Prioritize builds within a single Jenkins Job - jenkins

I want to run one job multiple times (each build with different parameters) on 2 executors.
I want to execute them based on their build priority value.
Unfortunately Priority Sorter plugin doesn't help in my case, it doesn't sort it correctly - my builds are being executed based on the timestamp they were added to the queue instead of priority.*
I believe this priority mechanism should be implemented before, on a queue level.
How to achieve that?
*-I tested it on the newest Jenkins version and the newest Priority Sorter plugin version

I think what you should try is Accelerated Build Now plugin. This plugin allows the Jenkins users to launch a build right there, even if the queue is long. It prioritises human launched jobs and brings them to the top.
The Priority Sorter I am using (v3.6.0 and Jenkins v.2.73.3) will not see a job unless you have enabled the Execute Concurrent builds if necessary.
So, allow parallel builds for that job and maybe decrease the number of cores to 1. See if that works. If not, you can try Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin. This allows you to assign as many cores as you want in the specific job.

Here is a patch for Priority Queue plugin. For your case it could be this patch.


Give a scheduled jenkins job temporary priority

I'm working on a busy Jenkins server with many big matrix jobs being built all the time. Working with another job can be really annoying if you want instantaneous results... Is there an option to give a job temporary priority for just one build so it skips the queue and gets built on the next available executor?
You can try using Priority Sorter Plugin and add your jobs with higher priority than the rest

How to run a job concurrently in Jenkins

I am using throttle concurrent build to run job in parallel. But I am not able to run the job in parallel. Only single build is triggered.
In Job configuration : selected Throttle Concurrent Builds and specified Maximum Total (ex:4)and/or Maximum Per Node(Ex:2)
selected “Execute concurrent build if possible” option also
I have one Master(2 Executors) and one Agent(2 Executors) in Jenkins.
Kindly help me to resolve this problem.
From the Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin
It should be noted that Jenkins, by default, never executes the same
Job in parallel, so you do not need to actually throttle anything if
you go with the default. However, there is the option Execute
concurrent builds if necessary, which allows for running the same Job
multiple time in parallel, and of course if you use the categories
below, you will also be able to restrict multiple Jobs.)
So you need to check the box, which I think might be in the advance settings

Custom Jenkins scheduler

We're seeing a problem with Jenkins and the scheduling of builds. Specifically, we trigger Jenkins to build a pipeline of work with every push to every branch of our git repo. On its own, the whole pipeline can take from 10 to 20 minutes to build. This can cause a problem if multiple pushes to a branch happened faster than the builds are completing. Multiplied by the twenty or thirty branches that are in development.
So, I'd like to be able to automatically deprioritise any scheduled builds on Jenkins if they are triggered on a Git commit sha that is no longer the tip of its branch. This is just one example of a factor that might indicate a desired priority. Others would be that branches with open pull requests should have higher priority than those without; or manual input in order to prioritise a PR or branch that needs feedback immediately.
Is there anyway to programmatically interact with the Queue of jobs on Jenkins and reorder it?
There is the Priority Sorter Plugin, but as far as I know this assigns each build a static priority. I would like to dynamically reprioritise items in the queue based on external info (e.g. from git).
I've found reference to two other plugins whose names indicate that they might do what I want, but I can't find any meaningful documentation on them. The former doesn't provide the options it claims to, and the latter doesn't even exist in the plugins repository. Neither seems to be maintained.
My alternatives seem to be
write my own implementation of hudson.model.Queue, which seems like overkill
maintain a separate queueing service that triggers individual jobs on Jenkins, in which case what is Jenkins even for?
Am I missing something obvious? I can't be the only person who wants more fine-grained control of Jenkins build ordering.

Using a lock in a Jenkins Workflow Job

I want to use a lock in a workflow job in order to prevent jobs from running at the same time on the same node.
I want to use the functionality of the lock and latches plugin to control the parallel execution of jobs: When a Job A starts building on a specific node, Job B should wait until A is done, and then B can run.
How can I achieve that ? or is there another solution (in case locks are not supported in workflow jobs) ?
Thank you.
What exactly are you trying to prevent? The easiest way would be to set each node as having only 1 executor... If you do this, then the node will only ever run one job at a time. Note that some fly-weight tasks may run but generally these are non-significant and involve polling the remote SCM repository and such.
If you just mean within the same workflow, you can use various mix of the parallel step to split parallel sections and then combine the results.

Showing build queue per slave Jenkins

I wanted to ask if you can show build queue that will be executed on a slave. I have many slaves and I can check the global queue but I would like to see a queue dedicated to one slave. Every build fits in regular expression like : "(jobName)_(slaveNumber)".
I could not find any solution from jenkins settings so I wanted to use queue API and get the json that is provided up there then filter the results by this regular expression and display them on one jenkins page. But it turned out that jenkins does not allow to use javascript in description.
Is there a workaround? Or there is some kind of fancy button that will display build queue per slave? I would like to use as simple way as possible so installing "Anything Goes" won't be the solution I want.
have you tried REST api for computers AKA nodes AKA slaves? It shows current load statistic.
