Wait for multiple responses then make another call - afnetworking

I have three API calls that I am making with AFNetworking 2.0. The first two are POST requests (/picture) to upload an image and the third request (/message) uses an identification number returned from both of those image POST calls responses. Practically, there is a chance that the user could initiate the third request before I have a response from one of the /image POSTs. I don't want to block the UI. I know AFNetworking is asynchronous and this seems like a synchronous process. Looking for some guidance.

Use AFURLConnectionOperation operation dependencies or batching, or dispatch_group to synchronize behavior once certain conditions are met. Alternatively, dependent calls can be nested into successive completion blocks.


Best way to ensure an initial network request is completed before other requests are sent (iOS app)

An app I am working on requires creating a container object on a server and inserting items into that container. I don't want to create the container object until the first item needs to be inserted. However, creating the container object requires some initialization that may take a little time. While that container is still initializing the user can still to send insertion requests that aren't getting handled because the container isn't ready yet. I have two main questions:
Should this be dealt with on the client or server side?
What is the best practice for dealing with kind of this issue?
Essentially, I need to ensure my initial createContainer data task in complete before any insertItem requests are sent.
Addition Information
An insertItem request is sent by clicking on a corresponding tableViewCell. The first tableViewCell a user clicks on sends a createContainer request that creates a container holding the first item.
For a container holding n items, the request should be sent in the following order:
createContainer(Container(with: item1)
After the first request completes, the remaining n – 1 requests may complete in any order.
My Thoughts
It sounds like I want the createContainer request to be handled synchronously while the insertItem request should be handled asynchronously. I'm not sure if that is the best approach or even how to perform that appropriately, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You can use a NSOperationQueue and multiple NSOperations to implement your desired behavior. A NSOperation instance can be dependent on the completion of another NSOperation instance:
An array of the operation objects that must finish
executing before the current object can begin executing.
For your example this would mean that the insertItem-Operations are dependent on the createContainer operation.
When you add all those operations to a NSOperationQueue your createContainer operation will run first. When it has finished, the other operations will start running as their dependencies are now satisfied. You can also control how many operations you want to run concurrently using maxConcurrentOperationCount on NSOperationQueue.
As you will be using asynchronous API in your NSOperations you will need to implement a ConcurrentOperation and handle the state changes yourself. The API Reference is explaining this in pretty good detail.
Check out the API Reference for NSOperation for further information.
There is also a nice NSHipster article on NSOperations.
Adding to the NSOperationQueue answer, it's sometimes difficult to manually manage all the state changes that an NSOperation requires to handle something asynchronous like a network call.
To simplify that, you can use a Swift Library called Overdrive. It's an amazing library in which you simply subclass a Task class and write your network code in the run() function. And when you're done, you simply call self.finish to finish the task. Here's an example: Just create a simple download task:
Then, just add it to the queue.
You can also add dependencies between tasks, which basically solves your use case.
Hope this helps.

Async NSURLConnection triggering other Async NSURLConnection: what is the best way of doing this?

this is an open question aiming at understanding what is the best practice or the most common solution for a problem that I think might be common.
Let's say I have a list of URLs to download; the list is itself hosted on a server, so I start a NSURLConnection that downloads it. The code in connectionDidFinishLoading will use the list of URLs to instantiate one new NSURLConnection, asynchronously, per each URL; this in turn will trigger even more NSURLConnections, and so on - until there are no more URLs. See it as a tree of connections.
What is the best way to detect when all connections have finished?
I'm aiming the question to iOS7, but comments about other versions are welcome.
A couple of thoughts:
In terms of triggering the subsequent downloads after you retrieve the list from the server, just put the logic to perform those subsequent downloads inside the completion handler block (or completion delegate method) of the first request.
In terms of downloading a bunch of files, if targeting iOS 7 and later, you might consider using NSURLSession instead of NSURLConnection.
First, the downloading of files with a nice modest memory footprint is enabled by initiating "download" tasks (rather than "data" tasks).
Second, you can do the downloads using a background NSURLSessionConfiguration, which will let the downloads continue even if the user leaves the app. See the Downloading Content in the Background section of the App Programming Guide for iOS. There are a lot of i's that need dotting and t's that need crossing if you do this, but it's a great feature to consider implementing.
See WWDC 2013 What's New in Foundation Networking for an introduction to NSURLSession. Or see the relevent chapter of the URL Loading System Programming Guide.
In terms of keeping track of whether you're done, as Wain suggests, you can just keep track of the number of requests issued and the number of requests completed/failed, and in your "task completion" logic, just compare these two numbers, and initiate the "all done" logic if the number of completions matches the number of requests. There are a bunch of ways of doing this, somewhat dependent upon the details of your implementation, but hopefully this illustrates the basic idea.
Instead of using GCD you should consider using NSOperationQueue. You should also limit the number of concurrent operations, certainly on mobile devices, to perhaps 4 so you don't flood the network with requests.
Now, the number of operations on the queue is the remaining count. You can add a block to the end of each operation to check the queue count and execute any completion logic.
As Rob says in his answer you might want to consider NSURLSession rather than doing this yourself. It has a number of advantages.
Other options are building your own download manager class, or using a ready-made third party framework like AFNetworking. I've only worked with AFNetworking a little bit but from what I've seen its elegant, powerful, and easy to use.
Our company wrote an async download manager class based on NSURLConnection for a project that predates both AFNetworking and NSURLSession. It's not that hard, but it isn't as flexible as either NSURLSession or AFNetworking.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous HTTP requests

