iPad Splash Screen setting warning in App Target - ios

These are the splash screen of my iPad application.
Default-Portrait.png (768 × 1024)
Default-Portrait#2x.png (1536 × 2048)
Default-Landscape.png (1024 × 768)
Default-Landscape#2x.png (1024 × 768)
The problem:
I upload all these screen in my application. Then set
Default-Landscape#2x, Default-Landscape & Default-Portrait in App Target as iPad Splash screen.
Now when I try to set Default-Portrait#2x, I find "No image Specified" message in "Portrait Non-Retina" section.
Like this:
And then when try to set Default-Portrait again, I find "No image with correct dimensions found" message in "Portrait Retina" section.
Like this:
And this thing happen no matter how many times I re change them one after one. What is the reason of it? If any one have any clue please share that with me. I check my "image name" and "size", no problem in there. I set these splash in a Cross platform "Cordova" project.
Thanks in advanced. Have a nice day.
I also try it with these names, but no luck.
Default-Portrait~iPad.png (768 × 1024)
Default-Portrait~iPad#2x.png (1536 × 2048)
Default-Landscape~iPad.png (1024 × 768)
Default-Landscape~iPad#2x.png (1024 × 768)
List item

I don't know why it didn't take the default name in this case. But I set it with the following name and solve it. If anyone get into the similar problem try with these name:


Unexpected number of splitViewControllers when targeting an iPhone

I'm learning to use the split view in an app. I am asking the table to reload the data every time I add new things. My code and settings are seem fine. But not work on iPhone. After I ask someone and he told me to try on an iPad device, it works.
Finally, I find out where the problem is, but I don't know how to fix it. I added a line that prints the size of splitView.viewControllers. The iPad simulator returns 2, which is what I am expecting. But it returns 1 without any changes in the iPhone device. So, what's wrong with it, and how may I solve it? Thank you very much.
enter image description here
enter image description here

My two word app name is being displayed as one word

I have my app name set to 'Random Game' but for some reason on the launch screen it is displaying as 'RandomGame'. I know it's kind of small but it's really bugging me. This is my Xcode project:
And this is how it's coming out:
That looks like two words to me, just the text has been squashed a bit because your name is long. See what it looks like if you change it to "Rand Game".
Check you Info.plist. Be sure that your bundle display name is set to "Random Game".
Open launchscreen.storyboard and make the changes.

Xcode Deployment Info and icons using CMake

I've tried looking for info on how to set these (in red) using CMake but have had no luck so far:
1st red box issue:
First of all, even though the device seems like it's been set to 'Universal' correctly, the value isn't being interpreted correctly by Xcode. When I set it to 'Universal' manually using the dropdown, it gives a tab each for iPhone and iPad. Furthermore, I know it's not being interpreted correctly as the app does not function correctly (in my case, neither the launch image nor the app itself run full screen).
I don't think setting orientation programmatically is an option for me since I need the launch image in the correct orientation as well.
So can't do something like this:
How do I programmatically set device orientation in iOS7?
2nd red box issue:
I use an asset file for all my icons, so at the moment I'm having to build using CMake and then press 'Use Asset Catalog' each time.
I found this but doesn't seem very useful:
Regarding the "1st box issue", I've found that the approach taken by this demo project works really well.
They use a templated Info.plist to inject the bundle identifier, etc, during configure. The nice part is then you can modify the orientations in the plist.in file, and then these get translated cleanly to the Info.plist once you open the project.
Regarding the 2nd red box issue, i found that the attribute I needed to set was XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME
For example:
set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES
For Launch Images I got it to work by setting it in the plist.in file under UILaunchStoryboardName as described in yano's previous answer.

Ios app icon not shown and name missing why?

