Highcharts - 5 Pie Charts, Each with 4-5 Drilldowns - highcharts

Is this possible, in a clean manner? The 5 charts will all be displaying at once and the drilldown behavior will have to be ironed out, as to when one pie chart is clicked (drilled down into), the other ones' should drill down as well, given all the data is relative.
Has anyone gotten this deep into Highcharts and know if this is possible/how well it works speedwise?


Multilevel drilldown in piechart

I am working on a project where i need to show data in a pie chart.
I need multilevel drill down in it i.e. about 5-6 levels.
Can anyone please share a sample code of how to do it?
I tried doing it in Highcharts as well as Amcharts.
But couldn't figure out how to get it done.
Thanks in advance.
in amcharts you might use related set of concentric donut charts with center looking like pie and outer looking like concentric circles. Search amcharts for nested donut charts.

HighCharts multi-level pie

Is it possible to make a pie chart like in the image below using highcharts (highcharts.com)?
The 2nd level is filled partially.
Example in jsfiddle would be great.
Thanks for advice.

Highcharts custom doughnut graph

Does anyone have any idea how to make a graph like this? It's basically 5 in one chart, each one represents a different dynamic value up to 100%. So like the man running icon would be 60%, scale 85%, sleep 8%, ect.
The icons in the middle obviously won't be part of the graph, they'd be a div overlayed the chart.
Can anyone help? If highcharts will not work, then what will?

Highcharts stacked bar graph as timeline

Is there a way to make the Highcharts stacked bar graph work like a timeline? What I'd like to achieve is demonstrated in this Google Timeline Chart example.
Of key importance is that values can be repeated on the same bar. I haven't been able to figure this out, and currently suspect I may need to fall back to the Renderer and draw this chart manually, or switch to Google Charts, both of which I'd prefer to avoid. Thanks for any thoughts!
Yes, it is possible. This is called a gantt chart. That link has various examples. Some dont work. In that case update the jsFiddle's jquery and change the highcharts.js inclusion url.

Highcharts: Longer pie labels are chopped off

We recently made the switch from JFreeCharts to Highcharts. And our apps teams build small pie charts (fit in 250 by 400 px) on a dashboard, that usually show less than 8 slices. The pie labels are verbose. Highcharts usually clips them off is what I am seeing.
JSFiddle: jsfiddle.net/9tqSn/18/
It is close to what we see on our system even with word wrapping and such. Our customers also hate the fact that the chart size shrinks when labels are long. Do you plan to have a solution to better fit labels in the plot area?
We are running highcharts-3.0.2
Well, this is known bug in Highcharts, see this report.
Here you can find discussion about positioning dataLabels.
