I am new to Neo4j and I have a relatively complex (but small) database which I have simplified to the following:
The first door has no key, all other doors have keys, the window doesn't require a key. The idea is that if a person has key:'A', I want to see all possible paths they could take.
Here is the code to generate the db
CREATE (r1:room {name:'room1'})-[:DOOR]->(r2:room {name:'room2'})-[:DOOR {key:'A'}]->(r3:room {name:'room3'})
CREATE (r2)-[:DOOR {key:'B'}]->(r4:room {name:'room4'})-[:DOOR {key:'A'}]->(r5:room {name:'room5'})
CREATE (r4)-[:DOOR {key:'C'}]->(r6:room {name:'room6'})
CREATE (r2)-[:WINDOW]->(r4)
Here is the query I have tried, expecting it to return everything except for room6, instead I have an error which means I really don't know how to construct the query.
with {key:'A'} as params
match (n:room {name:'room1'})-[r:DOOR*:WINDOW*]->(m)
where r.key=params.key or not exists(r.key)
return n,m
To be clear, I don't need my query debugged so much as help understanding how to write it correctly.
This should work for you:
WITH {key:'A'} AS params
MATCH p=(n:room {name:'room1'})-[:DOOR|WINDOW*]->(m)
With your sample data, the result is:
│"n" │"m" │
I am trying to create an array of values that will be assigned based on the outcome of a case test. This test will be inside a query that I already know works with a preset value in the query.
The query I am trying to embed in the case test is something like this:
WITH SPLIT (('07/28/2015'), '/' AS cd
MATCH (nodeA: NodeTypeA)-(r:ARelation)->(nodeB: NodeTypeB)
WITH cd, SPLIT (nodeA.ADate, '/') AS dd, nodeA, nodeB, r
(TOINT(cd[2])> TOINT(dd[2])) OR (TOINT(cd[2]= TOINT(dd[2]) AND ((TOINT(cd[0])> TOINT(dd[0])) OR (TOINT(cd[0])= TOINT(dd[0]) AND (TOINT(cd[1])>= TOINT(dd[1])))))
RETURN nodeA, nodeB, r
I want to replace the current date with whatever date will be 6 months from the current date, and I came up with something like this, though I am not sure where I would put it in my query or if it would even work (do I initialize the new variable for instance somehow?):
WHEN ((TOINT(cd[0])> 6))
TOINT(fd[2])=TOINT(cd[2])+1, TOINT(fd[0])=TOINT(cd[0])-6, TOINT(fd[1])=TOINT(cd[1])
TOINT(fd[2])=TOINT(cd[2]), TOINT(fd[0])=TOINT(cd[0])+6, TOINT(fd[1])=TOINT(cd[1])
fd would then replace the cd in the original query's WHERE segment. Where would my case test go, is it correctly written (and if not, what is wrong), and would I need something else added to make it all work?
Just use a WITH block to do a computation and bind it to a new variable, like this:
WITH 2 + 2 as y RETURN y;
That basically assigns the value 4 to y.
In your query, you already have a big WITH block. Just put your computations in those, bound to new variables, and you can then refer to those variables in subsequent expressions.
Don't try to modify these variables, just create new ones (with new WITH blocks) as needed. If you need variables that can actually change, then...well hey you're working with a database, the ultimate way to store and update information. Create a new node, and then update it as you see fit. :)
This is my proposed solution
Explanation: I have declared four variables in my query i.e. name1, name2, ken and lana and I am using these variables for creating MATCH pattern (in the MATCH clause) and filtering those in the Where clause.
WITH "Lau" AS name1,
"L" AS name2,
"Keanu Reeves" AS ken,
"Lana Wachowski" AS lana
MATCH(x:Person{ name: ken})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(y:Person),
(x1:Person{name: lana})-[:DIRECTED]->(m)<-[:DIRECTED]-(y1:Person)
WHERE y.name CONTAINS name1 OR
y.name CONTAINS name2 OR
(y.name CONTAINS name1 AND y.name CONTAINS name2)
RETURN x, m, y, x1;
I want to replace the value of the 'Amount' key in a map (literal) with the sum of the existing 'Amount' value plus the new 'Amount' value such where both the 'type' and 'Price' match. The structure I have so far is:
WITH [{type:1, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]},
{type:2, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]},
{type:3, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]}] as ExistingOrders,
{type:2, Order:{Price:11,Amount:50}} as NewOrder
(I'm trying to get it to:)
RETURN [{type:1, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]},
{type:2, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:250},{Price:12,Amount:300}]},
{type:3, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]}] as CombinedOrders
If there is no existing NewOrder.type and NewOrder.Price then it should obviously insert the new record rather than add it together.
