Six degrees of Kevin Bacon - neo4j

There are a couple other posts about degrees of Kevin Bacon, and the answers on those posts are similar to what I came up with myself before looking it up. But it's evident that I'm still doing something wrong from the results I get and the way the performance of my query falls off as I increase the degree of separation from Kevin Bacon.
Here's my query to find all actors with one degree of Kevin Bacon:
match p=(:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTED_IN*..2]-(:Person) return p
If I understand correctly, that's equivalent to this:
match p=(:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(:Person) return p
And indeed, both of these queries return the same number of rows. But if I modify the first version of the query and increase the path length to 6 (i.e., three degrees of Kevin Bacon) it returns 978 rows. There are only 133 Person nodes in the database, so I would expect it to return at most 133 rows.
My guess is that it's returning multiple paths to some of the Person nodes. How do I tell it to return only the shortest path to each? Basically, I want to perform a single depth-first or breadth-first search. I think it might involve WITH, but I don't really understand how to use that yet.

The two statements are not identical: [:ACTED_IN*..2] follows 1 to 2 relationships whereas the second statement forces exactly two relationships. (they return the same since there are no two Person nodes directly connected with a :ACTED_IN in your dataset.
You're right, you'll have multiple paths to the same end node. Cypher has a shortestPath function, see
If you want finer grained control e.g. depth-first vs. breadth-first you need to use e.g. Neo4j's traversal API.


Set constraint on relationship property for variable-path search in GraphDB

I have a neo4j graph that is similar in structure to the example below:
MATCH (n:Person)-[k:KNOWS]->(f)
WHERE k.since < 2000
RETURN, f.age,
which comes straight off the neo4j examples.
What I am looking to do is this:
Start with one node by name ("Jennifer" in this case) and find all the nodes, regardless of path depth, that stem from the initial node but where the relationship KNOWS has a property since < 2000
So Jennifer might know Gary since before 2000 who also knows Bill since before 2000. And Jennifer knows Michelle since before 2000 (et cetera)
This is where I am stuck:
MATCH p=(n:Person {name:'Jennifer'})-[:KNOWS*]-(f)
RETURN [k IN p WHERE k.since < 2000]
If I run any query with :KNOWS*, it just hangs up forever, even for a relatively small database of 21 nodes and 840 relationships.
I figured I need to use WITH REDUCE() somehow but it isn't clicking...
Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
Much apperciated!
You can use the all() list predicate to ensure that all relationships in the path adhere to the predicate. This will be evaluated during expansion, so may yield better performance:
MATCH p=(n:Person {name:'Jennifer'})-[:KNOWS*]-(f)
WHERE all(rel in relationships(p) WHERE rel.since < 2000)
That said, Cypher is concerned with finding all possible paths that fit the pattern, and that approach isn't always a good match when you're interested in distinct nodes, not distinct paths (especially when the paths backtrack to previously visited nodes via different relationships).
You may want to consider adding an upper limit to your variable length expansion.

