Showing build queue per slave Jenkins - jenkins

I wanted to ask if you can show build queue that will be executed on a slave. I have many slaves and I can check the global queue but I would like to see a queue dedicated to one slave. Every build fits in regular expression like : "(jobName)_(slaveNumber)".
I could not find any solution from jenkins settings so I wanted to use queue API and get the json that is provided up there then filter the results by this regular expression and display them on one jenkins page. But it turned out that jenkins does not allow to use javascript in description.
Is there a workaround? Or there is some kind of fancy button that will display build queue per slave? I would like to use as simple way as possible so installing "Anything Goes" won't be the solution I want.

have you tried REST api for computers AKA nodes AKA slaves? It shows current load statistic.


Prioritize builds within a single Jenkins Job

I want to run one job multiple times (each build with different parameters) on 2 executors.
I want to execute them based on their build priority value.
Unfortunately Priority Sorter plugin doesn't help in my case, it doesn't sort it correctly - my builds are being executed based on the timestamp they were added to the queue instead of priority.*
I believe this priority mechanism should be implemented before, on a queue level.
How to achieve that?
*-I tested it on the newest Jenkins version and the newest Priority Sorter plugin version
I think what you should try is Accelerated Build Now plugin. This plugin allows the Jenkins users to launch a build right there, even if the queue is long. It prioritises human launched jobs and brings them to the top.
The Priority Sorter I am using (v3.6.0 and Jenkins v.2.73.3) will not see a job unless you have enabled the Execute Concurrent builds if necessary.
So, allow parallel builds for that job and maybe decrease the number of cores to 1. See if that works. If not, you can try Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin. This allows you to assign as many cores as you want in the specific job.
Here is a patch for Priority Queue plugin. For your case it could be this patch.

How to send warning email when build queue exceeds a particular length?

I manage a Jenkins server with a few hundred projects in the whole ecosystem. Many of the projects rely on upstream servers, that, unfortunately, are not always responsive. When I have a lag on these servers, my build queue can get to 10 or more. Is there a plugin or setting to send a warning email when the build queue exceeds a particular length?
I have been unable to find a plugin that does this, but you can query Jenkins for the information as detailed here: Jenkins command to get number of builds in queue.
If you have a Jenkins slave available you could set up a job that runs every 15 minutes and just hit each of the other Jenkins servers with the API call to get build queue counts (this is easy if you have just one master and many slaves.)
If you wanted to stay completely outside of Jenkins (not add another job to the mix) you could write a script to poll the Jenkins API for the information. You could then run that script under, say, a 15 minute (or some other relevant time step) timer using cron (or windows scheduled task). Admittedly then you have to dedicate some resources to running this job.
It looks like you could use python to get the build queue and check the length of the returned list. get_queue_info()
I haven't mucked about with the Jenkins API much myself so I'm not sure offhand exactly what the script would need, but it should be simple enough once you dig into it.

jenkins change label as requested

We use jenkins for automation for our test infrastructure. The requirement is to give users the ability to use a jenkins node for their private test or debug using private jenkins jobs and then put back in the pool of nodes marked with labels; so that other jobs that were marked to run on particular labels can be run without interference.
We can achieve this by letting users alter label, but that didnt workout as users (nearly 50) are making their own label names and it takes time for admin to reassign the nodes (even with process) and precious test time is getting affected.
we are looking for some solution such as ability to provide buttons like take this node offline (cant use this option since jenkins cannot see the node anymore and so users cannot run jenkins job on the node) but may be with the ability to run scripts.
I have done some research on this but have to compromise on some requirements, so i decided to seek help from the community... SUGGESTIONS?
Did you have a look to this question:
How to take Jenkins master node offline using CLI?
In the 1st question, there are some CLI to make a node offline.
Maybe you can create a dedicated job on the master with one parameter (the node name). This job will call the Jenkins CLI to stop your node.

Trigger a build asynchronously in Jenkins

I have a job A running in Jenkins, which kicks off a process A on a VM, waits for it to finish, picks up the report generated by it and sends it as an attachment to the build notification. The problem is this process A takes too long to finish and job A keeps waiting on it. Is there any way I can start this process A, stop job A and when process A is done, trigger a new job B which would pick up the report generated by process A and sends it out with build sucess/failure status.
Any help is appreciated.
Jenkins provides an API for kicking off jobs via simple HTTP requests. You kick off job B using curl or something like that, as the final step in process A on the VM.
The docs are on the Jenkins site. You can use your own Jenkins find the specific URLs for kicking off particular jobs; there's a link in the bottom right hand corner of the Jenkins page.
Perhaps an even better match for your use case would be a job of type "Monitor an external job". I have not used it myself, but from the documentation it sounds like a useful tool. The docs are at:

Single, Concurrent Job Spanning Multiple Nodes

Given several nodes available Jenkins nodes (NodeA, NodeB, ...), is there a way to define a job such that it gets 2 nodes?
For example, Job1 gets assigned to NodeA & NodeD.
To make a job run TWICE - both on node-A AND node-D, use the Matrix-build Plugin (note it is a little tricky to configure and monitor).
To make a job run ONCE - either on node-A OR node-D, give those two nodes the same LABEL, and RESTRICT the job to run on that Label.
You'll need to submit the job twice and use the NodeLabel Parameter Plugin to choose which node to execute each job on. To submit both these jobs at the same time, you could try using the Build Flow plugin
Why are you trying to do this? Are you perhaps trying to use slave agents to install software? Perhaps you could consider using an orchestration tool like rundeck (Which also has a Jenkins plugin)