I am in the process of converting a JavaScript-based hybrid app to a native iOS app. When I started developing the app with JavaScript, I was disappointed to find out that if you want to make an HTTP request, you have to do it asynchronously. I tried to get around this in various ways, basically:
var done = false;
$.post(url, data, function() { done = true; });
while (!done) {}
But I came to find that this is ugly and just plain bad practice, so I got over it and just did it asynchronously.
So when I started with iOS I was excited with the idea that I might be able to do it synchronously, but again I was disappointed to find that the recommended practices are asynchronous, favoring closures or delegates to handle responses.
My question has two parts:
Why is it such common practice in almost every case for HTTP requests to be made asynchronously instead of synchronously?
Is there a way to make synchronous requests in iOS that isn't ugly or problematic?
Essentially, I've always wanted to be able to do something like:
var response = SubmitHTTPPostRequest(url, data)
Is this not really a thing? I never learned this kind of thing in school, so I apologize if this is a rudimentary question. I've just never understood why this is the way it's typically done.
You need to understand the process from sending a request to getting a response. The request will most likely go through some network adapter, to some server, back to the adapter and then back to your CPU. In general there are no cases where there is only one processor involved, in the case I described are 3 but usually there are more. That means synchronisation as doing all the work in one process is impossible since multiple processors are involved. The path to synchronisation (as already mentioned) is for your current thread to wait. I can not agree that will freeze your UI but will freeze your thread (which will freeze the UI if it is the main thread). Still putting the whole process into another thread which will wait for response will produce many other issues and questions such as "should I create a thread for each request", "memory consumption if responses take too long to return?"...
I can understand you want this synchronisation so you can do the operation in a single method but in the end this is exactly what makes an ugly code. Your method then consists of creating the request, getting response, processing response and processing the data received all in one. This might seem a good idea on the beginning but when this method becomes too long you will want to refractor the code into at least 3 methods which by coincidence is exactly what you need to do with asynchronous request. So to answer your second question: Very unlikely, the asynchronous procedure looks much less ugly.
What you should do and is done in most cases is to create some class that handles your requests and responses so from the UI part of your code you only need to do a single call. Lets say you have a table view on which you will display a list of your friend received from some social network. When you first come to this list you would like some activity indicator view to notify the user the data is loading, then send some asynchronous request to get the friends not caring when and if the response will return but when the response is received you simply remove the activity indicator and reload the table view with new data received. Now I hope you can imagine this is a very elegant code and by doing so you enable the user to be able to cancel the request by pressing back.
So the main reason for doing request asynchronous is not to block the threads because that may generate multiple issues or even blocking the main thread which will block the UI and if the main thread is blocked for too long the application will be killed in iOS (watchdog). And the reasons to do synchronisation? Well, in long term I can not think of any, you should always break operations into many methods and use callbacks.
First of all, you should be very clear with synchronous and asynchronous terms.
When Synchronous request sent, caller has to wait for the request to complete the process.
And Asynchronous request don't wait for finish.
As per stack overflow answer , i have read once :
When an HttpHandler is called, a thread pool thread is used to run that request and the same thread is used to process the entire request. If that request calls out to a database or another web service or anything else that can take time, the thread pool thread waits. This means thread pool threads spend time waiting on things when they could be used to process other requests.
In contrast, when an HttpAsyncHandler, a mechanism exists to allow the request to register a callback and return the thread pool thread to the pool before the request is fully processed. The thread pool thread starts doing some processing for the request.At that point, the thread pool thread that was processing the HTTP request is returned to the pool to process another HTTP request.
Your Answers :
1.Because , asynchronous request do not wait for task to complete. send request and while in the same time thread can perform other task without waiting. i use ASIHttpRequest in my ios app.
2.We can send request synchronously but not common this days in practice.

