Delphi XE6 and NotificationCenter only work with APP open - delphi

When I create an app using this component it just send notifications to Android while APP is opened or when she's in the background because I pressed the home button on the phone, if I close the app or exit using the back button notifications are no longer passed to the cell. Is there any way to fix this?

How do you expect for your app to create any notifications if it is not running? Your app needs to be rinning in order to create or post any notivications to the OS.
So now you would probably wanna focus on preventing the app instantly closing when back button is pressed in a way that you notiffy the user that closing the app will prevent its notifications to work and then give your user choice to either close the app or simply keep it workinng in the background.


iOS when receive a remote notification can we know it and do something?

There is several situations when receiving a remote notification:
app is not launched at all
app is foreground
app is background
what I am looking for is that user haven't click the notification to launch or active the app. can we catch the receiving and do some thing in such three situation?
I know 2 is ok, how about 1 and 3, and how to do it? thx a lot.
somebody mentions widget or NotificationService? is it possible?
You can try adding a Notification Service Extension to your app.
iOS will launch your extension (NOT your app) in background when it receives a push notification. Obviously what you can do inside an extension is fairly limited.
There are two ways to be notified when your app moves to the background: implement the applicationWillResignActive() method in your app delegate, or register for the UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification notification anywhere in your app. This particular notification is sent as soon as your app loses focus, meaning that it's triggered when the user taps the home button once (to return to the home screen) or double taps the home button (to enter multi-tasking).

Is it possible to have a "notification only" app, or NOT show the watch app after a notification is displayed?

The iOS app I'm working on for a client currently only uses Apple Watch for notifications.
When a local notification fires while the user's phone is locked, it displays the notification on the phone. The user can dismiss the notification or click on one of the action buttons on it.
In either case, I want to dismiss the watch app and go back to whatever state it was in (back to the watch desktop, or springboard, or whatever it's called.) I don't want to present the UI for the watch app, since there isn't one, at least not yet. I don't know if my client is going to define a watch app UI or not.
As it is now, once the user clicks the dismiss button or an action button on the notification, the user is left with a stupid-looking placeholder watch app that simply has a button called "button" (which I added for testing.)
I'm afraid that you cannot change this. iOS decides which device the notification is shown on and you have no control over this.
If the iPhone is locked then iOS assumes that you are using your watch and will deliver the notification to it, however if your iPhone is unlocked it tends to deliver to notification to the iPhone.

Detecting home button press on iOS?

Is there any way to detect if the user has pressed the home button on iOS? Obviously if the app is running normally the app delegate methods gets called, but if the device is locked to an app (through Guided Access or an MDM-server) so the app doesn't quit when you push the home button - is there then any way to know if the user pushed it?
My initial thought was to listen for notifications, but I can't seem to see any generated by pressing the home button.
no not on a stock idevice
on a stock device your best bet is UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification (Posted when the app enters the background.)
there is no dedicated way to listen for presses to the home button though, so this won't work for GuidedAccess either

Detect Home button long press event in background

How can I detect Home button long press like 4 second or more event in my app which is already running in background? Is it possible to so because app is already running in background and if user long press home button of the device for 4 second or more can i detect the event in my background running app and if possible than will Apple approve this for app store?
No that is not possible. As you should know, a long press on the home button brings up Siri. Your app would interfere with that. Also, I don't believe Apple allows access to the home button event like that.
Lastly; while your app is in the background, it goes into a suspend state after a short while and no events run. The only thing the app can do is receive push notifications - unless you have been given special access to audio / gps functions from Apple themselves.
Short answer : Not possible. not at least with public method and want your app to be on Appstore.
For the Research purpose, you might want to try use private method and do your R&D with it. it might be possible.

Detect if home button is pressed while the app is running in the background

I need a way for my app to know if the home button is pressed, while the app is running in the background. If the home button is pressed, something is gonna be added to a list inside the app. Is that possible somehow?
If your app is in the background, your app wont receive any updates. Furthermore, there isn't any way to hook into the home button click even if your app is in the foreground.
Perhaps there is a private api way to handle this, but your app certainly won't be able to both achieve this goal and be in the Apple App Store. Sorry!
In case you wanted some idea why Apple doesn't allow this, it's because they don't want the home button switch's default behavior to be altered. See this:
10.5 Apps that alter the functions of standard switches, such as the Volume Up/Down and Ring/Silent switches, will be rejected
