Impossible to Reject Binary in new iTunesConnect UI - ios

We submitted our binary, but discovered that there was an error. I uploaded a new binary from XCode6 and it shows up in the Prerelease Tab of iTunesConnect. It has a higher build number (#708) as opposed to the "waiting for review" version (#704):
I can't figure out how to use one of the new binaries instead of the old binary. According to the Apple documentation, there should be a notification at the top of the screen (see the "To remove your build from review":
I don't have this notification, nor can I find a reject binary button anywhere.
Other people can't figure out how to reject either, but none of the tricks here worked for me: reject this binary in new itunes connect UI
Even on the mobile app, or in the Versions tab, there is no reject binary button. I've tried restarting Safari, using Chrome, etc.

Assuming you have already selected a binary, it shows up in the Build window. Roll your mouse over the version/build number and a small - sign in a red circle appears. Click the - sign. This deletes that binary from iTunes connect.
Next you get the screen telling you to "Click + to add a build..." Click the message or the + sign next to build.
If you have submitted more than one binary, you will be left with a list of the submitted binaries. Select the radio button for the one you want to appear on the App Store, then click Done.
The other binaries are still there, so you can go back and select one of them if you like. If you really want to get rid of them completely, select them first, then reject them by clicking the - sign (as described above) until only the binary you want to keep is still there.

The new iTunes Connect is very temperamental when it comes to showing binaries in the Build tab. I submitted three new versions with no problems, and the new build showed up within a couple of minutes. On another app it took several hours for the new build to show up. It's slightly insane I must admit. I guess Tim Cook's phrase "Everything is great" does not apply to iTunes Connect.
You can only reject your build when it has been associated with a new version - and you can only do that if your build is showing up to be selected in the Build tab. If you haven't associated a build with your new version yet, simply submit a new one and wait for it to show up there so you can select it. There's no need to delete unused submissions, you just don't associate them with a new app version.
Looks like every build you submit shows up instantly in the Prereleases section (where we don't actually need them) but the system can take a long time to show those under Build in your new version. This is especially true if you submit more than one build before associating ine with your new version (at lest it was with my problematic app).
I suggest you give it 24 hours and if you still can't see your build get in touch with folks at iTunes Connect.

I have noticed that you can NOT reject a binary until you have at least another build with the same version (and a different build number) uploaded.
I used XCode/Organizer to submit another build ( and then I was able to click a MINUS button next to the current build (2.5.7) in an app version where the status is "Waiting for Review" and select the new build. Both builds were for version 2.5.7 and appeared under the same group in the "Prerelease" tab.

This appears to be a bug, and the same thing just happened to me.
I cannot say if this is an effective solution, but I found that you can get the minus button to display via a simple modification of the page in your browser. In Safari, go Develop > Show Web Inspector, click the Inspect button, click your build number in the Build section, and in the DOM editor remove the ng-hide class in the next link.
You can then click the red - button, then click the + button, and select your new build.
It seems to stick, but because you don't get the usual iTunes Connect email and notification and don't get asked the questions you usually see when submitting an update, I am very much unsure that this is an effective solution (and if it were, then this could be a loophole). Will update if I get more information.
EDIT The next day, the Reject Binary button had reappeared, and I was able to use it.


How to remove builds and testers from the app you want transferred in iTunes Connect?

