Heroku PointDNS issues - ruby-on-rails

Can't seem to find a solution to this issue. I recently switched hosting over to Heroku and have needed to set up some custom DNS to change email MX records to my webmail host.
I configured them, however, it has been 48 hours and the emails are still not working.
It also says "Domain not resolving" in PointDNS, however, I can't seem to understand why and Google isn't helping out.
Here's a img of my setup: ! http://i.stack.imgur.com/oh9j9.png


Websolr issue in Rails and Heroku

I am maintaining client website which built in rails and Postgres database and deployed on Heroku server.
This website used websolr for search. But suddenly from few days got issue regarding websolr. Got below error:
Error is on websolr: Error: {"code":403,"message":"Cluster is currently read-only for maintenance. Please try your request again in a few minutes. See status.websolr.com or contact support#websolr.com for updates."}
I tried to find out solutions but no any where mention specific this issue.
Let me know if any one have knowledge or faced before same issue.
Open a support ticket and Heroku will escalate it to WebSolr.
I got solutions as I discuss with Heroku server guys and send them Websolr link which used in my app.
So, issue was websolr URL. Websolr URL was in maintenance.

Rails tenanted app with CloudFlare and subdomains

I'm building a tenanted Rails application on Heroku which uses subdomains for each tenanted instance. The problem is I can't seem to get CloudFlare to properly cache a subdomain.
I have my Application hosted on heroku at say whatever.herokuapp.com
And using CloudFlare I'm pointing my main application at heroku's CNAME (whatever.herokuapp.com) and that works fine.
I'm using a wild cards *.mydomain.com on Heroku and then using CloudFlare again to point at them.
So say I create an app myinstance.mydomain.com on CloudFlare -> whatever.herokuapp.com
because I'm using the *.mydomain.com on Heroku it works fine.
BUT when I try to turn on the Acceleration (CloudFlare caching) it immediately breaks and all I see is a CloudFlare error Error 1001 telling me:
Most likely: if the owner just signed up for CloudFlare it can take a few minutes for the website's information to be distributed to our global network.
From their help desk:
Fundamentally in a standard set up the domain needs to be added to
CloudFlare in order for us to understand how to route traffic for that
If you wanted a setup where anybody in the world could CNAME to your
CloudFlare configuration, that is possible but it's an Enterprise
feature. We call it "Managed CNAME" - if that's something you're
interested in do let me know and I can put you in touch.
FYI, CloudFlare Enterprise averages at $5,000 a month.
CloudFlare is great in that it just works without much customization starting at zero cost, but unless your multi-tenanted app is for Bank of America or other Fortune 500 company I'd suggest something like Fastly ($5-50/month) or some other DIY caching solution that allows you to setup caching as you need rather than a one-size-fits-all top down solution.
Works directly with Heroku but there might be other solutions that work equally well.
That error can also occur if you're pointing a domain/subdomain not on CloudFlare to a domain that is on CloudFlare (creates a DNS resolution lookup error). I would probably contact CloudFlare support for additional assistance and troubleshooting.

Is it possible to remove the .herokuapp part of the url in a rails application running on heroku

Hello wonderful world of the stack!
This is my first deployment using Heroku (I am just using their free service at the moment).
I have set up my domain to point to Heroku and renamed my application and everything works fine. the one thing I would like to change however is the format of the final url.
For example, after typing in:
The page loads and the url changes to:
Is there any way that I can change this behaviour so that the url remains the same?
I have tried using the help pages supplied by Heroku and various searches (usually similar searches to this question title) but I am not sure if I am searching for the correct thing as I seem to only get unrelated results.
Thanks in advance for any light you may be able to shed on this matter
This sound like a problem with your DNS Domain setup rather than heroku. Read about how to configure your domains properly for heroku use here.
It sounds to me as if you are doing some kind of 'web redirection' (custom stuff that each hosting provider offers) with your domain, when you should set CNAME or A Records.
Which provider hosts your domain / where did you 'buy' it?

emails sent from production server end up in spam

I use sendmail to send emails from my application. I always send the emails from SOME_NAME#MY_DOMAIN.com but they always endup in spam folder.
I know that I should do some stuff on the DNS side to make my emails be marked as non-spam, but I don't know what they are.
I am a newbie and this is my first time setting up a production server, a domain and everything else myself. I appreciate if someone helps me.
What sort of environment are you deploying to?
This frequently happens to applications deployed to cloud services, like Amazon or RackSpace. Their entire IP blocks are registered as spam at services like Spamhaus, which is a sensible precaution or else we'd be getting even more spam than usual. You should enter your server's IP address in that field to see if you're listed as a spammer.
If you are, you can request to Spamhaus that the block be lifted. Getting in touch with Amazon's support stuff also helps. Finally, you can get around the issue entirely by using a sendmail service of some sort -- Amazon SES is pretty good, and there's even a Gem out there that provides integration to Rails apps.

Ways to troubleshoot a connection (works for some, doesn't work for others)

I've got a site that's currently in beta and thus password-protected (sorry, can't show yet). Most of my users access the site no problem and able to interact with it, upload files, ..etc. There's one guy, however, who seems to have a persisten issue with access. Whenever he accesses the site, the connection times out and Heroku sends back an app-not-available response. Better yet, that screws access to everyone else at that time and I have to wait for the service to restart. Heroku logs show no sign of any issues. New Relic logs are also fine.
Do you have any suggestions on how I could troubleshoot , what tools I could use to monitor?
I have also had issues like this with heroku from time to time, and they have blamed in on EC2 when I contacted them. However, this has only happened to me twice and hasn't happened in months.
I tweeted #heroku and #salesforce with the problem when I got a snarky remark, and it got me in touch with someone who was actually able to help me. Sometimes they can be quite standoffish :)
