How to Convert iPhone app to support iPad - ios

I have existing iPhone app. Now i want it to give support for iPad app i Followed the below link (Converting Storyboard from iPhone to iPad). After implementing the suggestions given by tharkay. I run the app in iPad only Navigation bar coming properly but all components(like buttons, labels)are not resizing those are coming as iPhone size.
Can anybody help me to solve the problem?

Under your Project->Targets->General->Deployment Info make sure that in your iPad tab the right Main Interface is selected (it's your iPad storyboard name).

Use autolayout to setup the constraints on the UI Elements so that they can respond appropriately to different screen size like in your case iPad. Check out this link !


UIView shows perfect on iPhone but not on iPad

I am pretty new to iOS development and I am able to create views and controllers. I have been testing using my iPhone and other sizes of iPhone and they look great. I tried once on an iPad but it was a border around the screen like in this image.
I constrained to margins and I did not give any height or width constraints so it could stretch properly. It also looks good on the storyboard viewing so what could I be doing wrong? Can't seem to find any resource online to help.
This is default behaviour when you run iphone app in ipad
This happened because your app is supported iphone only .
Tap on your project and select universal if you want to add support for both iphone and ipad.
Other option is you can check requires full screen check box but it will still show black bar
Note: However you are developing iPhone Only app but it is compulsory to check that everything works fine in ipad because apple review team will also check that in ipad and your app may be rejected if something is not proper
May be you have made an iPhone app. Try to change the setting to Universal app in the xcode settings. Normally iPhone app shows scaled on iPad, which is same as in your case.
Select Projet in xcode -> General Setting

porting iPad app to iPhone using one storyboard with one storyboard

i am able to make my iPad app running on iPhone but the iPhone screens doesnt fit all the content in. For example my table view main text is hidden, the buttons are very much spaced from the border. I understand the spacing given in my storyboard files in too big for iPhone screen.
I want to make my app work for iPhone with very minimal changes. I dont want to create a new storyboard and rewrite everything. Please suggest a good way.
Thanks in advance.
You need to make the app Universal, make a single storyboard the main storyboard in both target's project settings and use Autolayout to position your UI elements respective of the device. Look into Size classes to keep your design responsive.

How to implement Split Screen Multitasking on iPad using Third party apps?

I tried to implement the Multitasking feature Apple provided using AIR application, but I seem to miss something.
I did the following as apple recommended:
Compiled the app with iOS9 SDK.
All orientation implemented.
Storyboard added.
Still I do not see the vertical bar that divides the two app's for multitasking.
Let me know if you implemented this successfully in any third party apps?
All 3 listed steps are correct. Please also make sure Requires Full Screen is set to NO. It works perfectly for me.
Please let me know if you (or anyone else) still have trouble with Split View support.
What iPad are you using to test your app? Not all iPads support this behavior. This table shows which iPads support Slide Over, Picture in Picture and Split View:
Documentation from Apple for more information.
By the way how did you manage to use launch screen storyboard with Adobe AIR application?
Split screen wasn't working for me because even though I had a Storyboard, I wasn't using it. Make sure your Launch Screen File is set, and your Launch Images Source is blank.
Check off Portrait, Upside Down, Landscape Left, and Landscape Right under Deployment Info. Also make sure that Requires full screen is not checked off.
Finally you should double check that your Info.plist is correct. UIRequiresFullScreen should be NO. Supported interface orientations and Supported interface orientations (iPad) should have all 4 orientations.

Views in storyboard do not resize properly on iPhone 6

I've checked a lot of different websites and stackoverflow answers, and I'm still stuck.
I developed an app for iPhone and iPad targeting iOS 7.1. I have two storyboards, one for each device. The app only displays in portrait mode. I cannot seem to get the app to display full screen on the iPhone 6 simulator.
I've tried numerous things, I followed the advice linked here by adding a Launch Screen, setting the iPhone storyboard to auto layout and "use size classes", and . Not only does that not affect the size, but the Launch Screen doesn't seem to scale properly either. If I get it to fit the iPhone 6 it doesn't fit the iPhone 5 properly.
I've tried adding the proper launch images and I don't get any errors saying the wrong image resolution is present.
I've used the storyboard as a Launch Screen described here.
Now, when I switched to "use size classes" I could manually extend the objects in the views to match up with the size of iPhone 6 (I have not tested it for 6s) but that makes it extend past the iPhone 5 boundaries. The only thing I can think of right now is to create another storyboard and detect if it's iPhone 6, but I would really like some other ideas.
Here's what it looks like for iPhone 6:
And here's what it looks like on iPhone 5:
Best advice i can give u is
Use default size class , the classic 600x600 and then use Auto Layout
Or do the reverse, take a 3.5inch size VC and apply Auto Layout on it. Everything will present itself quite perfectly if you can apply the right constraints
Here is a link for an awesome Autolayout tutorial

Create universal app using iOS StoryBoard that have different UI

I'm new with iOS and yesterday i learnt about storyboard. it works great. i refer to this link. I tried to create iPhone apps with a storyboard.
But now i want to create an universal apps, that means for iPhone and iPad. but also using the storyboard. lets say if i have the same UI, that wont be an issue. Same UI means, my iPhone UI using tab bar controller, my iPad also use a tab bar controller. I just need to point to the same class, and the result will be the same. Now, i want have a different UI. my iPhone will use a tab bar, but my iPad will use a split view.
here is my question :
is that possible to do that with device target universal? i mean iPhone with tab bar, iPad with split view.
if yes, how can i know which device is running? either i choose iPad or iPhone. How can i know i run on iPhone/iPad? what should I validate in the appdelegate?
For ipad storyboard, i drag a split view controller but i can't see any master detail whenever i run the apps. how can it be like that?
thanks. :)
If you create a Universal application (an application that supports both iPhone and iPad), Xcode will by default give you two Storyboards - one for iPhone, one for iPad. Under your target's settings you'll see a place where you can configure which Storyboard presents the main interface - you can set this separately for iPhone and iPad:
The OS will take care of loading the correct Storyboard for you.
If you want to detect in code whether you're running on an iPhone or iPad, you can use USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM(). For example:
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
There's also UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad for iPad.