One of my Apple developer account is expiring, and I am trying to transfer my existing app to a newly registered account.
When I pressed the "Transfer App" button, it listed a set of criteria that my app has to meet, one of the pending criteria is "You must remove all builds and testers from the app you want transferred and clear each information field below Test Information."
However, I navigate through the iTunes Connect pages back and forth, and couldn't find the options to "remove all the builds" or "remove testers". Any ideas on how to do that?
These are all the things you have to do in order to get green on the last checkbox:
Go to Test Flight, then
Expire all builds:
Click on the build number next to the icon, then click the 'Expire build' button at the top right, do this for every build:
Delete all testers
Select 'not available for testing' for internal and external testing (if applicable)
Clear all fields from 'Test Information' for every language (or remove languages):
D. Pratt's comment about It can also take a few minutes after you clear out TestFlight before App Store Connect recognizes this fact is what I found to be the issue. Took about 10 minutes for it to kick in on Apple's side before it realized my TestFlight info was clear.
Patience is the key.
For me, even tho i deleted everything, i still had the error.
Surprisingly , after i ADDED (it was not available before) a secondary language in the Test Information in TestFlight tab, then delete the language, it magically fixed itself.
This is How I solved the problems.
Make all build staus are expired.
Deleted all crashes & screenshots.
Delete all tester.
Delete all internal & external testing.
Clear all test information.
The last point is very important.
Make sure all fields are empty(double-check if blank space)
As there are some previous values like the first name, last name then I could not save it as empty, there is a validation that occurred to prevent me to clear the fields.
How to solve this:
Like default language is selected in English. I inserted a
blank space into all fields.
Then I added another language like Arabic. Tap the save button. Then all field will clear and be saved.
Then you will find the transfer is active.
The only options I see for removing testers/builds come up under TestFlight. Try there? There's an edit button on the testers row.

Cancel an iOS release

I created a new version for the iOS app to prepare for some release. For some reason, I need to cancel this release and create a new release(skipping some versions).
I don't see any option to cancel a release before submitting it to app store. Is there any way it can be done before submitting for review.
The cool thing about iTunes Connect is that it lets you edit most metadata for an app that hasn't been reviewed yet.
Updating Your App Version
First, click on your app version in the sidebar.
Then, scroll down. You'll see a textbox for your version number:
Just change that version to whatever version you want. The value in this text box is what is displayed to your users, but does not necessarily have to match the version number in your app's Info.plist.
Replacing an Uploaded Binary
If you've already uploaded a binary, you need to account for two things:
Version Numbers Your next upload needs to have a higher value for the Bundle Version (CFBundleVersion) than the previous binary, even if the "Short Bundle Version String" (CFBundleShortVersionString) is the same.
Binary Submission: You may have chosen your binary as part of your submission that you'd like to change. You may want to remove the old binary and attach your new one after it finishes processing.
If this is the case, hover over the build in the aptly named "Build" section of your entry to see the red removal icon.
Click it to clear the old selection. Then, you'll be able to choose another binary.
When this Works
This only works for an app that has a state of "Prepare For Submission" or "Waiting for Review". If your app is waiting for review and you want to submit a new version, you'll see a banner at the top of that version's screen:
If your app is already submitted and approved, you'll need to submit a new version to the store.

How to definitively reject/replace a binary in the new iTunes Connect when button missing

I'm writing my own question and answer here, because there are dozens of them on stackoverflow, and all have different answers, none of which worked for me.
So, it's been many months since the new iTunes Connect launched, and for a lot of people it's still impossible to reject your own binary so you can replace it, for example if you upload a binary, the status changes to "waiting for review" and then you realise you have a bug so want to upload a new binary.
For many people, there are just no buttons/links/anything on the screen that allows you to modify the binary.
I have my own answer which I'll post now, but it's a total hack, so if anyone else has a sure fire and cleaner way of dealing with this nightmare of a system that Apple has forced on us, please post!
Sadly, this didn't work, the old build was released even though everything on iTunes Connect indicated the new one was up for review. More details in the comments throughout this post.
Here's how to get around the problem ...
Upload a new binary, to do this you need to change the build number .. in the plist, this is "Bundle version" NOT "Bundle versions string, short", although you can change that if you want also.
Since everything, and I mean everything, about the app submission process is f***** then you probably wont get confirmation from Organizer that the binary was submitted, but it probably was.
Wait a short time, log into iTunes Connect, go to your app, click on the "pre-release" tab, you should see your new binary in there, it may still say "processing", if so .. I would wait until that stage has completed before continuing.
In the "Versions" tab, there should be a blue plus icon right beside the word "Build". For me, there wasn't.
USING CHROME: Go to the "Versions" tab and scroll down to build. Right click on build and choose "inspect element".
Expand the div with class "section" and then the h1 with class "ng-binding". In here you will see the word "Build", right below this is a link (a href), it has three classes in the html ... "addIcon ng-binding ng-hide". Double click here and you can edit. Delete ng-hide. BOOM, the plus icon will appear on the web-page, you can now click and choose your new build, then save.
What. A. Complete. Joke.
My app is waiting for review, I cant guarantee that Apple wont turn around and approve the old binary, but everything I can see in iTunes Connect suggests that it's the newer binary that is waiting to be reviewed .. so I'm hopeful. I'll update once the review is complete.
You can also reject the binary using a similar method to Stephen:
Search for "modal for dev reject" in the html. Remove the class "ng-hide" from that. Accept when prompted to reject the build.

