SKStoreProductViewController not working on iPad iOS 8 - ipad

I'm using SKStoreProductViewController on iPad with iOS 8. Pressing a button opens an instance of it:
[self.storeProductViewController loadProductWithParameters:#{SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier:appStoreIdNumber}
completionBlock:^(BOOL result, NSError *error) {...}];
[[self getPresentingViewController] presentViewController:self.storeProductViewController animated:YES completion:^{...}];
It pops up the first time fine. But after it is dismissed, pressing the button again to reopen it throws an exception and the pop up never appears.
<SKRemoteProductViewController: 0x15c1ec00> timed out waiting for fence barrier from
Anyone know what's going on or how to work around it?

I've also had some other problems with UIAppearance and StoreKit not working together (see StoreKit's SKStoreProductViewController leaving space between the nav bar and the view?)
I was having the same problem that you now have and removing all UIAppearance code fixed it, but I noticed that the SKStoreProductViewController won't load any iPad apps on an iPhone on iOS 8 and it will fail silently. Let me know if you have the same problem.

I had the same problem, where the first time I present the SKRemoteProductViewController it works fine, but subsequent presentations give the error as the OP described. Apparently the problem is related to presenting the same SKRemoteProductViewController more than once. If I dispose of the SKRemoteProductViewController after presenting it and then re-load another one each time I want it to present again then things work without issue.

Had this problem as well. Make sure that identifier is actually an NSString
#{ SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier : identifier }
I was inadvertently passing an NSURL object, which resulted in the same error -- "timed out waiting for fence barrier from"

you should present SKStoreProductViewController before loading it


UIImagePickerController crash on canceling with zoom present on iOS 8.x only

In our app we show the Camera modally on top of another UIViewController. On iOS 8.x only, about 1/10 of the time if you zoom you wind up with a crash:
PLImagePickerCameraView didHideZoomSlider:]: message sent to deallocated instance
There is an existing SO post which has a supposed workaround - How-to find out what causes a didHideZoomSlider error on IOS 8? - but every variation I have tried fails to solve the crash. The suggestion involves putting a delay before dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: . No matter what delay I try I can still reproduce the crash.
It only occurs (1) if you zoom the camera view (2) either choose Cancel or take a photo and exit the camera, all shortly before the zoom indication animation fades away. It appears to be a problem in iOS 8.x which Apple hasn't fixed. It crashes in Apple's code with no involvement in anything we have.
I do see "Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot. Ensure your view has been rendered at least once before snapshotting or snapshot after screen updates." but this seems to be unrelated and is also referring to code inside the UIImagePickerController not anything we are doing.
I am about to deal with Apple DTS to see if we can find some way to avoid this or what in the environment might be causing this to happen. I thought to ask here in case anyone has another idea.
This crash did not occur under iOS 7.X. Happens on any model iPhone or iPad.
The answer from Apple is "it's a bug, file it in Radar" which of course says nothing about when it will be fixed. There is no workaround other than to tell users to wait a little until the slider fades (which our support people tell the users). There is nothing you can do other than implement your own camera and zoom support and do it yourself correctly.
Perhaps Apple will fix it in 8.2.

iOS 7.1 animation bug

Yesterday I updated my iPhone 5 to iOS 7.1 and found a strange bug in my current application. There is few UINavigationControllers. After few transition in it the animation of transition become to fast, like there is no animation at all. But more strange that all system animation became to fast, default UITableCell animation, modal window animation and so on.
Does someone know what is this? On device with 7.0.6 there is no such problem.
Looks like it starts to happen after few calls of:
[navController setViewControllers:popViewControllers animated:animated];
PS: One more thing - my app is still using iOS 6.1 SDK.
PPS: i don't use custom default animations.
UPDATE: With 7.1 SDK problem still exists.
I have similar problem after updating my iPhone from iOS 7.0.3 to 7.1. I go back and forth several times using the navigation bar and after a few tries there is no transition animation. All animations are broken when it happens, eg. device rotation animation. After reaching this state, few more back and forth transitions cause a crash.
Edit 3:
In my case the problem was because of accessing GUI objects from a background queue. If you experience this issue make sure all GUI objects are accessed from the main thread. Many thanks to Eugene for helping me figure this out.

An object is being double deallocated unintentionally?

