iOS take pictures in album and then show them - ios

What would be the best way in iOS 7 to take pictures inside a custom album (Named after my application) and then show the custom album.
I mean, I could add those pictures in a group using AssetsLibrary but there's some way to show them afterwards without having to create a custom gallery? the sample app is included. take a look


Multiple Selection Of Image in iOS

hey I'm new in iOS app developing world...
I had open the gallery and selected only one image and displayed on image view.
Now I want to select multiple image from Gallery.
So my question is
How should I select multiple image from Gallery in iOS and display on UIImageView???
UIImagePickerController doesn't support multiple selection by default, but you can use libraries like QBImagePicker to achieve that.
Generally you should not pick multiple images from iOS native picker so
from UIImagePickerController you can get only one picture. If you need to pick more you need a custom image picker, such as ELCImagePickerController. It works well! You can download it here.

How to pickup multiple images from photo gallery in iOS 8 Swift

I'm building an app for iOS 8 using Swift and I need to allow the user select more than one image from the photo gallery. But all code examples using UIImagePickerController works with just one photo at a time like this one
Is there any way to select more than one photo at a time?
Using UIImagePickerController no. You could write your custom picker or use something ready, like CTAssetsPickerController

How to open Saved Photos Album when touch a button? [duplicate]

I am trying to write an app which involves picking a picture from either camera or library. Once the picture is picked , I want to show the preview of the picture.It happens by default when camera is opted. Once the photo is clicked, it shows the user to choose or retake. But I want the same to be done when the picture is selected from the photo library also. Can this be done??
Ok thanks for the response. Here is what I did:
Subclass UIImagePickerController . Upon picking an image, I am pushing another viewcontroller which is similiar to preview screen. This is similiar to facebook app and so I think it will get approved by apple.
I may be wrong, but I think you need to implement the custom view yourself. You can use the delegate callback method to get the selected image and put it on your custom view along with buttons (choose or retake).

which is the best practice to use for Image gallery in iOS

In my app which i am developing now has the Image Gallery where it consist of lot of albums and multiple images per album.
which is the best practice to use for Image Gallery? where i am planning to create a tableview for album listing and a navigating to a new View Controller taping on album. is that good way of creating albums?
and i'm using AFNetwork how to cache the images in the background so that the performance of the application will not effect.
Thanks in Advance.
There are lot if third party image gallery libraries available for iOS. Following are few of them :
If above ones doesn't serve your purpose you can always create a custom gallery view that serves your purpose.

Creating my own Image Picker

I'd like to create a custom image browser in my app that uses the images from the camera roll.
i.e. I'd like to completely replace UIImagePickerController and use my own control.
Is there a way of accessing the camera roll photos in this way?
Cluster App does this but I can't find a picture of it.
You need to use ALAssetsLibrary to access the images.
Have a look at the QBImagePickerController on the GitHub. They implemented custom image picker controller very similar to UIImagePickerController with added multiple selection feature. It will help you. Atleast look at this file
Check out RengarViewController
a custom image picker controller which make use of Photo Framework (introduced in iOS 8).
It has nice UI, can be scrolled and panned.