Sorry, this is possibly really straight forward, but I'm not very good at this yet.
I should add, that I have been able to get this working for a simpler map structure as such:
WITH [{type:1, Amount:100},{type:2, Amount:200},{type:3, Amount:300}] as ExistingOrders,
{type:2, Amount:50} as NewValue
RETURN reduce(map=filter(p in ExistingOrders where not p.type=NewValue.type),x in [(filter(p2 in ExistingOrders where p2.type=NewValue.type)[0])]|CASE x WHEN null THEN NewValue ELSE {type:x.type,Amount:x.Amount+NewValue.Amount} END+map) as CombinedOrders
But I'm struggling I think because of the Orders[array] in my first example.
I believe you are just trying to update the value of the appropriate Amount in ExistingOrders.
The following query is legal Cypher, and should normally work:
WITH ExistingOrders, NewOrder, [x IN ExistingOrders WHERE x.type = NewOrder.type | x.Orders] AS eo
FOREACH (y IN eo |
SET y.Amount = y.Amount + CASE WHEN y.Price = NewOrder.Order.Price THEN NewOrder.Order.Amount ELSE 0 END
However, the above query produces a (somewhat) funny ThisShouldNotHappenError error with the message:
Developer: Stefan claims that: This should be a node or a relationship
What the message is trying to say (in obtuse fashion) is that you are not using the neo4j DB in the right way. Your properties are way too complicated, and should be separated out into nodes and relationships.
So, I will a proposed data model that does just that. Here is how you can create nodes and relationships that represent the same data as ExistingOrders:
CREATE (t1:Type {id:1}), (t2:Type {id:2}), (t3:Type {id:3}),
(t1)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:10,Amount:100}),
(t1)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:11,Amount:200}),
(t1)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:12,Amount:300}),
(t2)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:10,Amount:100}),
(t2)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:11,Amount:200}),
(t2)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:12,Amount:300}),
(t3)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:10,Amount:100}),
(t3)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:11,Amount:200}),
(t3)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(:Order {Price:12,Amount:300});
And here is a query that will update the correct Amount:
WITH {type:2, Order:{Price:11,Amount:50}} as NewOrder
MATCH (t:Type)-[:HAS_ORDER]->(o:Order)
WHERE t.id = NewOrder.type AND o.Price = NewOrder.Order.Price
SET o.Amount = o.Amount + NewOrder.Order.Amount
RETURN t.id, o.Price, o.Amount;
There's two parts to your question - one with a simple answer, and a second part that doesn't make sense. Let me take the simple one first!
As far as I can tell, it seems you're asking how to concatenate a new map on to a collection of maps. So, how to add a new item in an array. Just use + like this simple example:
return [{item:1}, {item:2}] + [{item:3}];
Note that the single item we're adding at the end isn't a map, but a collection with only one item.
So for your query:
{type:1, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},
{type:2, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},
[{type:3, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},
as **CombinedOrders**
Should do the trick.
Or you could maybe do it a bit cleaner, like this:
WITH [{type:1, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]},
{type:2, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]},
{type:3, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]}] as ExistingOrders,
{type:2, Order:{Price:11,Amount:50}} as NewOrder
RETURN ExistingOrders + [NewOrder];
OK now for the part that doesn't make sense. In your example, it looks like you want to modify the map inside of the collection. But you have two {type:2} maps in there, and you're looking to merge them into something with one resulting {type:3} map in the output that you're asking for. If you need to deconflict map entries and change what the map entry ought to be, it might be that cypher isn't your best choice for that kind of query.
