Xcode 7 Git can’t find remote repositories - ios

I could push & pull this repository without any problems on Xcode 6.X, but it doesn’t work on Xcode 7.
The setting is the same as Xcode 6.X. I tried to enter Username and Passphrase just for confirmation, but seems like no meaning. I used the right SSH Keys as Authentication, but the preferences say “The remote repository could not be found.”
Checking out a new repository, that have been never used on Xcode 6.X ,also had the same issue on Xcode 7.0 and higher.
I’d like to know if anyone has any solutions for this problem.

"could not be found" is also the error message you see when you access a repo you don't own (instead of a "permission denied")
For security reason, one does not confirm or deny the existence of a repo, one simply state "it cannot find it".
So make sure the repo exists, that your are the owner and that your public key is registered to your account.
Since that issue seems limited to XCode7, it was reported before, and could be linked to a cipher issue (XCode7 refusing to establish a connection with an sshd working with a cipher too weak)

I have an easy solution if your remote is set and suddenly when you can't pull because of "no remote repository found" message. Go to terminal. Open your project folder. do
git pull origin v6.2
If you have commits that were not made, you might have to:
git reset --hard
git commit -m "Commit Message"
After you pull it one, you will be able to pull more with no problem from Xcode.


Bitbucket clone to Sourcetree, repeatedly asking for password

I am completely new to Bitbucket and Sourcetree. I have received a repository from my college, when I log into Bitbucket I find it there with all necessary files. I would like to clone it, so i can work with it on my laptop, so I drag it from the website to the Sourcetree window and get requested Source URL, Destination path and Name. Here the problems start, I get repeatedly asked for password, but the password is correct. Do someone have any suggestions? I am running OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6
Thank you!
I came across the same issue on SourceTree 2.7.3 under OS-X 10.13.6. I was given access to a repository over https and had to clone it. Since even the cloning failed through SourceTree due to "password keep asking issues", I cloned it through Terminal which worked fine. Post that, I could open the locally cloned bitbucket repo through SourceTree, but any git remote operations continue to fail over "password keep asking issues".
I came across several possible workarounds through several posts like
Suggested workarounds were
Using latest out of embedded or system git versions and reopened SourceTree
Upgraded SourceTree from 2.7.3 to 2.7.6
Clearing bitbucket entries from keychain and reopened SourceTree
Clearing bitbucket sourceTree cached passed file from ~/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/ and reopened SourceTree
Did not try to downgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.6.3 as suggested by one post wondering what worse might wait for me with an older version :-)
Even restarted the machine without any luck.
At this point, I noticed that my Mac's Gmail synching went offline after sometime due to login issues. Then I recalled that my Atlassian account address is the Gmail-id I used for OAuth integration with BitBucket User. And, sign-in to bitbucket was successful too through SourceTree's Accounts option. It is the subsequent git remote operations through SourceTree UI was suffering and now os-x Gmail synching too.
Then, I kept the password of Atlassian's user id(which is my Gmail id) to same as that of Gmail id. And, restarted the machine. Voila.. it all started working fine including Gmail synching and SourceTree.
Wondering if the password chosen for Atlassian account, which is the same as the Email-id used for its OAuth integration, did corrupt SourceTree's key-chain entries for HTTPS access. That sounds ridiculous and a critical bug. sigh!!!

No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

I have created ssh key using the command ssh keygen and I have added the public key to my bitbucket account and then I have added the key to the ssh agent also, But when I tried to clone repo from bitbucket using sourceTree, I am getting the below Error.
Error: FATAL ERROR: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
and I know this is repeated question but those solution didn't worked for me, So please help.
Well, It was my mistake actually,
SSH Client type was set to PuTTY/Plink in my SourceTree Settings, So I changed it to openSSH and now that issue is no more.
Sorry & Thanks.
I am using SourceTree to access an enterprise GitHub server, and had the same issue all of a sudden start occurring to me even though it has been working fine for over a year and nothing had changed. Apparently, somehow my SSH Client Type was swapped to PuTTY/Plink. Switching it to openSSH again fixed the issue for me by going to Tools -> Options -> General -> then selecting OpenSSH as the SSH Client under the SSH Client Configuration section.
Changing the SSH Client type to openSSH in Source Tree - tools -> Options -> General solved this error for me.
(I posted the following to atlassian.com bug report)
We had the same issue. We noticed that the Pageant (in the icon tray) would not start.
For us it appears that our antivirus was blocking it somehow. Thus we do the following:
disabled the antivirus
uninstall SourceTree (SourcetreeEnterpriseSetup_3.4.6.msi)
installed SourceTree (SourceTreeSetup-3.4.6.exe)
reconfigured SourceTree
We noticed that Pageant was now running and ssh calls worked.
Reenabled the antivirus.
So far so good.
In my case, I was getting same error but the "pageant" program installed was very very old, but worked after updating it (via the putty installer). Credit to https://superuser.com/users/106302/fabian # https://superuser.com/a/404286/658383

