Wrong astarNode.x and astarNode.y using Phaser + AStar Plugin - a-star

I was having a little trouble trying to use AStar + Phaser. I debugged it a bit and discovered a little bug. The X and Y of the astarNode property are wrong. I'm still trying to fix it, but you guys maybe help me to find the problem faster.
preload: function() {
this.game.load.tilemap('map', 'assets/tilemap.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);
this.game.load.image('RPGPackSheet', 'assets/sprites/RPGPackSheet.png');
create: function() {
this.map = this.game.add.tilemap('map');
this.layer = this.map.createLayer('LayerName');
this.astar = this.game.plugins.add(Phaser.Plugin.AStar);
this.astar.setAStarMap(this.map, 'LayerName', 'RPGPackSheet');
The output on the console should be:
f: 0,
g: 0,
h: 0,
walkable: false,
x: 4, // equals to the second index of layers[0].data
y: 6 // equals to the first index of layers[0].data
But is giving me:
f: 0,
g: 0,
h: 0,
walkable: false,
x: 24,
y: 13
UPDATE: I found out something more. My tilemap.json uses only 2 tiles (42 and 52). So when the setAStarMap() is called, he updates the X and Y of every astarNode with the current x and y that it is on the for loop (to understand better check updateMap() of AStarPlugin). In the end, every astarNode that uses 42 will have x set to 24 and y set to 13 (which is the coordinates of the last astarNode using tile 42), and every astarNode that uses 52 will have x set to 13 and y set to 12 (again, coordinates of the last astarNode using tile 52). I just can't figure out why this is happening...

From what I know, world size in tiles of your map is supposed to be in a square size, so from what I see your world size in tiles is 25x14. So you can add a blank tiles to fill up your world map in order to get it to size 25x25


How does parameter for functions work in lua?

So I got this chunk of code that for some reason is giving me a null exception on LOVE
function enemies_controller:spawnEnemy(x, y, rad)
enemy = {}
enemy.x = x
enemy.y = y
enemy.rad = rad
enemy.speedMulti = 1
table.insert(enemies_controller.enemies, enemy)
And the function calling it like this:
enemies_controller.spawnEnemy(100, 100, 50)
The thing is that is giving me a null exception on the enemy.rad when i draw, cause enemy.x takes the second function parameter and enemy.y the third, and none takes the first one... So i am unsure of what is happening
It's because using : creates a "self" parameter. (This is a typing shortcut because lots of people make functions with self parameters. It doesn't do anything special.)
function enemies_controller:spawnEnemy(x, y, rad)
is the same as
function enemies_controller.spawnEnemy(self, x, y, rad)
or in other words:
enemies_controller.spawnEnemy = function(self, x, y, rad)
Notice the difference between . and :.
A similar thing when you call it:
enemies_controller:spawnEnemy(100, 100, 50)
is the same as:
enemies_controller.spawnEnemy(enemies_controller, 100, 100, 50)
and the first one is probably how you're meant to call the function - there's no other reason they'd define it with :.
If you call
enemies_controller.spawnEnemy(100, 100, 50)
then you pass 100 as self, 100 as x and 50 as y and nil as rad

Highcharts custom pattern fill shows different stroke width

I'm trying to create a custom pattern fill for highcharts.
It's a horizontal dashed line with alternating starting points from one row to another (the first start at 0,0 the second at 3,10 and so on).
I edited the Highcharts JSfiddle example replacing the custom pattern with the following (here you can find my "final" version) :
color: {
pattern: {
path: {
d: 'M 0 0 H 8 M 14 0 H 22 M 3 10 H 19',
strokeWidth: 0.5
width: 22,
height: 20
The problem is the the two rows of lines have different width.
I can't find any parameter in the documentation to fix this.
I don't know if the problem is in my pattern definition or a highcharts bug.
Any thoughts?
The path as-is moves first to 0,0 and then 14,0, and finally 3,10:
d: 'M 0 0 H 8 M 14 0 H 22 M 3 10 H 19'
You can change that to 0,1 and then 14,1, and then 3,11 and the lines are the same width:
d: 'M 0 1 H 8 M 14 1 H 22 M 3 11 H 19'
The lines starting at 0,0 are centred on the boundary meaning that half the line gets cut off, so just moving them all down by 1 ensures that the whole line is visible.
Updated Fiddle

How to use bounding box in Love2d?

