catalog entry json has api specification error - bluedata

I have created an application image for BlueData and deployed it to the app store.
I noticed in tooltips on the app icon (App Store) the following error:
catalog entry json has api specification error
What can be causing this issue?

The issue was the catalog_api_version in the json file.
It should have been version 5 - api matrices


ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage

I am having trouble uploading my app to the App Store Connect. I have uploaded the same app several times before but today its showing this error:
The app references non-public selectors in Payload/ initWithFrame:configuration:, isMainFrame, setNavigationDelegate:, userContentController With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.50 for id
I have not change anything that has to do with the webview_flutter dependency since the last upload.
Xcode Version 13.4.1
Message from Apple: "The issue has been resolved on the app validation backend. Please try resubmitting. Sorry for the trouble."

Airwatch SDK iOS - We were unable to retrieve the configuration information

Using the Airwatch SDK v21.4 on iOS an error is shown:
"We were unable to retrieve the configuration information. Press
continue to try again"
Using Airwatch SDK 20.9 worked fine, but after upgrading to version (21.0 thru 21.4) on iOS the SDK is displaying the error.
The message text can be found in an AWSDK.framework file Localizable.strings within the entry RetryToFetchConfigurationInformation
I can do a fresh install from the HUB app just fine.
After launching the app the UI is not displayed until a successful response from controllerDidFinishInitialCheck.
My controllerDidFinishInitialCheck method does not contain any errors.
After receiving a valid controllerDidFinishInitialCheck result the UI is displayed, followed by a popup alert message with the error.
Advice / Suggestions / How can I isolate this issue? It may be a timeout issue?

An Error occurred uploading to the App Store

I could upload an app to App Store. It said successfully uploaded. However, 3 hour passed and I still can't get the reply e-mail from Apple. Therefore, I'm trying to upload it again (with new version 1.1) but I'm getting "an error occurred uploading to the App Store" error in both Application Loader and Xcode. I view this post Java. I even don't have any java version in my Mac. Therefore, none of solutions work for me.
I'm getting this error
[2017-05-18 20:09:58 EEST] INFO: Transporter is skipping bundle update check: Already checked recently.
An error occurred while trying to start transporter. Exception's name: java.lang.NullPointerException, Exception's message: Specified service reference cannot be null.

AWS SDK v 2 Integration in iOS and getting error

I am receiving the following error after integrating AWS SDK V 2 which is downloaded from the link
Error thorwn in my xcode seen like below:
AWSiOSSDKv2 [Error] AWSSerialization.m line:1486 | +[AWSJSONParser dictionaryForJsonData:actionName:serviceDefinitionRule:error:] | JSON definition File is empty or can not be found, will return un-serialized dictionary
Samples of SDK i downloaded from the GitHub repository: and when i run the app and try to upload a files the above errors are thrown.
Please help me to resolve this. However downloading a file works fine and verified in Chrome tool S3 Browser.
I got it Woking by using the API which accepts access key n secret key.
Make sure you have followed the steps to correctly configure the SDK available here: specifically step 7 on the service-definition files.

ios DemoCast Player Chromecast "does not support app"

After getting my chromcast whitelisted and receiving Application ID. I downloaded the DemoCastPlayer from github & the ios SDK. The following are the steps i did to setup and run the application
1) set up the ios project with the cast framework,
changed [YOUR_APP_NAME] with google supplied app ID
2) In the app bundle Root.plist changed Default Value to point to
3) I uploaded the example receiver.html with the app ID & medial.xml to my website
Unfortunately Im getting the following Error white Discovering the Devices :
-[GCKNetworkRequest performHTTPGet:timeout:] started GET request
-[GCKNetworkRequest httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:finalURL:headers:data:]
httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:200:data:1082 bytes
-[GCKNetworkRequest performHTTPGet:timeout:]
started GET request for:
-[GCKNetworkRequest httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:finalURL:headers:data:]
httpRequest:didCompleteWithStatusCode:404:data:0 bytes
**-[GCKApplicationSupportFilterListener networkRequest:didFailWithError:]
Device <0x1fda9d70:GCKDevice> Chromecast0704 (64cb88c8-9617-8099-8d1c-8218b784ae25)
does not support app [7a479924-b922-41a0-ae85-xxxxxxxxxxxx]**
I doubled checked that both my receiver.html file and ios application have the same ID
and the send chromcast serial number to google is set .
Any Idea how to solve that issue ?
You have extra "[" and "]" around your appId, please remove them from everywhere, including from your receiver file and try again.
