How to make Navigation bar height become smaller when UITableView scroll down? - ios

How to make UINavigationBar height become smaller when UITableView scroll down?
And when scroll up, the UINavigationBar height back to normal,
just like what safari does.

There are a ton of third party options to create an effect like that. I'd start by looking at this question on SO:
Imitate Facebook hide/show expanding/contracting Navigation Bar


Can I add a bottom padding to iOS UINavigationBar to alter the visual height of the bar?

I’m implementing a design that requires the navigation bar to visually appear to be 64px tall (even though the content fits inside the standard height). The standard UINavigationBar height on iOS is 44px and it is strongly discouraged try to to change the that (see:
So, what I’m trying to do instead is to add a padding of 10px both above and below the bar itself, but I can’t figure out if this is even possible.
I am able to extend the bar by 20px by setting the UINavigationController’s = 20, but the bottom of the navigation bar is still flush with the bottom of the navigation controller, and I need it to be -10px from bottom.
So, my question, is this possible, or am I chasing a ghost here?
EDIT: To clarify, I want it to look like how the navigation bar looks in the iMessage conversation view, i.e. a tall navigation bar, but with vertically centered content.
I think you should make a customized navigation bar to solve this issue.
Because built-in UI is not easier to adjust or customize. I have tried many tricks but they didn't work.
I already made a base screen that automatically adds a navigation bar on top, just need to set left/right button and the label. This navigation bar is just a normal UIView.

Add a UIImageView to the back of NavigationBar (NOT background image)

I am trying to add a UIImageView to the back of a navigation bar.
The reason is because I want to create a UITableView whose navigation bar is actually a picture (with back button on the left) but I want the picture to scroll with the tableview and when the picture is fully scrolled out. The navigation bar is shown as per normal.
My solution to this problem:
Add a UIImageView to the top of the UITableView and make the navigation bar transparent. Set a contentOffset for the UITableView which is a subclass of UIScrollView so that when the view is presented, it looks like the picture is filling the navigation status bar.
If I scroll up, instead of bouncing back, the transparent status bar is shown (with a color of the background as it is transparent).
Possible way to solve this new problem:
I was thinking of trying to limit the ScrollView size to get around with problem but failed.
So I feel is it possible to add the UIImageView to the "back" of the navigation bar so that it is there without any offset? Since that way, my life will be much easier.
Any suggestions on solving this or another new approach to get the same UI/effect?
Related question.
I would do this by adding either a table header or cell at the top of the table which contains your image.
Create the table view so that it extends all the way to the top of the screen. Extend Under Top Bars option. I have not done this with a UITableViewController but I have done this with a UITableView embedded inside a UIViewController's view with the top constraint set to 0 for the view rather than the top layout guide.
Now when you run this your table will fill the whole screen and the top header or cell will be at the top showing your picture.
When you scroll you can either use the UIScrollViewDelegate to detect the movement or implement tableView:didEndDisplayingCell:forRowAtIndexPath:
I'm not 100% sure when you want the navigation bar to go non clear. If its when the image goes off screen then didEndDisplayingCell should be good. If its when the cell bottom passed under the bottom of the navigation bar then scroll view might be your only option.
This will also bounce as you expect when you pull down and it should snap back to the top.
Hope this helps.

push up and swap Navigation Bar in iOS

I've seen this being achieved a few months ago in an app (wish I could remember which).
My main screen is a scrollable view (UITableView) that has the default navigation bar on top, and another added navigation bar at the bottom.
When I scroll down (swipe finger up), the bottom navbar will eventually reach the top. What I'm trying to achieve is to make the top navbar be pushed up by the bottom navbar as I'm scrolling and swap it. All in a smooth transition, which will of course work in the opposite direction (be reversible).
Can anyone give me directions on how to go about doing this?
I have thought about creating an animation, but not sure if its actually possible to push up and out of the screen the "default" navigation bar of the view controller.
I think what you are looking at is headers for sections in an UITableView.
See Apple's documentation on UITableView`: Documentation
Specifically, see the headerViewForSectionmethod.

How to build full-screen scrollview and hide nav bar without moving anything

If you look at a photo fullscreen in the iOS 7 photos app, the nav bar and toolbar fade away but the underlying scrollview isn't scaled or shifted. I've been trying to recreate the effect in Interface Builder using autolayout but every time I hide the nav bar it pulls the scrollview up.
What I start with:
What happens:
What I want to happen:
Has anyone implemented this before? It seems like no combination of autolayout constraints, scrollview insets, and automaticallyadjustscrollviewinsets is giving me what i want.

Creating custom implementation of navigation bar

I wish to create a view similar in behavior to the UINavigationBar.
I cannot simply customize the bar as I want the space to be taller and I want to have several other subviews on it other than just UIBarButtonItems. So, I want to be able to create a similar implementation including the floating/translucency effect.
I good example of this is the address bar in Safari in iOS 7. The UITextField on the bar is something that cannot be added on the default UINavigationBar. Nevertheless, the Safari bar still has the transparency.
I do not want it to shrink like it does in Safari when scrolling down, I simply want it to remain just like a UINavigationBar would. I was thinking about adding a subview to the root UIScrollView, but this would scroll along with everything. I want this to remain at the top, but I want other elements to be able to scroll.
How would I go about implementing this?
If you are confident that you can't to this with the default UINavigationBar, you could shrink (from the top) the UIScrollView with whatever the size the custom UINavigationBar is and then add the navbar as a subview to the root view at (0,0) coordinates. It will be independent from the scroll view.
On the other hand, if you need this to be persistent through the application and use it in all of the screens, it will be wise to make some changes starting for the AppDelegate, but that's for another question.
For the iOS 7 transparent-style part, look here: FXBlurView. Best of luck!
