UIWebView under the Navigation Bar only on portrait mode - ios

My app is a simple Master-Detail applciation, based on a Split View Controller (for the iPhone 6+).
The Master View is listing the news of my Web Site, and the Detail View is showing the news, embedded in a UIWebView.
The problem is that the UIWebView is starting under the Navigation Bar, but only on portrait mode. On landscape mode, the UIWebView is correctly displayed. Here 2 screenshots :
Portait mode
Landscape mode
As you can see, the head of our dear French minister is cropped in portrait mode !
Any ideas on how to fix that ?


IOS splitviewcontroller and size classes

I Have questions on SplitViewController.
Is possibile to make the same behavior on iPhone and iPad?
I need make on portrait master view and after clicked item show details view. In landscape I need master near details.
My issue is master as slide on iPad at portrait mode ...

Binding data If we have different views for portrait and LandScape Mode

I have a complicated Screen. And my App supports both Landscape and Portrait mode. So I created two storyBoard for iPAD and iphone. Now How to bind the data if lets say user is in Portrait mode and he is filling some form. If he rotate his device and come to LandScape mode. How we can preserve and show that data in the LandScape View. Please help.

How to segue from landscape to portrait orientated view controllers

I'm working on an app that works only in landscape orientation but there's an option to access the photo roll and choose pictures to be used in the app.
This works only in portrait mode.
So I have have to work with 2 view controllers, one that needs to be in portrait mode only and the second that should always be in landscape mode. Does anyone knows how I can accomplish this in Swift?

Landscape Orientation issue UIView and UIWindow in iOS 8

In my application, we support both portrait and landscape based the screens. when we push or navigate to portrait mode to landscape mode screen, then some portion of UIView doesn't has user interaction, popover controller view also presented in wrong orientation. This is weird issue ever i had. Please help me to get out of this complicated issue.

To show master view alone in portrait mode

I am using a UISplitViewcontroller in my iPad app. My requirement is to show just the master view in portrait mode and both master and detail in landscape mode. I tried using a SplitView controller, but it only shows the detail view in portrait mode.
The delegate function splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: will show both master and detail in portrait, but that is not my requirement.
Also it is only supported from iOS 5.0 and my app should support iOS 4.3.
self.splitViewController?.preferredDisplayMode = UISplitViewControllerDisplayMode.allVisible
in your MasterViewController
