I am receiving the following error after integrating AWS SDK V 2 which is downloaded from the link https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ios-v2
Error thorwn in my xcode seen like below:
AWSiOSSDKv2 [Error] AWSSerialization.m line:1486 | +[AWSJSONParser dictionaryForJsonData:actionName:serviceDefinitionRule:error:] | JSON definition File is empty or can not be found, will return un-serialized dictionary
Samples of SDK i downloaded from the GitHub repository: github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-ios-samples and when i run the app and try to upload a files the above errors are thrown.
Please help me to resolve this. However downloading a file works fine and verified in Chrome tool S3 Browser.
I got it Woking by using the API which accepts access key n secret key.
Make sure you have followed the steps to correctly configure the SDK available here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforios/developerguide/setup.html specifically step 7 on the service-definition files.
Using the Airwatch SDK v21.4 on iOS an error is shown:
"We were unable to retrieve the configuration information. Press
continue to try again"
Using Airwatch SDK 20.9 worked fine, but after upgrading to version (21.0 thru 21.4) on iOS the SDK is displaying the error.
The message text can be found in an AWSDK.framework file Localizable.strings within the entry RetryToFetchConfigurationInformation
I can do a fresh install from the HUB app just fine.
After launching the app the UI is not displayed until a successful response from controllerDidFinishInitialCheck.
My controllerDidFinishInitialCheck method does not contain any errors.
After receiving a valid controllerDidFinishInitialCheck result the UI is displayed, followed by a popup alert message with the error.
Advice / Suggestions / How can I isolate this issue? It may be a timeout issue?
I have created an application image for BlueData and deployed it to the app store.
I noticed in tooltips on the app icon (App Store) the following error:
catalog entry json has api specification error
What can be causing this issue?
The issue was the catalog_api_version in the json file.
It should have been version 5 - api matrices
I developed my application in ionic 3 and my back-end is PHP PDO , my app is working perfectly in Android and all the web services are getting called perfectly.
I have imported my code in Mac Book and generated in Xcode. when I run that code in simulator API are not getting called and shows error as HTTP failure Response from unknown URL 0 Unknown Error.
I have already added white list Plugin in iOS
I have already added CSP in my index.html file
API are getting called in Safari Browser perfectly but not in simulator and real device.
Any help is appreciated.
I have Degraded ionic web view for ios and that worked for me.
I'm building a simple app, as it is described on this tutorial: Instagram like app
However, I've made all the steps correctly, to the "Run the app" part, but when I ran it, the Xcode 7 (swift2) outputs this error every time I launch the app or pull to refresh:
2015-09-20 00:46:41.224 Paws2[1196:393571] [Error]: unauthorized (Code: 0, Version: 1.8.5)
I'm using the latest pod available and I don't know how to bypass this issue.
Note that I've made an exactly app as described in the tutorial with the version 1.7.5 and the error was the same, so I updated the pos version to the latest.
I've names the app Paws2 on purpose, it wasn't a error, as it says in the Tutorial to name it 'Paws'.
Thanks in advance
- Regards, Ivan.
EDIT 1: I've updated cocoapods and everything else related and the error continues.
I had a same error too.
My case was silly. I put wrong Application ID / Client Key in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method on AppDelegate.
[Parse setApplicationId:#“Your Application ID"
clientKey:#“Your Client Key"];
Make sure you put right keys.
I am trying to integrate Clickbank's Pytch framework in my iOS application.
but, after following exact sequence as mentioned in their doc, i am seeing error 403 Forbidden
Is there anyone who tried Pytch SDK?
Okay. The error was in the id that i was passing. It was wrong, i corrected the id and it worked.