Version 7.1 (7B91b) and TFS Authentication [duplicate]

We are working on Xcode Project connected to our local TFS 2013 (Update 3) Server via TFS Provided Git Repository.
When we use older version of Xcode, we are successfully able to check-in the files and perform all other Git operations. We are also able to perform all Git Operations via command line Git.
The trouble is when we use latest version of Xcode - Version 7.1 (7B91b).
On entering valid credentials, we are getting error saying
Authentication failed because the user name or password was incorrect.
The same credentials / configuration work on older version of Xcode and Git Command Line Options.
To add more to the surprises, we are able to connect to github.com successfully.
We are able to reproduce issue on other systems too. Please provide us the best way to resolve this error.
For us it turned out to be because Xcode 7 does not support Windows Authentication. The solution described here solved it for us:
"This happens because XCode 7 doesn't support Windows Authentication.
I don't know why. It seems to be a common problem amongst users
because there are many posts about it in google.
To make it all work you should enable Basic Authentication in your IIS
TFS website on "tfs" virtual folder.
Be careful though because basic authentication sends your credentials
over network as plain text. You definitely must use SSL in this case."

Can't clone own github repository, get obscure fatal error

So I made changes to my rails app on my local machine that were never committed and that I decided to discard. Decided to rollback to most recent commit by deleting my rails app and all its files, and then cloning my most recent commit from my github repository. Unfortunately
git clone https://github.com/my_username/rails_app.git
results in the following error that cannot be found by just googling:
Cloning into 'sample_app2'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/IPX-/sample_app2.git/': SSLRead() return error -9806
I was recently pushing to the repo earlier today, even set up an SSH key for my this laptop, but all to no avail.
Why is git clone not working for my own repository?
Possible error due to low internet connection. This error occurred when you try to connect to server through ssl and net connection drop immediately. Or some time due to frequent disconnection. YOu can find more about this here http://flummox-engineering.blogspot.in/2014/04/sslread-return-error-9806-server.html
Possible duplicate of SSLRead() error using Git in Mavericks OS X 10.9.2
Anyhow, the answer mentioned here is that you download SSL and install.
When you have already set up SSH then why don't you access your repo over SSH?
You can use user.name#github.com:<your-repo> and it will not ask you for password if you have actually set-up SSH properly!

Bot integration with local repository

I am trying to create bot with my local repository created on mac. But integration fails always. I am using simulator for testing. I have also selected simulators from device settings.
But getting following error always-
SSH Known Hosts file path is located at /Library/Server/Xcode/Config/ssh_known_hosts
SSH strict host checking is enabled (you can disable this by editing the SSHStrictHostKeyChecking key in /Library/Server/Xcode/Config/xcsbuildd.plist
Untrusted HTTPS certificates is disabled (you can enable this by editing the TrustSelfSignedSSLCertificates key in /Library/Server/Xcode/Config/xcsbuildd.plist
ab59d95ce4458b340114a7aefb9f16479f05982b refs/heads/master
SSH Known Hosts file path is located at /Library/Server/Xcode/Config/ssh_known_hosts
SSH strict host checking is enabled (you can disable this by editing the SSHStrictHostKeyChecking key in /Library/Server/Xcode/Config/xcsbuildd.plist
Untrusted HTTPS certificates is disabled (you can enable this by editing the TrustSelfSignedSSLCertificates key in
Do I need to generate ssh key?
I have generated ssh key also but how can I add it for local repository on my mac
Plz help if u have any idea.
Actually, this article might have the answer to your problem:
Missing xcsbuildd.plist file on OS X 10.9 Server
Actually, if you pointing bot to a git via https, so these messages are not errors, they are warnings. I have two bots now and they goes to our internal git server by https, and successfully fetching sources and displays this message anyway.
As you said, your integration fails. If bot can't get sources, it will write that checkout sources failed.
To understand what actually goes wrong you should look through the Build Failure Log under the Logs tab in the your integration in the Xcode or in the safari. (I would recommend you to look in the safari because if your log is huge, safari will load it much faster than Xcode). Yeah, it's not very comfortable, but it's not very hard. At some point you'll see the git command arguments and, perhaps, error reason a few lines below.
After configuring everything as it should be in Xcode Server, I get two different results.
When I create a bot in Xcode: internal-checkout-error.
When I create a bot in Safari: Works like a charm.
Both with the exact same project, the exact same Xcode Server host. Apple did more than their usual level of obfuscation, here...