I figured it out:
WITH [{type:1, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},Price:12,Amount:300}]},{type:2, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]},{type:3, Orders:[{Price:10,Amount:100},{Price:11,Amount:200},{Price:12,Amount:300}]}] as ExistingOrders,{type:2, Orders:[{Price:11,Amount:50}]} as NewOrder
reduce(map=filter(p in ExistingOrders where not p.type=NewOrder.type),
x in [(filter(p2 in ExistingOrders where p2.type=NewOrder.type)[0])]|
WHEN null THEN NewOrder
ELSE {type:x.type, Orders:[
reduce(map2=filter(p3 in x.Orders where not (p3.Price=(NewOrder.Orders[0]).Price)),
x2 in [filter(p4 in x.Orders where p4.Price=(NewOrder.Orders[0]).Price)[0]]|
WHEN null THEN NewOrder.Orders[0]
ELSE {Price:x2.Price, Amount:x2.Amount+(NewOrder.Orders[0]).Amount}
END+map2 )]} END+map) as CombinedOrders
...using nested Reduce functions.
So, to start with it combines a list of orders without matching type, with a list of those orders (actually, just one) with a matching type. For those latter ExistingOrders (with type that matches the NewOrder) it does a similar thing with Price in the nested reduce function and combines non-matching Prices with matching Prices, adding the Amount in the latter case.
I'm begining with Neo4j/Cypher, I have some nodes containing a property which is an array of integers. I want to check if a given number is in a node's collection and if so, append this node to the results. My query looks like this:
MATCH (a) WHERE has(a.user_ids) and (13 IN a.user_ids) RETURN a
where 13 is the given user_id. It throws a syntax error:
Type mismatch: a already defined with conflicting type Node (expected Collection<Any>)
Any idea how can I accomplish that?
Thanks in advance.
You can try the predicate ANY, which returns true if any member of a collection matches some criterion.
MATCH (a) WHERE has(a.user_ids) and ANY(user_id IN a.user_ids WHERE user_id = 13)
It looks a bit backwards now that I'm looking at it, but it should work.
It was bugging me why your query didn't work and why my answer seemed backwards and indirect so I did a simple test. Basically, your original query works if you put the property reference in parentheses:
WHERE has(a.user_ids) and (13 IN (a.user_ids))
That's easier to read so that's what I should have answered. But I still couldn't see why the parentheses where necessary here, when they are not in other cases. They were not necessary inside the ANY() above, and if you 'detach' the collection from the node
WITH a.user_ids as user_ids, a
WHERE 13 IN user_ids
there's no problem. For some reason Cypher needs to be told to evaluate a.user_ids before IN, or it ignores user_ids and tries to evaluate 13 IN a. IN is listed as an operator in the documentation, but in this regard it woks differently than other operators. For example
MATCH (a) RETURN 13 + a.user_ids
returns fine and
MATCH (a) RETURN 13 * a.user_ids
MATCH (a) RETURN 13 < a.user_ids
fails but because a.user_ids is a collection, not because a is a node. It's probably not very important, it's easy enough to use parentheses, but it would be interesting to learn why they are necessary.
I also compared my answer to your original query with added parentheses to see if there were any performance drawback to the more indirect way. Turns out the execution plan is almost identical, 13 IN (a.user_ids) is refactored to use ANY() like in my answer.
My answer:
Filter(pred="any(user_id in Product(a,user_ids(6),true) where user_id == Literal(13))", _rows=1, _db_hits=8)
AllNodes(identifier="a", _rows=8, _db_hits=8)
Your query + ():
Filter(pred="any(-_-INNER-_- in Product(n,user_ids(6),true) where Literal(13) == -_-INNER-_-)", _rows=1, _db_hits=8)
AllNodes(identifier="n", _rows=8, _db_hits=8)
Finally, in your case you probably don't have to check for existence of property with has(). Absent properties and null are handled differently in 2.0 and if the property doesn't exist 13 IN (a.user_ids) will evaluate to false, so usually there is no reason to test for property existence before property evaluation for fear of the query breaking. The place to use has() would be when property existence is relevant in itself, and that would probably be a different property than the one evaluated, i.e. WHERE has(a.someProperty) AND 13 IN (a.someOtherProperty).
Since there is no performance difference, the more readable query is better, and since you, as far as I can see, don't really need to test for property existence, I think your query should be
WHERE 13 IN (a.user_ids)