xcode 6 ota distribution fails - ios

I had a small app I wanted a friend to test, he's far away, so back then, I used ota distribution, I followed a step by step explanation and it went good.
I upgraded my app to ios8 among other updates in it, and I want to do the same : put it in my website, I searched for information about this, but all I got was outdated tutorials / informations.
I suppose I did allmost everything correctly :
created an app id
had the udid of my friend and some others on apple's website.
made a distribution (or provisionning or whatever they're called) certificate using this app id and my list of udid.
downloaded it and put it in my keychain.
told xcode to sign with it on release
archived it
saved it for ad hoc distribution
so there I should only move the .plist .ipa to my site and point my tester to this site, but it doesn't work. First, organizer only outputs a .ipa file when it used to generate a .plist and a .ipa and it used to ask for two images. I read somewhere that xcode 6 only exports a ipa now, so I tried using my newly made ipa and put it on my site along with my old .plist and it failed with the following error message : "the applications can't be installed because [mysite]'s certificate is invalid." (translated from french), that would imply I didn't use the right certificate to sign my release, but I'm quite sure I did.
in conclusion, I'm really lost, and I think I should restart the whole process, so any pointers to an up to date step by step tutorial, or some quick explanation of what I'd be missing / doing wrong would be much appreciated.

Just to notice,
Remember your plist should be in an "https" server. If you don´t have an https server with a valid certificate you could upload your plist to a dropbox public link (this works perfect).


There's been an error parsing your app's provisioning profile. Ensure you are uploading a validly signed IPA and try again

I have a problem while trying to upload my application to firebase. This is how this error looks like:
And actually I have no idea why it happens. Could it be because of development certificates? Or could it be because of packages versions?
I have done everything according to Firebase SDK instructions, but it still doesn't work. Also, the problem is, that I just can't find any info about this error in internet. So, what is the reason of this? And how can I fix that?
PS. By the way, about .ipa file. I create it in this way.
Copy Runner.app to desktop.
Create Payload folder.
Paste Runner.app in this folder, compress it, and change .zip to .ipa
Go to your Apple Developer Profile and make sure you have an active Apple Developer subscription (your $100 (or your local currency) fee is paid), and you have the correct certificates, and signing installed onto your device, and you have a correct bundle ID linked to each of said certificates, etc. If you made any corrections, create a new .ipa file, and retry the upload process.
There is an option in Xcode under Signing & Capabilities to have Xcode manage your provisioning profile.

Detailed Explaination of IPA file and embedded.provisionprofile

Its very confusing and found lots of question answers on stack-overflow. But still there is not 100% perfect solution for developer. So I want to ask question about .ipa file and embedded.provisionprofile for detailed answer of provisioning profile + Certificates + Signing Identities.
(1) How to find out .ipa file is for development or distribution??
I have extracted ipa file and found embedded.provisionprofile with UDIDs and lots more detail. But There seems very minor difference between Development and Distribution app.
(2) How many types of Certificates/Profile available?
Here I am very confuse with ad hoc method. There are 3 options when I archive project and click on distribute button Bellow is image
1st option I know. It tells to upload app to app store simple enough. Second options is confusing, there are again two type (Please correct me if I am wrong) of development, like send it to your client/friend to test on his/her device and add to TestFlight(I am not aware of this) So what is difference here??. Also third one is simple says make archive file of xcode project but what is use of that archive file??
(3) How to make easyier to understand provision profile and certificates and signing identities and keychain access exporint and all that its very confusing and sometimes it gives misleading error. Like this question.
first option is for uploading your app to AppStore
Second option:if you want to test your app in device so you have to go with this option, using this option you can generate IPA file. and this IPA will run only those device which devices UDID assigned to this IPA provisioning Profile
And i don't know about 3rd one.

