Dynamic text block in iOS App Settings - ios

I want to send some log data to the ios app settings menu. I have dynamic text fields that I can change from that app working, but I need a text block now.
What I need to do is have a menu item that has a child view. That part too I have working. You click on View Logs from my app settings menu and it takes me to a blank page right now. How can I add a large dynamic text block? I have tried adding a Group and setting the Key to FooterText which I think is what I need to do. I can specify static text in there right now.
I don't know how to make it dynamic though. Any ideas?

Not exactly clear on what you are trying to do here (maybe clarify?). If you need a large text view then why not consider UITextView. You can jam essentially as much text in there as you want.
Settings is really not meant to serve as a read-write repository in the manner you describe. It is really focused on write infrequently, read many (think LDAP). However, you can make a lot of text data available through settings if that's what you want. Since the fields in settings don't support large quantities of text data, you might consider this approach. Even though it talks about 'licenses and attribution' you could apply this to logfiles as well.
best way to add license section to iOS settings bundle


how to make app with the Dynamic type support?

I have completed making an IOS app. Now its been final and was ready to upload, but suddenly I was given a task to apply a new thing in the app and that is as Under
When user increases text size From the Settings > Accessibility > Larger Text or from Settings > Display And Brightness > TextSize now my app text appearance must change accordingly.
What I want: As I told you above that app is completed, and as I have used too many UILabels, UIButtons and UITextViews, so I am finding a way to how to change their text size accordingly to newly changed text size by the user. Is it possible to add any extension that increase the text size of app in more generic way. so that I do not have to go to every view in storyboard to make the view of dynamic type.
The process of changing and converting every view or coding in every class will be cumbersome. Is there any short way to handle it while everything is already completed.
Please help thanks.
The process of changing and converting every view or coding in every class will be cumbersome. Is there any short way to handle it while everything is already completed.
I'm sorry to tell you that implementing the Dynamic Type feature in an already existing app is never easy and quick to be done.
It's like making the design, it takes time and requires conception for adapting the ergonomic a11y to provide the best user experience.
Even if many things can be done in the Interface Builder, I prefer to handle everything in code because you can mutualize many properties and methods while it's element by element in the IB.
Among other things, you'll have to:
Use the text styles and activate the adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory properties of your elements to have an automatic update of your system font size.
Listen to the traitCollectionDidChange method that belongs to the UITraitEnvironment informal protocol to be aware of the font size settings changes.
Use dynamic values for adapting all your constraints so as to reorder appropriately every single element and make the containers fit their contents according to the different font size settings.
Adapt and customize every Large Content Viewers to enlarge UI elements when the Dynamic Type can't be applied (only since iOS 13).
There's no magic trick to make an app with the Dynamic Type support: you have to know how it works and then build every element as you do in your daily programming.
Hereunder few links that may help to reach your goal:
A detailed summary of the WWDC video 'Building Apps with Dynamic Type' where every steps are explained with a complete example in the end.
Some code snippets (ObjC + Swift) and illustrations to provide explanations for code implementation.
Few outlines to have in mind when testing a Dynamic Type implementation.
All these information could help you make your app with the Dynamic Type support.

iOS best practices with dynamic content

I'm building an iOS with bilingual content, the user will be able to switch between languages at any point and the content will be updated to the selected language. What is the best way to keep track of all of my UIView components to facilitate the language switch?
The options I see are;
Make each element that could possibly change a property of my ViewController;
Give each element a tag and grab the elements with viewWithTag when required;
Throw out the whole container view and rebuild it from scratch.
To be honest none of these 3 options sound ideal, are there others options I haven't thought of? What is considered the best way to keep track of multiple elements?
Edit 3 Mar 2014
More details.
The app will have two versions of all the dynamic content, French and English. Only one language will be displayed at a time, but the user will be able to switch languages at any time and all of the displayed content should be updated.
App description.
The app is part of an instillation and will be run in kiosk mode with a landscape orientation. The left hand 2/3 of the screen will be a horizontal scroll view though which the the user can page though the content. When the user sees content that they wish to investigate further a vertical scrollview will slide up from the bottom and fill the right hand 1/3 of the screen. The user will then be able to page though details on the content. It is this dynamic detail content that I am currently working on changing according to language.
What I'd do is subclass all "basic" components (UILabel, UIButton and others) and make them respond to a global, custom NSNotification sent by your controllers when the user switches a language, with the use of the global notification center ([NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]). That way, anyone has a chance to update.
In a recent localisation attempt we just made every visible string an outlet and defined them as NSLocalizedString, then we have plist dictionaries for each language. It takes awhile to get all set up, but is relatively easy to maintain once it's there!
Not saying that's the best way, but that's what we did!
That link may help you! :)