Cypher: Find any path between nodes

I have a neo4j graph that looks like this:
Blue Nodes: Account
Red Nodes: PhoneNumber
Green Nodes: Email
Graph design:
(:PhoneNumber) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
(:Email) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
The problem I am trying to solve is to
Find any path that exists between Account1 and Account2.
This is what I have tried so far with no success:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[:PART_OF]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[*]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=(a1:Account {accId:'1234'})<-[:PART_OF*1..100]-(n)-[:PART_OF]->(a2:Account {accId:'5678'}) RETURN p;
Same queries as above without the shortest path function call.
By looking at the graph I can see there is a path between these 2 nodes but none of my queries yield any result. I am sure this is a very simple query but being new to Cypher, I am having a hard time figuring out the right solution. Any help is appreciated.
All those queries are along the right lines, but need some tweaking to make work. In the longer term, though, to get a better system to easily search for connections between accounts, you'll probably want to refactor your graph.
Solution for Now: Making Your Query Work
The path between any two (n:Account) nodes in your graph is going to look something like this:
Since you have only one type of relationship in your graph, the two nodes will thus be connected by an indeterminate number of patterns like the following:
So, your two nodes will be connected through an indeterminate number of intermediate (:Account), (:Email), or (:PhoneNumber) nodes all connected by -[:PART_OF]- relationships of alternating direction. Unfortunately to my knowledge (and I'd love to be corrected here), using straight cypher you can't search for a repeated pattern like this in your current graph. So, you'll simply have to use an undirected search, to find nodes (a1:Account) and(a2:Account) connected through -[:PART_OF]- relationships. So, at first glance your query would look like this:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
(notice here I've used cypher parameters rather than the integers you put in the original post)
That's very similar to your query #3, but, like you said - it doesn't work. I'm guessing what happens is that it doesn't return a result, or returns an out of memory exception? The problem is that since your graph has circular paths in it, and that query will match a path of any length, the matching algorithm will literally go around in circles until it runs out of memory. So, you want to set a limit, like you have in query #4, but without the directions (which is why that query doesn't work).
So, let's set a limit. Your limit of 100 relationships is a little on the large side, especially in a cyclical graph (i.e., one with circles), and could potentially match in the region of 2^100 paths.
As a (very arbitrary) rule of thumb, any query with a potential undirected and unlabelled path length of more than 5 or 6 may begin to cause problems unless you're very careful with your graph design. In your example, it looks like these two nodes are connected via a path length of 8. We also know that for any two nodes, the given minimum path length will be two (i.e., two -[:PART_OF]- relationships, one into and one out of a node labelled either :Email or :PhoneNumber), and that any two accounts, if linked, will be linked via an even number of relationships.
So, ideally we'd set out our relationship length between 2 and 10. However, cypher's shortestPath() function only supports paths with a minimum length of either 0 or 1, so I've set it between 1 and 10 in the example below (even though we know that in reality, the shortest path have a length of at least two).
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*1..10]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
Hopefully, this will work with your use case, but remember, it may still be very memory intensive to run on a large graph.
Longer Term Solution: Refactor Graph and/or Use APOC
Depending on your use case, a better or longer term solution would be to refactor your graph to be more specific about relationships to speed up query times when you want to find accounts linked only by email or phone number - i.e. -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_EMAIL]- and -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_PHONE]-. You may then also want to use APOC's shortest path algorithms or path finder functions, which will most likely return a faster result than using cypher, and allow you to be more specific about relationship types as your graph expands to take in more data.

Optimizing Cypher Query

I am currently starting to work with Neo4J and it's query language cypher.
I have a multple queries that follow the same pattern.
I am doing some comparison between a SQL-Database and Neo4J.
In my Neo4J Datababase I habe one type of label (person) and one type of relationship (FRIENDSHIP). The person has the propterties personID, name, email, phone.
Now I want to have the the friends n-th degree. I also want to filter out those persons that are also friends with a lower degree.
FOr example if I want to search for the friends 3 degree I want to filter out those that are also friends first and/or second degree.
Here my query type:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP*3]-(friends:person)
WHERE NOT (me:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(friends:person)
AND NOT (me:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP*2]-(friends:person)
I found something similiar somewhere.
This query works.
My problem is that this pattern of query is much to slow if I search for a higher degree of friendship and/or if the number of persons becomes more.
So I would really appreciate it, if somemone could help me with optimize this.
If you just wanted to handle depths of 3, this should return the distinct nodes that are 3 degrees away but not also less than 3 degrees away:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f1:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f2:person)-[:FRIENDSHIP]-(f3:person)
RETURN apoc.coll.subtract(COLLECT(f3), COLLECT(f1) + COLLECT(f2) + me) AS result;
The above query uses the APOC function apoc.coll.subtract to remove the unwanted nodes from the result. The function also makes sure the collection contains distinct elements.
The following query is more general, and should work for any given depth (by just replacing the number after *). For example, this query will work with a depth of 4:
MATCH p=(me:person {personID:'1'})-[:FRIENDSHIP*4]-(:person)
WITH NODES(p)[0..-1] AS priors, LAST(NODES(p)) AS candidate
UNWIND priors AS prior
RETURN apoc.coll.subtract(COLLECT(DISTINCT candidate), COLLECT(DISTINCT prior)) AS result;
The problem with Cypher's variable-length relationship matching is that it's looking for all possible paths to that depth. This can cause unnecessary performance issues when all you're interested in are the nodes at certain depths and not the paths to them.
APOC's path expander using 'NODE_GLOBAL' uniqueness is a more efficient means of matching to nodes at inclusive depths.
When using 'NODE_GLOBAL' uniqueness, nodes are only ever visited once during traversal. Because of this, when we set the path expander's minLevel and maxLevel to be the same, the result are nodes at that level that are not present at any lower level, which is exactly the result you're trying to get.
Try this query after installing APOC:
MATCH (me:person {personID:'1'})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(me, {uniqueness:'NODE_GLOBAL', minLevel:4, maxLevel:4}) YIELD path
// a single path for each node at depth 4 but not at any lower depth
Of course you'll want to parameterize your inputs (personID, level) when you get the chance.