"The private key for ... is not installed on this Mac" – distribution and provisioning profiles in Xcode

I've tried looking at the other answers for this but there's a lot of incomplete or conflicting information, but if you have a good link that would be great.
When I try to distribute my app I get this error:
I've tried creating a new distribution profile from Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles at developer.apple.com, but none of these seem to work.
I have a Time Machine backup from before I did a clean install of Mavericks to upgrade, and I also have a code saved to a text file in my Dropbox (I'm not sure if it's a private key – I doubt it) which looks like 'df9a79...' around thirty characters long.
I just can't seem to find the right link to guide me through the entire process of key creation, iTunes connect and developer.apple.com. I've done this before – I'm currently just trying to submit an update to the App Store.
My app update status is currently Waiting For Upload.
Here is my Keychain:
I've tried removing duplicates (e.g. those in the first screenshot), but that didn't seem to help. If you have any suggestions or links I'd love to hear them.
Thanks for your help.
In your keychain, there are two keys named 'Matthew Palmer'. Those two entries for the same name can be conflicting. Try by removing those both and install it again.
I hope you make a Distribution Provising Certificate at developer.apple.com.
Chose that profile there , if you are not, create that, first you need to create that certificate before proceeding.
I had this problem and eventually realised that I'd originally installed my provisioning certificate on another machine. The private key was only on that machine, and there was only a public key on my new machine. I needed to install my private key on my new machine so I could sign my app and submit it.
On my original machine, I went to Xcode>Preferences>Accounts and used "Export accounts" (under the cog) to save a copy of my accounts. I transferred the generated .developerprofile to my other machine and dropped it on Xcode there. That installed the private key for the provisioning profile on that machine and I was able to submit my app.
Another resolution to this is restart Xcode. I had the same issue after creating a new provisioning profile, and after restarting Xcode I no longer had the issue.
After experiencing this error, I tried submitting to the app store via Application Loader, signing the app with my AdHoc certificate instead of the app store certificate, as that one didn't generate the same error.
The submission was accepted by Apple with no validation errors.
This is a temporary workaround, but it may be helpful if you need a quick submission.

Receiving Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed in Flash Builder for iOS

This is the error I'm getting when I try to install my app on my iPhone.
More details:
It did work at one point. I used a different computer recently, working on a different project and had to create a new certificate. This invalidated my other projects (profiles). I went back to working on the first computer and uploaded the certificate from that one. I recreated the app profiles and downloaded the provisioning files based on that previous certificate. None of that worked. In the end I had to start over from scratch as shown in the answer below.
I finally got it to work by starting over from scratch. I think the problem was that when I went to a new computer and uploaded a new certificate I had to revoke the old certificate. It seems that once it's revoked that maybe it can't be used again.
So I recreated my signing certificate, recreated a p12 file from it, recreated (modified) the app profile (making sure to select my certificate again and selected all of my devices again), redownloaded the mobile provisioning file, reselected these in the iOS configuration screen and restarted Flash Builder and it worked again.
I had tried to use a wildcard, "com.myactualdomainhere.*" and I couldn't get that to work but I didn't do all the steps above (I didn't recreate my signing certificate) and if you can't reuse a certificate then that may have been the issue.
So I did all the steps above and used the app name, "com.myactualdomainhere.MyApp" and made sure it matched in the application descriptor file (for AIR apps) com.myactualdomainhere.MyApp.
It would be nice if someday they could simplify this process and give better error messages. Maybe they could verify the different parts along the way, for example, "your certificate is ok, your app profile checks out, but your app id is incorrect."
Also, MilkyWay posted a link to a post that has some more helpful information.
I experienced this error working with code from another vendor. As it turns out, they were trying to compile the IPA with an Entitlements.plist file. I just deleted that block of code (below) and it compiled just fine.
I've just been stuck with this problem this morning, took a while to figure out so thought I'd post incase anyone else has the same issue.
We had a problem adding a device to our provisioning profile, an iPhone 5 on iOS7. It turned out that the application we were using to get the UDID (UDID+) was giving us the wrong UDID. When I used the ID returned by
adt -devices -platform ios
It worked.
In my case it was at matter of unaccepted characters in some embedded folders. Folder names that contained special characters (æ ø å or whitespace) resulted in an ApplicationVerificationFailed error. (Not exactly the most precise error description I have encountered.)
I know this is an old thread, but if anyone else is Googling around and finds this thread and it does NOT fix your issue, I wanted to share my experience on this one. If you've confirmed that your certificates and provisioning profiles are all good and are still getting this, I determined that you will receive this exact same error if you have your app configured for TESTFLIGHT. In other words, in your APPNAME-app.xml make sure that the following is commented out within the IOS entitlements section:
Once I commented that out, I was able to resume debugging locally. Pissed that I spent a day on this, but at least it's working now.
This can also happen if you change your Apple ID password.
My problem was that in my Application ID under apple developers, my app wasn't checked for PushNotification, but within my xml application descriptor, I had the entitlments for push notifiaction (aps_development).
Once à removed the APS value from my XML, worked all good.
If you haven't compiled in a long time, be sure you set your compilation settings to device testing and make sure you are using your testing provisioning profile. I got this today because my settings were still on app store.
The problem for me was that I was using a .p12 file which was meant for Apple Push Notifications instead of the .p12 file of my Developer certificate..
I used the .p12 I exported from my developer certificate and it works great..!
In my case it was incorrect application id problem (different compiled app id then app id I have defined apple)
sometimes this error occurs because of you bin-debug folder.
if that folder has some unknown character or something this error occurs.
I suggest if in that case you have to clean the project or find that file and change it's name
If it was working previously, just restart the flash builder.
I did some tests today on test flight with the Entitlements tags. It need to be remove when testing localy or I get the same error.
Like jbyun94 mentionned, get rid of unknown characters in filenames.
I had files in conflict from dropbox that prevented the app from compiling.
Removed them and everything worked again (though I'd lost a couple of hours :/)