I've been using some extremely bulky code to detect collision between simple objects, and I've heard about bounding boxes. I can't find any tutorials on how to use it, so I'm asking about how to use it. Here is how I detect collision:
function platform.collision()
if player.x + player.width / 2 <= platform.x + platform.width and
player.x + player.width / 2 >= platform.x and
player.y + player.height <= platform.y + platform.height and
player.y + player.height >= platform.y then
The MDN has a rather concise article on 2D collision detection. Being the MDN, the examples are in javascript, but are easily translated to, and applicable in, any language - including Lua.
Let's take a look:
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
One of the simpler forms of collision detection is between two rectangles that are axis aligned — meaning no rotation. The algorithm works by ensuring there is no gap between any of the 4 sides of the rectangles. Any gap means a collision does not exist.
Their example, translated to Lua:
local rect1 = { x = 5, y = 5, width = 50, height = 50 }
local rect2 = { x = 20, y = 10, width = 10, height = 10 }
rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width and
rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x and
rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height and
rect1.height + rect1.y > rect2.y
-- collision detected!
-- filling in the values =>
5 < 30 and
55 > 20 and
5 < 20 and
55 > 10
-- collision detected!
A live example, again in JavaScript, demonstrates this well.
Here's a quick (and imperfect) Love2D example you can throw into a main.lua and play around with.
local function rect (x, y, w, h, color)
return { x = x, y = y, width = w, height = h, color = color }
local function draw_rect (rect)
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', rect.x, rect.y,
rect.width, rect.height)
local function collides (one, two)
return (
one.x < two.x + two.width and
one.x + one.width > two.x and
one.y < two.y + two.height and
one.y + one.height > two.y
local kp = love.keyboard.isDown
local red = { 255, 0, 0, 255 }
local green = { 0, 255, 0, 255 }
local blue = { 0, 0, 255, 255 }
local dim1 = rect(5, 5, 50, 50, red)
local dim2 = rect(20, 10, 60, 40, green)
function love.update ()
if kp('up') then
dim2.y = dim2.y - 1
if kp('down') then
dim2.y = dim2.y + 1
if kp('left') then
dim2.x = dim2.x - 1
if kp('right') then
dim2.x = dim2.x + 1
dim2.color = collides(dim1, dim2) and green or blue
function love.draw ()
Oka explained it very well. This works for everything rectangular, not rotated and axis aligned. And you even already did it that way. This is great for buttons and the like!
But what I like doing is using (invisible) circles around objects and see if these collide. This works for everything where height is about the same as the width (which is the case for many sidescrolling platformers or top-down RPGs).
It's quite handy if you want to have the object centered at the current position. And it's especially helpful to simulate a finger on a touchscreen device, because a finger is quite a bit bigger than a mouse cursor. ;)
Here's an example on how to use this method. You can copy it as an actual game, it'll work.
--[[ Some initial default settings. ]]
function love.load()
settings = {
mouseHitbox = 5, -- A diameter around the mouse cursor.
-- For a finger (thouchscreen) this could be bigger!
objects = {
[1] = {
x = 250, -- Initial X position of object.
y = 200, -- Initial Y position of object.
hitbox = 100, -- A diameter around the CENTER of the object.
isHit = false -- A flag for when the object has been hit.
[2] = {
x = 400,
y = 250,
hitbox = 250,
isHit = false
--[[ This is the actual function to detect collision between two objects. ]]
function collisionDetected(x1,y1,x2,y2,d1,d2)
-- Uses the x and y coordinates of two different points along with a diameter around them.
-- As long as these two diameters collide/overlap, this function returns true!
-- If d1 and/or d2 is missing, use the a default diameter of 1 instead.
local d1 = d1 or 1
local d2 = d2 or 1
local delta_x = x2 - x1
local delta_y = y2 - y1
local delta_d = (d1 / 2) + (d2 / 2)
if ( delta_x^2 + delta_y^2 < delta_d^2 ) then
return true
--[[ Now, some LÖVE functions to give the collisionDetection() some context. ]]
function love.draw()
for i=1,#objects do -- Loop through all objects and draw them.
if ( objects[i].isHit ) then
love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) -- If an object is hit, it will flash red for a frame.
objects[i].isHit = false
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255)
love.graphics.circle("line", objects[i].x, objects[i].y, objects[i].hitbox/2)
-- You can use the following to check, if any object has been clicked on (or tapped on a touch screen device).
function love.mousepressed(x,y,button)
if ( button == 1 ) then
local i = objectIsHit(x,y) -- Check, if an object has been hit.
if ( i ) then
-- The object number 'i' has been hit. Do something with this information!
objects[i].isHit = true
function objectIsHit(x,y)
for i=1,#objects do -- Loop through all objects and see, if one of them has been hit.
if ( collisionDetected(x, y, objects[i].x, objects[i].y, settings.mouseHitbox, objects[i].hitbox) ) then
return i -- This object has been hit!
-- For the sake of completeness: You can use something like the following to check, if the objects themselves collide.
-- This would come in handy, if the objects would move around the screen and then bounce from each other, for example.
function love.update(dt)
if ( collisionDetected(objects[1].x, objects[1].y, objects[2].x, objects[2].y, objects[1].hitbox, objects[2].hitbox) ) then
-- The objects collided. Do something with this information!
As you can see, the collisionDetection() function is quite easy and intuitive to use.
Hopefully I could give you some more insight. And have fun with LÖVE 2D! :)