Using AFNetworking to queue many JSON requests and save their responses

I'm new to AFNetworking and I'm interested in using it to handle a few dozen JSON requests (for example, using a web service's API that responds with JSON) for my application, but I'm having some trouble understanding how I should do this.
Could anyone offer some insight on how I'd go about accomplishing this? Like I said, I'm new to the library so an explanation would be greatly appreciated if you explain with code.
For a more specific example as to what I'm trying to do, here's the Clear Read API I'm using, where you pass the URL as a parameter in the URL and are returned a JSON response (the API extracts the article from a URL, removing the other bloat).
Example URL: http://api.thequeue.org/v1/clear?url=http://blogs.balsamiq.com/product/2012/02/27/uxstackexchange/&format=json
I'll be taking a few dozen URLs and running them all through that service and wish to save the results.
I was previously doing this with NSURLConnection in a for loop, firing off several dozen NSURLConnections, which was causing my data to be quite messed up by the end, with timeouts and whatnot from so many going at once.
I understand that it would be better to do only a few at a time, and AFNetworking seems perfect for this kind of problem, but I'm really just confused how I'd use it/subclass it or whatever.
I'd recommend starting with their Getting Started guide.
There's not much too it, really: build an AFJSONRequestOperation for each call to the API you want to make, and in the success callback, handle the deserialized JSON appropriately. If you have a bunch of calls to make, use AFHTTPClient to a) simply some of the repetitive work of building those operations, and b) use the client's operation queue to batch them all up. You can then throttle the number of requests in flight at once with the queue's setMaxConcurrentOperationCount: method.

NSURLConnection synchronous request from a thread vs asynchronous request

What is the differance between adding a operation which make a synchronous NSURLConnection request in NSOperationQueue ( or synchronous request from a thread ( not main thread)) AND making a asynchronous request from the main thread ?
Both will not block main thread so UI will remain responsive but is there any advantage of using one over other? I know in later method i can track request progress etc but assume that progress and other HTTP stuff is not important here.
They are very similar. The biggest problem with synchronous requests is that they can't easily be cancelled. Depending on your application, that could be a problem. Imagine you are downloading a big document and the user moves to another screen so you no longer need that information. In our case, I actually chose doing asynchronous NSURLConnections on a secondary NSThread, which may be overkill for some apps. It is more complicated, but it gives us the ability to both cancel requests and to decode the JSON/XML/image data on secondary threads so they don't impact main thread user interactivity.
Asynchronous requests are scheduled on the run loop and setup as a run loop source, triggering the code automatically only when there is data received from the network (as any socket source).
Synchronous requests running on a NSThread monopolizes a thread to monitor the incoming data, which is in general quite overkill.
You can always cancel an NSURLConnection even if it has been executed asynchronously, using the cancel method.
I bet using the new API that allows to send an asynchronous request on an NSOperationQueue (+sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:) uses GCD under the hood and dispatch_source_create, or something similar, so that it behave the same way as when an NSURLConnection is scheduled on the run loop, avoiding using an additional thread (watch the WWDC'12 videos that explains why threads are evil and their usage should be minimized), the difference only being that allows you to use a block to be informed upon completion instead of using the delegate mechanism.
Some years ago I created a class that embedded NSURLConnection asynchronous calls and delegate management into a nice block API (see OHURLLoader on my github) that makes it easier to use (feel free to take a look). I bet the new API that uses NSOperationQueues uses the same principle, still doing asynchronous requests on the runloop but allowing you to use blocks instead of having to implement a delegate.
The historical position was that there's an advantage in power consumption, and therefore battery life, in asynchronous requests — presumably including both the older delegate approach and the new block-based approach.