iTunesConnect - build in 'prerelease' but not in 'versions'

When I enter my app in iTunesConnect I can see it listed under Prerelease:
However the '?' sign isn't working. I don't see it under Versions, even though 2 previous versions are in ready for sale status or prepare for submission. Does it mean my build is invalid or something is wrong with it?
Yesterday it was on 'validating' status. Today it is normal, so I suppose it should be visible in versions too? I want to submit it to the AppStore.
-- question value as not programming topic --
Because it isn't strict programming question and ppl may want to vote to close it, looking at the I think that is valid because of these points:
software tools commonly used by programmers; and is
a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development
The question seems similar to SOF question, but I didn't get any errors and the solutions didn't work for me.
-- edit --
Screenshot of Versions tab, where version 1.27.0 is NOT visible:
Please go to Versions tab, scroll down to Version section and change it to your new version eg. 1.27.0 as you've said. Then remove previous build and add a new one like #FabioCardoso said. That's all. Should help :-)
Choosing a Build
You can upload any number of builds for your app, and they will remain
in Prerelease on the App Details page. (See Viewing Builds.) When you
submit the app for App Review, only one build can be associated with
the App Store version of the app you want to submit. The build, called
the current build, is the one that will be submitted for App Review.
To choose a build to be the current build, follow these steps:
Open the App Details page for the app, as described in To open the App Details page for an app.
On Versions, scroll down to the Build section.
Click the plus sign to select a build. The plus sign appears only if you have uploaded builds and have not yet not selected a current
build. If you have already selected a build, you can remove it if you
want to select a new one. See Removing the Current Build.
You can see more here
Open the App Details page for the app, as described in To open the App
Details page for an app.
On Versions, scroll down to the Build section.
Click the plus sign to select a build. The plus sign appears only if
you have uploaded builds and have not yet not selected a current
build. If you have already selected a build, you can remove it if you
want to select a new one. See Removing the Current Build.
You have to select the build to submit try it

Removing a new app version from iTunes Connect

I created a new version of my app in iTunes Connect using the wrong version number. I'd like to remove the new version which is in a "Prepare for Upload" status. How do I do this?
There are other question on SO about this, but they do not provide any answers, apply to a version that has a binary already uploaded, or are out of date.
I have a question in to Apple on this, but have not received a response yet.
You cannot remove the new version but you can change its version number, as long as you're in the Prepare for Submission state (ie. you might need to remove the build from waiting for review, also known as rejecting the binary, first). Here's how.
To edit the version number, select the falsely numbered version on the left on iTunes Connect (so NOT the "App Information", but under that the version "1.0.1 Prepare for Submission" etc), scroll down in the right pane to "General App Information" -- just below the App Icon you can see the version number and it's editable! Change it, hit save, and you'll see the version number change on the left side.
Update: as #MDH points out, Apple finally got around to making it easier. You can now just directly edit the version number on the main "page" of the unreleased version. Amazing.
You cannot remove the new version but you can modify version number,so follow the step.
1. Go to
and Open the app which you want to modify the version number
2. Go to below step and change the number which you want and display quick response on left panel.
Log on to itunes connect, then click on the My Apps.
Here we have thumbnails of apps. Click on the app which u have uploaded wrongly. then u will c like this "You can edit all information while your version is waiting for review. To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review."
click on the link to delete the binary.
