Signing swift app with Enterpise provisioning profile - ios

If I run the app via Xcode 6, using the development profile, everything is fine.
But if I deploy the app via Enterprise profile, it crashes on start.
Logs from the device say the following:
Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Did anyone encounter the same problem?

Had the same problem here. The solution that finally worked for me was to
Revoke the certificate.
Generate a new certificate.
Generate a new distribution profile.
See here
Note: If you have apps in production which are signed with your "old" certificate and you revoke that one, those apps will eventually not work anymore. So I suggest you only revoke the certificate if you have "control" over the installed apps and you can easily redeploy your apps with the new certificate/provisioning profile.

Are you using frameworks that contain Swift code in your project? By default embedded content isn't expected to contain Swift. Change this in Build Settings:


Appcenter iOS install error "this app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified"

I see that this question has been asked many times but I see no solution that works for me so I'm hoping that providing more info might shed some light.
We use to test iOS apps. Until our iOS certificate expired this method worked fine. We generated a new enterprise certificate and ad hoc provisioning profile for new releases of the iOS app. Which led to the first curiosity.
I see how to upload a certificate on but not a provisioning profile. I thought there was an option to do this in the past but perhaps I am mistaken. However, the app is signed with a provisioning profile before upload, so perhaps this is not needed now.
Once the app is uploaded, it can't be installed. It remains grey and when you tap it, you get the "this app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified" error. Again, that the .ipa is created with an ad hoc certificate and profile in Xamarin (VS for Mac).
Also, I can't install the provisioning profile on a device from You basically get stuck in a loop where you seem to successfully install the profile but have to keep doing it because it never actually installs.
I hope this is enough info for some insight and thanks in advance for any feedback.
We were able to solve this by redoing and downloading development certs and via
And also downloading and double clicking the apple development certificate here
After that our keychain showed both as trusted and we could build to the iPhone again.
The issue can be the your device is simply not registered on the developer portal and/or that ad-hoc provisioning profiles have not been regenerated.
You need to register your device, regenerate a provisioning profile with this device in it and rebuild your app using this profile.
This can also happen because of
Developer ID Notary Service - Outage
which can be checked on
Notarization is well explained here:
Notarization gives users more confidence that the Developer ID-signed
software you distribute has been checked by Apple for malicious
components. Notarization is not App Review. The Apple notary service
is an automated system that scans your software for malicious content,
checks for code-signing issues, and returns the results to you
quickly. If there are no issues, the notary service generates a ticket
for you to staple to your software.
Work around fix:
Select your app.
Navigate to TextFlight tab
Create External Testing group
Add one tester
Add build which you want to download using TestFlight
Open TestFlight and download an app.
In my case this was caused by trying to include an entitlement for aps-environment "development" when using an Ad-Hoc provisioning profile. The value for this environment in Entitlements.plist must match what is hard coded into the provisioning profile file - if you open an Ad-Hoc profile in a text editor you will see it expects the "production" environment.
The possible solutions depending on your requirements are to either use the Development profile/certificate, or change the aps-environment to "production" to continue using an Ad-Hoc provisioning profile.
It can also happen if you have other incorrect entitlements - worth checking what entitlements are enabled under the Identifier in Apple Developer portal and removing unnecessary ones.
I had this issue because when building the app on xCode for distribution (Product->Archive then Distribute App), I chose automatic signing. After manually signing the app and choosing my own generated certificate and profile, everything worked again fine.
I removed the Entitlements file from the Addition Resources in iOS Bundle Signing and it worked.
I think the MSAL configuration was set to debug in entitlements.plist
I have also face this issue before but for me the reason was little different
First the build was enterprise one and the build was made on the earlier Xcode version on which the iOS version you are using on the device was not supported by the Xcode.
All I did was to update my Xcode and make a new build and shared the build. After that we were able to install that build over device Hope it works for you as well
This is how I solved for myself.
In you iPhone Settings > General > VPN & Device Management you should see your company name (if an app from it is installed), and if you click on it, you will see a button like "Verify" above the list of apps installed provided by the company. Just click on "Verify".