I have a tab bar application where in one tab bar, there are 7 separate UISwitch instances. When I run the application and go to the tab bar with the switches, I then call
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
Then I call
[self presentModalViewController:myController animated:YES completion:nil];
When I return to the same tab bar with the 7 UISwitches and I touch one of them, changing the state, the app crashes. So I enabled NSZombie objects and ran the app again and this time when it crashed, it gave the error message
[UICGColor retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x9ace8a0
This means that the object was double deallocated, and I obviously didn't try doing this. So, I did some research and found that I could find the line(s) of code that cause it to double deallocate by profiling the app with an NSZombie template, using the Xcode built-in instruments. I then intentionally caused the app to crash, and the I received this.
I can clearly see that my ChessTimer library is releasing the object one too many times, causing it to double deallocate. So, I next looked at the exact line(s) of code that are doing this and found this
I can see the lines of code now that are directly causing the problem. When I remove them, the app runs fine. The problem, however, is that these lines of code are an important design element in my app that I must keep. I don't even know why these lines of code are causing the app to deallocate that object again. How can I either neutralize this deallocation or find another workaround? All help is appreciated.

iOS: Hiding sensitive information on the screen when app is backgrounded

When a foreground app gets backgrounded (e.g. Home button gets pressed), how can I change elements on the topmost view controller prior to when iOS takes a snapshot of it and starts the animation to show the next screen?
I ask because I'm writing an app requiring HIPAA compliance, and I am concerned that the snapshot that the OS takes in order to do this animation sometimes contains sensitive data which should not be visible even for a split second when the app gets foregrounded later.
I'm aware that view controllers have lifecycle methods such as viewWillDisappear which might be usable, but I have a lot of controllers and I'd rather just have something in my App Delegate to handle this (e.g. by adding an opaque full-screen UIImageView overlay) rather than having to write custom code for this in every last controller.
I tried putting overlay-generating code in applicationWillResignActive, and I've been digging with Apple's docs and Google, but it's not working. I suspect the screenshot gets taken before the app has a chance to update the screen.
Not sure about HIPAA's requirements about backgrounding and possibly leaving the user logged in for someone else to resume, but the safest sounds like it would be to add a key UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend with a boolean value of YES to info.plist.
That will prevent the app from backgrounding entirely, and restarts it (possibly triggering a login procedure) every time you go back to it.
Most (if not all) mobile banking applications I've tested do this for safety reasons.
I believe the answer is to not concern oneself with changing what's on the screen before the backgrounding animation begins, but to simply modify what's displayed on the screen once the app enters the background (i.e. inside of applicationDidEnterBackground: in your App Delegate.) This solved my problem.
My UIImageView overlay idea worked here, although I decided just to pop to the root view controller instead. Simpler that way. My root view doesn't have any sensitive info.
Here's what it looks like:
-(void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
UINavigationController *navigationController =
(UINavigationController *)self.window.rootViewController;
[navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];

Popover changes in iOS 5?

I have just developed an iPad app to the point of testing, but did it in iOS 4.3. Now I've updated to 5.0 in the simulator and also went through Apple's steps to test on my iPad which runs 5.0
In the 4.3 simulator all works fine. But in the 5.0 simulator and on the iPad all of my popovers that originate from UIButtons crash the app. I have a popover coming from a navbar button which works fine.
Each popover that crashes will display its contents (a UIWebview with a pdf file), but when I then click anywhere on the screen the app crashes (within the popover and outside).
I can post some code, but hope that this description helps give someone an idea. I don't manually dismiss the popover or check if it is open, but since this doesn't only occur by trying to touch its launching UIButton I don't think that's why it's happening. Plus it works as is under 4.3
Edit: This is solved now thanks to Stephen's comment. I added into the popOver's content viewController:
- (void) dealloc {
[webView release];
[super release];
Usually I would call [super dealloc] instead of [super release], but [super dealloc] didn't fix the exception (exc_bad_access). Hopefully I haven't put a sloppy patch on the problem!
I had a thread started to collect bugs like this, but the forum police quashed it. Suffice it to say that iOS 5 is riddled with incompatibilities.
I can't say with any certainty what your problem is, but there's a good chance it has to do with the changes to UINavigationController, which caused UIViewController's navigationController to be nil for popups, with parentViewController taking its place.
Unfortunately, parentViewController is new, so you must, eg, test respondsToSelector:#selector(parentViewController) and take parentViewController if it exists, otherwise navigationController.
Had to add this logic in about 30 places in an app we have.
