IOS splitviewcontroller and size classes - ios

I Have questions on SplitViewController.
Is possibile to make the same behavior on iPhone and iPad?
I need make on portrait master view and after clicked item show details view. In landscape I need master near details.
My issue is master as slide on iPad at portrait mode ...


Landscape Orientation issue UIView and UIWindow in iOS 8

In my application, we support both portrait and landscape based the screens. when we push or navigate to portrait mode to landscape mode screen, then some portion of UIView doesn't has user interaction, popover controller view also presented in wrong orientation. This is weird issue ever i had. Please help me to get out of this complicated issue.

UIWebView under the Navigation Bar only on portrait mode

My app is a simple Master-Detail applciation, based on a Split View Controller (for the iPhone 6+).
The Master View is listing the news of my Web Site, and the Detail View is showing the news, embedded in a UIWebView.
The problem is that the UIWebView is starting under the Navigation Bar, but only on portrait mode. On landscape mode, the UIWebView is correctly displayed. Here 2 screenshots :
Portait mode
Landscape mode
As you can see, the head of our dear French minister is cropped in portrait mode !
Any ideas on how to fix that ?

How can I implement the new iPad-like landscape mode on iPhone 6 plus

Apple has introduced a new iPad-like split view in landscape mode for iPhone plus, which help users take advantage of their larger screen.
I have designed an universal iOS app which uses UISplitViewController to show detail and master view in iPad, and uses UINavigationViewController to show the TableView in iPhone.
Now that we have iPhone plus, how can I implement the new iPad-like landscape view while I am using UINavigationViewController as the main structure in iPhone.
You might want to take a look at the "Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit" video on
De basic idea is that the split view controller is used on iPhone and iPad. But when it detects that the device has a "Compact" horizontal size class it pushes the detailview on top of the master view, whereas with a "Regular" size class it shows the detailview next to the master view.

To show master view alone in portrait mode

I am using a UISplitViewcontroller in my iPad app. My requirement is to show just the master view in portrait mode and both master and detail in landscape mode. I tried using a SplitView controller, but it only shows the detail view in portrait mode.
The delegate function splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: will show both master and detail in portrait, but that is not my requirement.
Also it is only supported from iOS 5.0 and my app should support iOS 4.3.
self.splitViewController?.preferredDisplayMode = UISplitViewControllerDisplayMode.allVisible
in your MasterViewController

Landscape-only IPad App With UISplitViewController

I am almost done developing an app. Right now I'm converting it to a universal app by supporting iPad to supported devices as well.
Can I set the app to use Landscape orientation only, since I am using UISplitViewController and want the Master View Controller to remain on the screen all the time? Is there any Apple policy that states that I cannot restrict it to Landscape only and I have to implement both portrait and landscape? Is there any chance my app can be rejected by setting it to Landscape only for iPad?
Don't worry, you'll be fine. Support both landscape orientations and neither portrait orientation if you want. I've got apps in the store that are like that.
However, note that UISplitViewController does have an option to keep both views on the screen all the time even in portrait. Use the delegate method splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: to forbid hiding the master view:
So if your only reason for being landscape only is that you don't want to hide the master view, it is a false reason. Look, for example, at Apple's Settings app, which works like that; it is a split view controller that always shows both views in all four orientations.
