Is there a way to copy an Asana project using the API, similar to the "Use as a Template (Copy Project)" functionality available in the web interface?
We use 'template' projects heavily and now we are looking to automate this process.
Thanks in advance.
Till now Asana API does not facilitate this. But still if you want to make it work, fetch your template project using Asana API and fetch the tasks too. After that create new project and paste your tasks or any other details that you want. That will make things work for you.
We are investigating whether we can incorporate Postman Test Runner and Newman into an API testing flow with our Jenkins CI server.
My question is this: once I import a swagger/Open API file into a Postman collection, how can I keep changes from multiple team members in sync?
For example, if a team member adds a new api endpoint to the swagger file, do we have to re-import the swagger file into a postman collection overwriting it? We'd like to keep using the swagger file as the single source of truth so would like to keep that in sync with the postman collection. Ideally we would update the swagger file, commit it to git and get its changes synced to postman.
What about tests created in postman? Is there a way to keep that checked into git? Would we have to export the collection after each test change and check that into git, and re-import changes to postman collections after each git pull?
It looks like since some of the online postman features are built for sharing - the idea is that you would make a change to the collection directly in the postman client and that gets shared out to other postman clients? If so, is there a hook that can be added to sync those changes to git automatically?
To answer your questions in order:
Once I import a swagger/open api file into a postman collection, how
can I keep changes from multiple team members in sync?
To keep your collections in sync everyone will need to sign in and use a team workspace. As of Postman 6.2 a single team workspace is now free.
For example, if a team member adds a new api endpoint to the swagger file, do we have to re-import the swagger file into a postman collection overwriting it?
Depends on how you are generating the file. If it is being generated using a run-time tool (e.g., NSwag, Swashbuckle) then you'll most likely end up needing to overwrite the file. If you have a swagger.json your team is directly maintaining, you can probably modify the scripts Postman provides to keep your definitions in sync with Postman:
What about tests created in postman? Is there a way to keep that checked into git?
Yes. You can export Postman collections which include your tests and check those into Git.
If so, is there a hook that can be added to sync those changes to git automatically?
Answered on SO here.
Now that TFS 2015 comes with the same new Rest API of VS Team Services, I've taken a look at the API doc:
One question naturally raised is that most queries do not expose an parameter for git branch or tag (e.g. download /path/to/my/file with tag 'release_v1.0'), which looks like a show stopper. As in my case, I need programatically pull out some source file under a certain branch/tag.
Is it not supported yet?
Yes you can. As or the link that you have above you can use the provided so to retrieve both branches and yes. In git they are really all the same thing, pointers. This use the "refs" api.
My question was too long so I've shortened it:
Is it possible to create or edit a Jenkins Project on the fly with a template/environment variables/coding/etc, and would this be possible via a trigger from Gitlab/hub/etc.? If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great! Thanks!
Your options are to use the rest API (and there's more detailed information in your own Jenkins, check the link in the bottom right corner of every page), or to create the job directory structure and XML files manually and have Jenkins re-scan its workspace directories.
I strongly recommend the rest API. It's designed for this sort of thing.
I'm developing a grails application that uses export:1.6 plugin, but for particular reasons in some cases the result of an action using services is wrong, so I had to get in the methods of the plugin and I had to make son modifications inside the plugin, trouble comes when I want to commit it in our SVN repository (because we are working in a develop team), I'm going to update the app with the plugin modified, but when another person downloads it, the original plugin is going to be originally installed. So I thought to create a new plug in, but, do you have any another suggestion? or if the best way is to create a new plugin, how can I publish it in our Repo? oris it possible to download it with my changes?
This question is similar to this one. In your case, you are better off creating a new plugin.
jenkins has an existing way to modify jobName/config.xml file through post data to url ../jobName/api/config.xml
is it possible to create other files under /JENKINS_HOME/job using the same way like config.xml?
if not, is there an existing plugin to implement my requirement?
if no existing plugin, I'm afraid I have to develop it by myself, so did jenkins provide the extention point which allow me do so?