What Linear Mapping Function

What linear mapping function is required to map a gray image from [30-200] to [0, 255]?
I have already done some work and this is what I have come up with, but I would like to know if it's the correct way to do it:
min : 30, want to map to 0
mid : 85, want to map to 128
max : 200, want to map to 255
if (i <= mid), M(i) = 127*(i - min)/(mid - min)
if (i > mid), M(i) = 128 + (255 - 128)*(i - mid - 1)/(max - mid - 1);
This appears to be correct to me because:
if i = 30, it should map to 0. Plugging the information in:
M(30) = 127*(30-30)/(85 - 30) = 0
If i = 85, it should map to 127:
M(85) = 127*(85 - 30) / (85 - 30) = 127
If i = 200, it should map to 200:
M(200) = 128 + (255 - 128)*(200 - 85 - 1)/(200 - 85 - 1) = 255
Thank you.
If you apply a linear mapping, the middle of the first interval will be automatically mapped to the middle of the second interval (you can see it as Thales principle). So you need to apply only one equation: y=a.x+b
To solve this equation you have two information: a.30+b=0, and
Then you solve this and you obtain: a=1.5, and b=-45.
And be careful, the middle of [30, 200] is not 85 but 115 (=30+85).
Finally you can check, if you apply 1.5*x-45=y, you successfully obtain: 30->0, 200->255, and 115->127.5

How to make ImageTransformation produce an anamorphic version of image

I'm experimenting with the ImageTransformation function to try to make anamorphic versions of images, but with limited progress so far. I'm aiming for the results you get using the image reflected in a cylindrical mirror, where the image curves around the central mirror for about 270 degrees. The wikipedia article has a couple of neat examples (and I borrowed Holbein's skull from them too).
i = Import["../Desktop/Holbein_Skull.jpg"];
i = ImageResize[i, 120]
f[x_, y_] := {(2 (y - 0.3) Cos [1.5 x]), (2 (y - 0.3) Sin [1.5 x])};
ImageTransformation[i, f[#[[1]], #[[2]]] &, Padding -> White]
But I can't persuade Mathematica to show me the entire image, or to bend it correctly. The anamorphic image should wrap right round the mirror placed "inside" the centre of the image, but it won't. I found suitable values for constants by putting it inside a manipulate (and turning the resolution down :). I'm using the formula:
x1 = a(y + b) cos(kx)
y1 = a(y + b) sin(kx)
Any help producing a better result would be greatly appreciated!
In ImageTransformation[f,img], the function f is such that a point {x,y} in the resulting image corresponds to f[{x,y}] in img. Since the resulting image is basically the polar transformation of img, f should be the inverse polar transformation, so you could do something like
anamorphic[img_, angle_: 270 Degree] :=
Module[{dim = ImageDimensions[img], rInner = 1, rOuter},
rOuter = rInner (1 + angle dim[[2]]/dim[[1]]);
Function[{pt}, {ArcTan[-#2, #1] & ## pt, Norm[pt]}],
DataRange -> {{-angle/2, angle/2}, {rInner, rOuter}},
PlotRange -> {{-rOuter, rOuter}, {-rOuter, rOuter}},
Padding -> White
The resulting image looks something like
anamorphic[ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Lena"}]]
Note that you can a similar result with ParametricPlot and TextureCoordinateFunction, e.g.
anamorphic2[img_Image, angle_: 270 Degree] :=
Module[{rInner = 1,rOuter},
rOuter = rInner (1 + angle #2/#1 & ## ImageDimensions[img]);
ParametricPlot[{r Sin[t], -r Cos[t]}, {t, -angle/2, angle/2},
{r, rInner, rOuter},
TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#3, #4} &),
PlotStyle -> {Opacity[1], Texture[img]},
Mesh -> None, Axes -> False,
BoundaryStyle -> None,
Frame -> False
anamorphic2[ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Lena"}]]
In answer to Mr.Wizard's question, if you don't have access to ImageTransformation or Texture you could transform the image data by hand by doing something like
anamorph3[img_, angle_: 270 Degree, imgWidth_: 512] :=
Module[{data, f, matrix, dim, rOuter, rInner = 1.},
dim = ImageDimensions[img];
rOuter = rInner (1 + angle #2/#1 & ## dim);
data = Table[
ListInterpolation[#[[All, All, i]],
{{rOuter, rInner}, {-angle/2, angle/2}}], {i, 3}] &#ImageData[img];
f[i_, j_] := If[Abs[j] <= angle/2 && rInner <= i <= rOuter,
Through[data[i, j]], {1., 1., 1.}];
Image#Table[f[Sqrt[i^2 + j^2], ArcTan[i, -j]],
{i, -rOuter, rOuter, 2 rOuter/(imgWidth - 1)},
{j, -rOuter, rOuter, 2 rOuter/(imgWidth - 1)}]]
Note that this assumes that img has three channels. If the image has fewer or more channels, you need to adapt the code.