Cypher directionless query not returning all expected paths

I have a cypher query that starts from a machine node, and tries to find nodes related to it using any of the relationship types I've specified:
match p1=(n:machine)-[:REL1|:REL2|:REL3|:PERSONAL_PHONE|:MACHINE|:ADDRESS*]-(n2)
where n.machine="112943691278177215"
optional match p2=(n2)-[*]->()
return p1,p2
limit 300
The optional match clause is my attempt to traverse outwards in my model from each of the nodes found in p1. The below screenshot shows the part of the results I'm having issues with:
You can see from the starting machine node, it finds a personal_phone node via two app nodes related to the machine. For clarification, this part of the model is designed like so:
So it appeared to be working until I realized that certain paths were somehow being left out of the results. If I run a second query showing me all apps related to that particular personal_phone node, I get the following:
match p1=(n:personal_phone)<-[*]-(n2)
where n.personal_phone="(xxx) xxx-xxxx"
return p1
limit 100
The two apps I have segmented out, are the two apps shown in the earlier image.
So why doesn't my original query show the other 7 apps related to the personal_phone?
EDIT : Despite the overly broad optional match combined with the limit 300 statement, the returned results show only 52 nodes and 154 rels. This is because the paths following relationships with an outward direction are going to stop very quickly. I could have put a max 2 on it but was being lazy.
EDIT 2: The query I finally came up with to give me what I want is this:
match p1=(m:machine)<-[:MACHINE]-(a:app)
where m.machine="112943691278177215"
optional match p2=(a:app)-[:REL1|:REL2|:REL3|:PERSONAL_PHONE|:MACHINE|:ADDRESS*0..3]-(n)
where a<>n and a<>m and m<>n
optional match p3=(n)-[r*]->(n2)
where n2<>n
return distinct n, r, n2
This returns 74 nodes and 220 rels which seems to be the correct result (387 rows). So it seems like my incredibly inefficient query was the reason the graph was being truncated. Not only were the nodes being traversed many times, but the paths being returned contained duplicate information which consumed the limited rows available for return. I guess my new questions are:
When following multiple hops, should I always explicitly make sure the same nodes aren't traversed via where clauses?
If I was to return p3 instead, it returns 1941 rows to display 74 nodes and 220 rels. There seems to be a lot of duplication present. Is it typically better to use return distinct (like I have above) or is there a way to easily dedupe the nodes and relationships within a path?
So part of your issue here (updated questions) is that you're returning paths, and not individual nodes/relationships.
For example, if you do MATCH p=(n)-[*]-() and your data is A->B->C->D then the results you'll get will be A->B, A->B->C, A->B->C->D and so on. If on the other hand you did MATCH (n)-[r:*]-(m) and then worked with r and m, you could get the same data, but deal with the distinct things on the path rather than have to sort that out later.
It seems you want the nodes and relationships, but you're asking for the paths - so you're getting them. ALL of them. :)
When following multiple hops, should I always explicitly make sure the
same nodes aren't traversed via where clauses?
Well, the way you did it, yes -- but honestly I haven't ever run into that problem before. Part of the issue again is the overly-broad query you're running. Lacking any constraint, it ends up roping in the items you've already matched, which buys you this problem. Perhaps better would be to match some set of possible labels, to narrow your query down. By narrowing it down, you wouldn't have the same issue, for example something like:
MATCH (n)-[r:*]-(m)
WHERE 'foo' in labels(m) or 'bar' in labels(m)
RETURN n, r, m;
Note we're not doing path matching, and we're specifying some range of labels that could be m, without leaving it completely wild-west. I tend to formulate queries this way, so your question #2 never really arises. Presumably you have a reasonable data model that would act as your grounding for that.

