update tab bar height in iOS 7/8 from iOS 6 - UITabBar - ios

I am updating an app that was written for previous iOS (5/6). I have updated the icons for the tab bar; according to the Apple requirements (Icon and Image Sizes) they are 50x50p for all devices except the iphone 6 plus. Unfortunately also my tab bar is 49 pixels in height (keep still the iOS6 size) and the icons cover its entire space. This tab bar (UITabBar) was created in the Interface builder but I am not able to change "size inspector" values.
iOS 6/7 Deltas values don't do anything.
I have setted the Deployment Target to iOS 7.1 and Base SDK to 8.0
How can i change/increase the tab bar height like in iOS 7/8?


Xcode 7.1.1 UINavigationBar does not cover the entire width of the screen with iPhone 6 and above

My app was acting fine till I updated my Xcode. For some odd reason, my UINavigationBar is no longer covering the entire width of the screen for devices iPhone6 and above.
For iPhone 5:
For iPhone 6 and above:
I think you didn't used autolayout. Okay no problem..
Follow below steps:
1. you need to keep it empty on Launch Screen file.
2. Create Launch image source and then add iPhone 6 and 6+ splash screens
Then it will work your navigation bar automatically fit based on device.

Font becomes smaller after upgrading to ios9

I just migrated old app into xcode 7 and ios9.
But font looks smaller on iPhone 6.
And navigation bar size and status bar size are much smaller than the one on appstore.
I guess your app runs on scaled mode in ios 8.
And you probably put launch screen story board or set Main storyboard as launch screen.
Use static launch screen. But make sure launch screen is for "IOS 7.0 and Later". Don't set it as "IOS 8.0 and later"

iOS 8 iPad tab bar height is different than iOS 7

Does any one know if the official documentation tells us the height of the tab bar on iOS 8 iPad applications?
My app's tab bar frame is (0, 719) (1024, 49) on my landscape iPad app on iOS 8.
For iOS 7, it's (0, 712), (1024, 56).
I read in https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TransitionGuide/Bars.html that the height on iOS 7 ipads is 56 pixels. I'm guessing it's not the same for iOS 8?
Apple have changed the iPad tab bar height back to 49pt in iOS 8. An Apple engineer has confirmed the change. The documentation seems to have not updated however.
So for iPad, the UITabBar heights per iOS version are:
iOS 6 and earlier - 49pt
iOS 7 - 56pt
iOS 8 and later - 49pt
The tab bar has always been 49pt on iPhone and remains that way.
You can get the size of the tab bar programmatically instead

iPhone Tab bar icon are misaligned - iOS 7

I have an application that was initially built with iOS 4.0, but which is now iOS 7.0 + only.
I have a tab bar with 4 icons, and they used to be placed appropriately. But now, they are about 10 pixels higher than where they should be. (See images).
The icons, the text or the nib files have not changed. I don't know where to look. Any ideas?
Please update your image dimensions according to : Apple Human Interface Guidelines
It has been changed for iOS 7.
Adjust the tabbarItem imageInsets
navigationCtroller.tabBarItem.imageInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(7,0, -7,0);

Some Part of the Outlets are Not Showing While Running on Different OS Versions in iOS

I Have Developed an Application. In that one i Added a GMSMapView and also Two Buttons at the Bottom. If i run this Application on iOS Simulator Version 7.0 all the outlets on the XiB are Visible. But If i run this Application on iOS Simulator Version 6.1 one of the Button is not Visible. Can any one please tell what is the Reason why it is hiding one button if the Height of the Device is Same.
You can use delta value that will effect the layout for the ios 6 not to the ios7
if you are set view as ios 7 in interface buinder you need to decrease you y position show image below
-64 delta y because you use navigationbar at top so it's size 44 and +20 for status bar
