iPhone Tab bar icon are misaligned - iOS 7 - ios

I have an application that was initially built with iOS 4.0, but which is now iOS 7.0 + only.
I have a tab bar with 4 icons, and they used to be placed appropriately. But now, they are about 10 pixels higher than where they should be. (See images).
The icons, the text or the nib files have not changed. I don't know where to look. Any ideas?

Please update your image dimensions according to : Apple Human Interface Guidelines
It has been changed for iOS 7.

Adjust the tabbarItem imageInsets
navigationCtroller.tabBarItem.imageInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(7,0, -7,0);


How to set UIToolbar height on iOS 13

I am working on supporting iOS 13 in my app and one of the problems I'm facing is that toolbars are now twice as tall on X variant phones. In the UIToolbar Docs
there is now a compactAppearance and standardAppearance but those don't seem to control the size of the Toolbar. The fact that those properties exist makes me assume that there is a way to set a toolbar to be compact. Does anyone know if this is possible?
seems to be fixed on iOS 13.1 beta 2
see https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/120322

update tab bar height in iOS 7/8 from iOS 6 - UITabBar

I am updating an app that was written for previous iOS (5/6). I have updated the icons for the tab bar; according to the Apple requirements (Icon and Image Sizes) they are 50x50p for all devices except the iphone 6 plus. Unfortunately also my tab bar is 49 pixels in height (keep still the iOS6 size) and the icons cover its entire space. This tab bar (UITabBar) was created in the Interface builder but I am not able to change "size inspector" values.
iOS 6/7 Deltas values don't do anything.
I have setted the Deployment Target to iOS 7.1 and Base SDK to 8.0
How can i change/increase the tab bar height like in iOS 7/8?

How to make an app for iOS 6 compatible which is built in iOS 7?

My application is in iOS7 compatible, Xcode 5. Now, I have to make it iOS 6 compatible, so when I set deployment target iOS 6.1, all frame changes, what is solution for this?
I have attached screenshot for reference.
One thing to notice, I have used storyboard and have not used autoLayout.
First of all of you should understand new iOS 7 UI. Check it here: link
There are few differences in UI that are connected to status bar new visualization and etc.
I have noticed that some elements have different y offset positions for iOS 6 and iOS 7.
So if you use storyboard or xib you can find
So if you can find iOS 6/7 Deltas option. I've attache screenshot for you:
Just modify delta Y position for all of view using -20 value because of status bar issue.
Hope it will help you.
Select each ViewController in your Storyboard and, tick both options "Under top bars" , "Under bottm bars"
Programmatically you'd set your view controller's wantsFullScreenLayout to YES. It defaults to NO under iOS 6 but both defaults to YES and is deprecated as of 7. Or set the "Use Full Screen (Deprecated)" tick box in the interface builder.
Look Size Inspector at 4th position in the utilities area at right side and change value of delta Y in IOS 6/7 to -20 and delta Height to 20. I hope it will work

What are the tab bar image sizes in XCode 5

what are the requirements for Custom images on the tab bar of an iOS project?
Do the pictures need to be transparent at all?
Here are the documents for ios 7 UI guide.

How to manage Autolayout constraints which can be applicable for iOS 7 & iOS 6.0 both

I have created the new iOS project in xCode 5 with deployment target 6.0 and Apply Pin constraint [Bottom space to superview] to make AutoLayout applicable for iOS 7 as well iOS 6.0 with different devices but
When I choose option "View as : " : iOS 7.0 & later Button looks like following
then When I change option "View as : " : iOS 6.0 & earlier the button looks like following
How Do I manage constrait such a way that make applicable with iOS 6.0 & iOS 7.0 both ?
Thanks in advance !!
I had a similar issue in my story board, I searched a lot with no hope and ended up removing all constrains by:
Editor -> Resolve Auto-Layout Issues -> Clear all constraints in view controller
Then reordering again, this solved most of my issues.
First from Apple Transition Guide:
If business reasons require you to continue supporting iOS 6 or
earlier, you need to choose the most practical way to update the app
for iOS 7. The techniques you choose can differ, but the overall
advice remains the same: First, focus on redesigning the app for iOS
7. Then, bring the changes to the iOS 6 version as appropriate.
This means that you could face some issues in prior iOS versions, especially in layout and you need to re-layout your controls under iOS7 then test them under iOS6.
I'm developing an app that runs on both iOS 6 and iOS 7. Some of my buttons appear the same on both iOS 6 and iOS 7 and some appear to be vertically smaller on iOS 6 but normal on iOS 7. I looked and the difference appears to be that on the buttons which maintain their size, I am using a background image like so.
//...background button images are 33wx44h and 66wx88h. these correspond to the
// two name variations; <name>.png and <name>#2x.png. the former is used for
// standard resolution screens and the latter for retina screens.
// the UIEdgeInsetsMake is specifically set to 0, 16, 0, 16 (tp,lf,by,rt) so
// that we have no vertical stretching because Apple's preferred button size,
// vertically, is 44. horizontally, the button is 33w and we lock 16 from
// the left and 16 from the right to leave only a single vertical row of pixels
// to be stretched horozontally; which is the most efficient; processing wise.
UIEdgeInsets insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake( 00.0f,16.0f,00.0f,16.0f ); // tp,lf,bt,rt
UIIMage * btnImage = [[UIImage imageNamed: myImage ]
resizableImageWithCapInsets: insets];
[button setBackgroundImage: btnImage
forState: UIControlStateNormal];
I'm thinking that in my situation, I can put a background image into all of them, even if it is transparent, to maintain the same look.
Hope that's helpful.