Ios default icon for open view from list

In every ios app you can have a list that contains elements with subelements.
Tapping on the element will open a new page and you can usually press back to return.
This is indicated with a grey ">" symbol on the right.
Is this symbol downloadable somewhere? I know i can just type a > but it doesn't look exactly like the default icon used by ios.
I'm using Xamarin dialog and a standard RootElement embedded as a list item looks exactly like the default ios but i need to customize it with an icon placed left of the text(which is no problem except that i now lose the default > icon).
Googling for ios system icons, ios default icons and ios sdk did not yield the wanted result. I'm hoping that these icons are somewhere embedded on the device.
I hope you guys can help me out, thanks !
As far as I know there is no way to access a UIImage instance of the chevron during run time. Most likely there is private API for this, but I am not aware of it, and since it's private you are not allowed to use it anyway.
You could probably instantiate a cell that has the disclosure indicator as accessoryType and walk the view hierarchy to find it. But that will break easily, so don't do it.
The best way is to add an image and update it with every new iOS release.
There's the iOS Artwork Extractor which basically gets you every piece of artwork that is used in iOS.
The artwork you are looking for should be named UITableNext. (at least that's the name in iOS6, I don't have an extracted archive of iOS7 yet)
Strictly speaking you are violating Apples rules and their copyright if you use their artwork without Apples written consent.
As far as I know this has never been enforced, and lots of people do it, but it's good to keep it in mind.

How do I go about building a native iOS rich text editor?

We want a native rich text editor because we are trying to stay away from using Javascript and webviews for this solution.
We've tried many things so far, and we're left with quite a few obstacles that we just can't get around. Let me break it down into questions that I hope you can answer.
I have a UIButton, that says "B" on it, and I want to put it into the 'selected' state when a user sets 'Bold' from using the TextView's long-press gesture on a selection. How do I register for this state change? I tried adding an observer on the textView.attributedText, but it doesn't seem they are changing that dictionary, but instead are updating it. NSDictionary has no way, as far as I know, to add observers on the dictionary's keys. So I'm stuck with noticing this change.
Regarding number 1, I also tried setting the textView's inputDelegate and it seems that the method - (void)textDidChange:(id )textInput never gets called. :( Docs says is should. What did I do wrong?
How do I update the attributedText weight when I hit my bold italic or underline button.
How do I convert my attributed text into HTML?
I saw a few neat libraries for number 4, but I'm still curious what you'd come up with. (Broadens my options). But, I can't really work on number 4 until I figure out how to do the previous 3.
This editor will also need hyperlinks, bulleted lists, and numbered lists, more things I imagine I'll struggle through, but if you could answer the 4 questions above, that will keep me held over for a while. :)
Here is a link to an iOS rich text editor I've been working on.
There is still a lot of work that has to be done, but the basic features are there.
The Apple sample application called 'TextEdit' does much of what you've described and, if not that, would be a very good starting point. Find the sample code with a search in the Organizer.
There is a commercial editor based on the DTCoreText library. I've used that library but not the rich text editor. Look at the Cocoanetics web site. It's not cheap but will save you a ton of work.

How to develop dynamic iOS settings menu

if you are developing Android apps, you can just create a PreferenceScreen/Activity and then link some preference items which are declared in a xml file to that screen. So you can build different settings menus and call them from different places in your app. They all use the same style and the same mechanism to save the settings chosen.
I was just wondering, that there is no such function in iOS. We have to call many different settings menus in our app, so how do I archive this? Is it better to design one dynamic settings screen which you can call from anywhere in your app (filled with different information each time), or should we use one big settings menu where all the app-settings live. Is it possible then, to simply jump to "submenus" of this big settings menu?
Should I use iOS Settings Bundle to generate the menu structure in files and then display them in an tableview?
I could find some Settings-Kits like InAppSettingsKit but I don't like to use an open source library for such an important function.
The settings bundle is the right way to add settings to your app.
It's a bit unusual to access settings from within an iOS app, but if you're sure you want to do so then InAppSettingsKit is a good a way to make the in-app settings as similar to the settings app as possible. The fact that it's open source shouldn't put you off - much of the iOS toolchain is open source.
I did a similar thing where I have an enum of menu modes. Each time the a table view cell is selected it changes the mode and redraws the table view. conditionals in numberOfRowsInSection: and numberOfSections: change the layout of the table and conditionals in cellForRowAtIndexPath: change the content, all based on the new mode set. I then spun the content of the table for each mode out into a JSON file and at the beginning read that into a Dictionary which forms the data structure that the table reads from.
I chose JSON as it's easily parsable with NSJSONSerialization