Seeking Neo4J Cypher query for long but (nearly) unique paths

We have a Neo4J database representing an evolutionary process with about 100K nodes and 200K relations. Nodes are individuals in generations, and edges represent parent-child relationships. The primary goal is to be able to take one or nodes of interest in the final generation, and explore their evolutionary history (roughly, "how did we get here?").
The "obvious" first query to find all their ancestors doesn't work because there are just too many possible ancestors and paths through that space:
match (a)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(c {is_interesting: true})
return distinct a;
So we've pre-processed the data so that some edges are marked as "special" such that almost every node has at most one "special" parent edge, although occasionally both parent edges are marked as "special". My hope, then, was that this query would (efficiently) generate the (nearly) unique path along "special" edges:
match (a)-[r:PARENT_OF* {special: true}]->(c {is_interesting: true})
return distinct a;
This, however, is still unworkably slow.
This is frustrating because "as a human", the logic is simple: Start from the small number of "interesting" nodes (often 1, never more than a few dozen), and chase back along the almost always unique "special" edges. Assuming a very low number of nodes with two "special" parents, this should be something like O(N) where N is the number of generations back in time.
In Neo4J, however, going back 25 steps from a unique "interesting" node where every step is unique, however, takes 30 seconds, and once there's a single bifurcation (where both parents are "special") it gets worse much faster as a function of steps. 28 steps (which gets us to the first bifurcation) takes 2 minutes, 30 (where there's still only the one bifurcation) takes 6 minutes, and I haven't even thought to try the full 100 steps to the beginning of the simulation.
Some similar work last year seemed to perform better, but we used a variety of edge labels (e.g., (a)-[:SPECIAL_PARENT_OF*]->(c) as well as (a)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(c)) instead of using data fields on the edges. Is querying on relationship field values just not a good idea? We have quite a few different values attached to a relationship in this model (some boolean, some numeric) and we were hoping/assuming we could use those to efficiently limit searches, but maybe that wasn't really the case.
Suggestions for how to tune our model or queries would be greatly appreciated.
Update I should have mentioned, this is all with Neo4J 2.1.7. I'm going to give 2.2 a try as per Brian Underwood's suggestion and will report back.
I've had some luck with specifying a limit on the path length. So if you know that it's never more than 30 hops you might try:
MATCH (c {is_interesting: true})
MATCH (a)-[:PARENT_OF*1..30]->c
Also, is there an index on the is_interesting property? That could also cause slowness, for sure.
What version of Neo4j are you using? If you are using or if you upgrade to 2.2.0, you get to use the new query profiling tools:
Also if you use them in the web console you get a nice graph-ish tree thing (technical term) showing each step.
After exploring things with the profiling tools in Neo4J 2.2 (thanks to Brian Underwood for the tip) it's pretty clear that (at the moment) Neo4J doesn't do any pre-filtering on edge properties, which leads to nasty combinatorial explosions with long paths.
For example the original query:
match (a)-[r:PARENT_OF* {special: true}]->(c {is_interesting: true})
return distinct a;
finds all the paths from a to c and then eliminates the ones that have edges that aren't special. Since there are many millions of paths from a to c, this is totally infeasible.
If I instead add a IS_SPECIAL edge wherever there was a PARENT_OF edge that had {special: true}, then the queries become really fast, allowing me to push back around 100 generations in under a second.
This query creates all the new edges:
match (a)-[r:PARENT_OF {special: true}]->(b)
create (a)-[:IS_SPECIAL]->(b);
and takes under a second to add 91K relationships in our graph.
match (c {is_interesting: true})
with c
match (a)-[:IS_SPECIAL*]->(c)
return distinct a;
takes under a second to find the 112 nodes along the "special" path back from a unique target node c. Matching c first and limiting the set of nodes using with c seems to also be important, as Neo4J doesn't appear to pre-filter on node properties either, and if there are several "interesting" target nodes things get a lot slower.
