use a NSObject subclass for the "UserCard"s. This allows me to directly use the "UserCard"s without the need to insert them into CoreData. Makes it easier to download/upload and send through GameCenter. It also removes the need for the "temporary" property because the objects will just be deallocated when the view has stopped using them. The problem with this method is that I would need another way to store the current user's "UserCard"s in the device because they do need to be available offline.
Thank you!
Personally, I would use CoreData all around. Reasons:
You're already having to dive into CoreData to deal with Cards anyways
Just create an NSManagedObject category called NSManagedObject+JSON. In it have a simple method called -(NSDictionary*)jsonRepresentation and have the UserCard format itself into a dictionary and return itself. Super easy.
It would be safer to use CoreData and save often, rather than run the risk of writing to a file and it either: 1. getting corrupted (highly unlikely but user would be mad if it did); or 2. not getting fully written (user could kill the app before it has time to write everything to a file)
The extra little bit of work to implement the UserCard entity would be small.
You get the built memory management and searching functions of CoreData.
I just finished a large project working with CoreData so I may be a little biased. From what you've stated in your question though, I would take CoreData for everything. Here are some helpful opensource libraries when dealing with CoreData and a web server:
And a great tutorial for integrating CoreData with a web server.