I am having some problems with icon & name of my app and although I finished my app because of these I cant publish it.Its not a code related problem and because of that I asked it on diffrent forums but none gave me right answer so as a last hope I decided to ask it here.
1)I managed to put 57x57 px png icon for my app and when I put the it on my phone it's oke but in itunes my app is shown without a icon.I thought that putting 114x144 px icon should solve this problem but I cant do it.When I rightclick and select the "select-file" in 57x57 I can put any png there but its not avalible on 114x114 when I rightclick there is no "selectfile" option and other options aswell.Also same problem happens in launch images.
Is it the reason of no icon showing problem in my itunes or my app can work without it?
In some pages I saw people talking about putting all png files in root with a info file and made it automaticly but I couldt find any tutorial about it.
2)My second problem is about the name.My project name is kdd2 but of course its not my app name kdd2 was a simple name I gave it a month ago.When I disturbute my app I change the name and save it to my desktop.In desktop its shown with the name I wrote it but when I put it in ıtunes or iPhone its name again changes to kdd2 how can I solve it ?
Please help me solve these problems I just cant find any answer around thanks...
To change the app name:
-Click your project in the navigator in Xcode.
-Go to "Build Settings" tab.
-Change "Product Name" under "Packaging'.
To set the icon:
You must right lick the border then "Select File". Do not right click "No image specified".

Could not load the image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier

I had got an iPad application.The ViewContrtoller.xib has got an UIImageView in it. The UIImage of the UIImageView is set through Interface Builder. When I run the application in simulator everything is fine. But when I am trying to run it in iPad the UIImage is not loaded. The message that I am getting is:
HexaPuzzle1.0[3259:207] Could not load the "start.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.yourcompany.HexaPuzzle1-0"
2010-12-17 10:57:27.221 HexaPuzzle1.0[3259:207] HexaPuzzle loaded
Any help would be appreciated and will be a great help for me.
The issue has been rectified.
Problem was with the image format. When the image has been edited and saved as PNG-24 everything goes fine.
The application now runs smoothly in simulator and device.
Thanks for all friends who suggested a solution and tried to helped me.
Rupesh R Menon
I know it's very late, but this is a solution that also works in Xcode 5, and therefore likely to be useful to people who have this problem in the future.
I have seen a lot of questions like this on the web but none of them seems to have one clear answer. This is, as far as I know, the solution for this problem:
Go to the image in Xcode (no need to re-add or re-generate the
click "show the file inspector"
Make sure the checkbox in the category "Target Membership" is checked. the test check box does not have to be checked to make your app load the image.
The target membership tab looks like this:
if this is already the case, you are working with a broken or damaged file. to rule this out, check if another app (like photoshop) can open your image.
This should do it, hope it helps!
When dragging your start.png file into your project, did you check this option?
I was getting this error in the simulator after upgrading to Xcode 7 / iOS 9 and opening an existing project. The image was present and named correctly, within an XCAssets package.
Turns out the problem was with a parameter within the XCAssets package.
Changing Render As from Default to Original Image solved the problem:
I've had the same problem before. The png file format is not right. Try re-generate the png image file and the problem will be solved.
None of the above worked for me, and the message I got was "could not load the "(null)" image referenced... which means I could not look for the image. Very frustrating. In the end it became a trial and error exercise of going through every xib and storyboard looking for potential conflicts. I finally found it - I had specified a "Selected Image" for a tab bar item which was not needed. As soon as I got rid of that the problem went away.
None of these things work for me. I created a new folder in the projects where I placed the pictures. That worked for me.
This problem was fixed when I changed "add folder reference..." to "add group..." when I import the images to my project. I'd prefer to have folders with live updating, but at least it works now.
Had an image on a XIB (which is replaced by the correct one in code). After finishing this XIB, I renamed the images. So XIB was now referencing a non-existent image.
There is also another potential cause of this problem: If you upgraded to XCode 5 and use both the image asset catalog and "normal" images copied to your project (like you did prior XCode 5). If you then have images with identical names (e.g. "dog.png" and a image set called "dog") it might work in your storyboard and in the simulator, but you'll get this message when run on a real device (where the image will not be shown).
Try moving the images directly to the Resources directory (not in a sub folder)
Make sure the resource isn't too big to be handle.
If you get the error message with the name of the picture, you can search it inside your project and xCode will display immediately the UIImageView with the wrong picture inside UIStoryboard:
Make sure it is included in your Target Membership
Select your "Images.xcassets" file in the file Inspector
Open File Inspector (cmd + opt + 1)
Select your target membership (Usually 1st line)
I had the same problem, but the cause was very different. I was using image sets in the Asset Catalog that varied based on the device idiom: iPad or iPhone.
The framework target they were being added to had been accidentally marked as as having a deployment device type of iPhone, so the images weren't showing up on iPads - they weren't even being copied into the .car file in the framework.
Setting the deployment device type to Universal, as it should have been, solved the problem.
For some reason I was getting error until I put the image in the Assets.xcassets