Ad Hoc distribution for beta testing xcode 4.3

After following the great tutorials from http://www.raywenderlich.com/ on how to submit your app to the app store from square one I started planning my beta test program.
I'm not going to get into details of everything that wen well but of what I'm dealing with right now.
I've read many many posts on how to create provisioning profiles for ad hoc distribution of my app to beta testers. I've focused on those helping user get the app over the air (OTA) after a forum recommendation.
I also know now that TESTFLIGHT is out there but I can't use it this time.
Everything works well except the part where the application actually gets installed on my device. I keep getting the error "Unable to Download Application" after a few seconds of pressing "Install".
There are several possibilities and combinations of certificates, profiles, signatures, and here is where I think I'm doing something wrong. I'd like to show you what I have and what I've done and maybe your experienced eyes can spot my missing step or misconfiguration.
On the iOS Provisional Portal:
1) Ad Hoc distribution profile with a couple of devices:
2) After I download and install my certificates (I've create a couple of each for testing purposes):
3) On my xCode's project configuration:
4) When I generate the archive:
5) I upload everything to my server and then try to get the .ipa to install on my iPhone (which is one of the two devices included on the profile)
And finally I get this:
What could be wrong?
The only difference I can see is in the CodeSigning, ensure both lines under Adhoc point to your certificate.
Second thing to verify: You did not mention the plist that is created during the "Save for Enterprice". Did you upload that to your server, too? And does your link point to this plist? Check out this answer for the plist stuff: How to send the build to already provisioned remote person's iPhone
I've had this exact problem even where, like you (as far as I can tell), everything is done right.
What I discovered is that if you've EVER had the url to the plist file or the app file incorrect then your iPhone will always fail to install. There's some kind of cacheing going on where the phone fails to download the updated plist file if it's previously downloaded an incorrect one.
The fix I've used is to try a different phone (that hasn't cached a previous version), or to make a new version at a different URL. Sounds crazy, but it worked for me!
We have also faced with this problem couple of times and possible reasons might be;
Due to the screen shots, did you upload your files to exact location "http://www.becomingapps.com/en/ota/" location? When you give this URL during enterprise export.
Second possible reason we have seen is mismatched App Id's.
In case you haven't solved your problem, I think you can't use a wild card in your ad hoc profile. It should have the full ...com.becomingapps.dilemma signature.
You also have to upload both the icons, but I'm assuming you did that since your screenshot shows a custom icon.
It's worth the effort to get this working, my customers love it.