iOS Framework codesign for appStore

I have created a framework and added it in my other project. Everything is working fine when I generate Adhoc or development build and even app store build is generated successfully. But when I submit my app to iTunesConnect it give me below error:
Despite this question says that Framework consumer will re-codesign it. Thanks
Check if you installed the distribution certificate in keychain access in your mac. Check if the secret key is missing. Make sure it is a valid certificate. Check your provisioning profile in apple developer portal

Missing Beta Entitlement iTunes Connect "error" - Xamarin Forms PCL

I have a problem, I have the same project in Xamarin on visual studio 2017.
When I deploy transmission certificates and load it all on itunes connect through Application Loader.
The problem is that, with one of the two applications (
I change the certificate every time I release an app or another.), I can not make the release for beta testers.
As you can see in the image below:
With the first App all goes well, but when the second load gives me the error that you see when you try to release it with testflight: Missing Beta Entitlement.
I looked online and I tried to put in info.plist file the following string:
<key>beta-reports-active</key> <true/>
But without success. Can anyone advise me how to solve? Thank you.
I uploaded to connect itunes version 1.13 but I get the same problem.
What I recommend here is to clean/clear your provisioning profile from Apple Developer Website.
Are you letting Xcode manage code signing identity ?
If so then it will create provisioning profile for you when you will be building for Release.
Indeed, it happens to me, it was a terrible mess in my configuration on Apple Developer.
I just removed everything, provisioning profile, create 1 Development and 1 Production certificate.
Then when you build for Release, Xcode will create provisioning profile for you, it starts with "XC".
Your issue is
likely a different provisioning profile from the Ad Hoc Distribution
Provisioning Profile you were probably using to sign TestFlight builds
TBH changing certificate evertytime you release an app or an other might also create a mess in Xcode configuration.
Helpful Post Here

Project is not working on IPhone where as it's working fine on Simulater

I am working on xamarin IOS and my project is working fine on IOS simulator but when i run on IPhone 6. it's giving some issue.
"No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from RSystemApp.iOS"
Please tell me what will i do to solve this issue. if anyone have any idea to solve this issue or have any link to solve the issue please suggest me so that i can run my app on Iphone also
When we have to run the iOS app on a device, we have to code sign the build. For that a valid provisioning profile and certificate is required.
Provisioning profile and developer certificate should be there on, If not ten you have to create those there. Download those from there. Make sure you have added the device UDID while creating the provisioning profile.
Install provisioning and cert in your iPhone configuration utility and key chain.
Your bundle identifier should match with your AppID. You can confirm this by checking the provisioning profile in iPhone Configuration utility.
In Build Setting of your project, select these provisioning and certificate in code signing section.
If everything will be in this way, Your app will run on Device.
Login to your Apple developer account and verify that you have everything in place to deploy an app on to an actual device:
Do you have your certificates created and installed?
Did you create your App ID?
Have you registered your device(s)?
Do you have a Provisioning Profile?
Are all these marked as correct on your build Mac? Best way is to check that with XCode before doing it with Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio.
Create a little test app in XCode if necessary and deploy it to your app.
Is that works, import the profile and certs into Xamarin/Visual Studio and it should work.

xcode the signature was invalid contains disallowed entitlements Error in ios

I am developing since 2 years ios Projects few are uploaded to app store.
But today I found new error while uploading app with xcode4.6.2. I have searched a lot.!
Also I realesed 1st version version of product in iTunes.
please help me to sove this problem.
I Revoke distributed cert. Delete provision.
create new distributed certificate and using it generate new provision,
I can see that cert in my keychain aceess.
also able to get provision on xcode with labeled Valid Profile.
The app build sucessfull without any error.
But still same error I found while uploading app on to appStore.
Solved issue... I have submitted the app from origin machine where the project was created... I don't know whether it is right ans or not.. But It works for me...
Don't revoke your certificate. generate a new certificate(distributed).
generate a new provisioning profile(distributed) using that certificate.
Remove existing provisioning profile from organiser.
Download and install certificate and provisioning profile again.
Sign your code with new provisioning profile.
Clean and build your project.
Achieve it for app store.
