Can't clone own github repository, get obscure fatal error - ruby-on-rails

So I made changes to my rails app on my local machine that were never committed and that I decided to discard. Decided to rollback to most recent commit by deleting my rails app and all its files, and then cloning my most recent commit from my github repository. Unfortunately
git clone
results in the following error that cannot be found by just googling:
Cloning into 'sample_app2'...
fatal: unable to access '': SSLRead() return error -9806
I was recently pushing to the repo earlier today, even set up an SSH key for my this laptop, but all to no avail.
Why is git clone not working for my own repository?

Possible error due to low internet connection. This error occurred when you try to connect to server through ssl and net connection drop immediately. Or some time due to frequent disconnection. YOu can find more about this here

Possible duplicate of SSLRead() error using Git in Mavericks OS X 10.9.2
Anyhow, the answer mentioned here is that you download SSL and install.
When you have already set up SSH then why don't you access your repo over SSH?
You can use<your-repo> and it will not ask you for password if you have actually set-up SSH properly!


Fatal: unable to access getaddrinfo() thread failed to start

This was working 1 month back. But recently it is showing following error when I try to either sync or pull from repository.
Error: git.exe pull --progress -v --no-rebase "origin" fatal: unable to access getaddrinfo() thread failed to start
Also I have verified that I am not able to connect I mean when pinged to it returns no response
I have viewed following threads. Answers / comments given in these threads are not working for me.
*Getting Access Denied while cloning using git clone command
fatal: unable to access <link> getaddrinfo() thread failed to start*
I am using Windows 10 Professional version and Visual Studio 2019
Community Edition.
I am accessing GIT repository from
Repository URL is HTTPS and not SSH
I have tried following solutions :
Delete credentials from windows credential manager
Uninstall GIT for Windows and installed latest one (
Removed GIT folder from location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Verified Anti Virus (Quick Heal). There is no record or setting for blocking particular domain
5 There is no issue of firewall.
but none of these are working.
I saw following link and same is reported by multiple users. It seems to be issue with compatibility of Git Credential Manager with Azure Devops authentication
Help is really appreciated.

ios terminal github port 443. Operation timed out

Why would it be every time I try to install from ios terminal I get a message like:
port 443: Operation timed out.
I'm new to using github. Do I need an account (username/password) with them.
Basically all I've done is open terminaland typed curl -v
Can anyone help me with this. I've googled for ages but none of the suggestions work.
I tried setting the proxy by
export http_proxy="myproxyaddresshere:8080"
Try: $ git clone
This would do!
Do I need an account (username/password)
If you want to make changes to grunt or any project on github, you need a github account, then you have do something called forking the project.
Then you pull your forked copy of the project into your local system, make your desired changes and then push the changes to github.

Xcode 7 Git can’t find remote repositories

I could push & pull this repository without any problems on Xcode 6.X, but it doesn’t work on Xcode 7.
The setting is the same as Xcode 6.X. I tried to enter Username and Passphrase just for confirmation, but seems like no meaning. I used the right SSH Keys as Authentication, but the preferences say “The remote repository could not be found.”
Checking out a new repository, that have been never used on Xcode 6.X ,also had the same issue on Xcode 7.0 and higher.
I’d like to know if anyone has any solutions for this problem.
"could not be found" is also the error message you see when you access a repo you don't own (instead of a "permission denied")
For security reason, one does not confirm or deny the existence of a repo, one simply state "it cannot find it".
So make sure the repo exists, that your are the owner and that your public key is registered to your account.
Since that issue seems limited to XCode7, it was reported before, and could be linked to a cipher issue (XCode7 refusing to establish a connection with an sshd working with a cipher too weak)
I have an easy solution if your remote is set and suddenly when you can't pull because of "no remote repository found" message. Go to terminal. Open your project folder. do
git pull origin v6.2
If you have commits that were not made, you might have to:
git reset --hard
git commit -m "Commit Message"
After you pull it one, you will be able to pull more with no problem from Xcode.

Connection refusal when pushing to Heroku, Bitbucket

I have had no issue pushing to Heroku or Bitbucket over the past few weeks. Now whenever I issue the command $ git push , or $ git push heroku I receive the same message:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I have been using the cloud9 IDE, pushing to BitBucket with no issue, and am really at my wits end in trying to determing why I can't push anymore....
Any advice out there?
It sounds like you haven't authorized your computer's SSH key. You'll need to log into Heroku / bitbucket and make sure that your local ~/.ssh/ file is appropriately copied over.
For Heroku, if you're using their command line tool, you can add your SSH keys easily:
$ heroku keys:add
Just had this same problem. I had to restart the C9 server and things worked fine after that.

Troubleshooting TFS 2013

I have tfs installed locally on my machine. It used to work fine but for a week or so now, it does not work most of the time.
It is not possible to connect from Visual Studio 2013 now using the team menu item. It is able to connect only once in so many tries.
Git Fetch, Git Pull and Git Push commands from Git Bash take a long time to show the login prompts and sometimes does not even working reporting that it could not connect to localhost:8080
Fetch, Push and Pull from Visual Studio work once in a while.
Connecting with the web always works though sometimes slow.
Git Push with Git Bash and Gui of late gives the error below
POST git-receive-pack (8010 bytes)
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
error: RPC failed; result=7, HTTP code = 0
Pushing to http://localhost:8080/tfs/col1/_git/project1
Everything up-to-date
I've read so many articles and now seem to work. Is there a way to troubleshoot TFS to find out where it is coming from so that it can be corrected.
It turned out this had nothing to do with TFS as generally requests that have to do with local host fails most of the time. It may be an issue with the system when it comes to local host. In any case, I disabled IPv6 and it still didn't work.
What worked however was rawcap. I realized that when I run rawCap to monitor, all calls were going through successfully. It appears something it did rectified the issue. Hope it helps someone who also had the same issue with localhost.
Watch for -1 statuses in TFS Activity Log (http://localhost:8080/tfs/_oi). Right click -> Show Detail to get the full exception. Also look for errors in the IIS logs.
