Issue with highcharts stacked area chart - highcharts

The stacked area chart in the figure has 10 series of data. But the data is all nulls for the last four series. The color in the chart for series 6 is rendered incorrectly.
After zooming the graph looks acceptable. The graph with out zooming is rendered incorrectly. The chart works alright when data is there for all series.
Is this an issue with highcharts ? Is this anyway related to this issue


Can a Highcharts Donut or Pie Chart Show a Default Background Circle?

I am helping my organization put together some Pie and Donut charts using Highcharts, and some of our charts will have zero value points. Normal behavior is to not render these points out, but that leaves us with an empty chart.
So, is there a way to set a "background" circle for the Donut chart so that if all values are zero, the user still sees a gray donut (indicating "0" values)?
I don't want to use something like a background image because then it may not adjust responsively in a proper manner. Plus, we'd like the parameters of the circle to be adjustable just like other data elements in Highcharts.
Thanks for any and all advice!

TDBChart glitch in pie chart when dataset return just one value

I create a pie chart using TDBChart and associate a dataset to it, the problem is when the dataset has just one value sides of the pie chart are not there, as soon as more values are added to the graphic it is fine, otherwise it look like the one I attached.
Does anyone now how to fix this issue?

Highcharts - 5 Pie Charts, Each with 4-5 Drilldowns

Is this possible, in a clean manner? The 5 charts will all be displaying at once and the drilldown behavior will have to be ironed out, as to when one pie chart is clicked (drilled down into), the other ones' should drill down as well, given all the data is relative.
Has anyone gotten this deep into Highcharts and know if this is possible/how well it works speedwise?

How to load 60,000 data points without datagrouping in highstock chart?

Am using high stock chart (timeline chart) and load 60,000 data points without data Grouping the width and height of the chart is 800 & 400.
is it possible?
You can disable, modify turbothreshold parameter
Please take look at the article

Spacing between plot border and start of data plotting in highcharts

The problem starts with the fact i have a very small area to plot a chart and i need to have markers on it as well. Now because of the small area, the markers are getting cut off and they are a key piece of information. So is there any way by which i can add some spacing between the border of the plot and the actual start of the data plot itself ?
Heres a running example:
Set minPadding and maxPadding for xAxis. This will work as long, as yod don't have scrolling/panning options enabled.
