cxgrid's memo field keeps inserting new line - delphi

In cxGrid I have a field with properties of a memo. The field column Properties.EditAutoHeight is set to ieahDefault.
The view DBTableView1 has following:
OptionsView.CellAutoHeight = True
However when I try and add some text to
data already in that field (directly editing in the grid), the edited line jumps one line down as if I am going to enter the new text in a new line.It behaves just like as if I pressed enter to go down to new line.
Is there a setting in the grid that prevents this 'new line' behavior when I try and edit the record?


Delphi navigate through the TDBGrid using the TAB

In my DBGRID, i have a field that populated with default name of current configuration when i create new record.
When i set the dgtabs option to true, I can navigate through the grid using the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys. I need to navigate without create new record or create new record with field populated by the current configuration name.
How can do that?
or create new record with field populated by the current configuration name.
You can do that simply by creating an OnNewRecord event handler for the dataset connected to the DBGrid and saving the configuration name to the relevant field in that.
Regarding how to avoid navigating the grid using Tab & Shift Tab opening the New Record row, a simple way, which may be acceptable (or not) to your situation is to set the DBGrid's Options.dgEditing to False. Then, the grid will not open the New Record row when Tab or Shift Tab is pressed or even if you press the Insert key in the DBGrid.
If that's not appropriate, you might take a look at my answer to this q
Focus cells in reverse order
which may give you a clue if you need it.

cxGrid expand row height to new line with enter

This is a little hard to explain so please bear with me. When I am editing a text field in one of the columns I would like to,when I hit enter, go to new line under the edited text so the grid basically expands.
Options-View-CellAutoHeight set to true expands the cell but editing is terrible.Cant
see a thing where the first line is,where it ends,etc...
Here is the grid:
I can not go after the last letter 'a' with my mouse cursor and hit enter so another line gets added. Which settings regulate this ? I know it can be done since I had a grid once and could do this.
EDIT: This requires no code just applied settings.
Just tested it with DevExpress VCL 13.2 and it can be easily done without coding (if I understood what you want to achieve).
Basically, you need to set following properties:
Assign a Memo to the Properties of your column and make sure its WantReturns property is set to true.
In your TableView set the OptionsView.CellAutoHeight property to true.
Also in your TableView, set the OptionsBehavior.EditAutoHeight to either eahEditor (editor is sized vertically to fit the content) or eahRow (the entire row is sized when editing) as needed.

cxgrid - set all checkboxes checked

I am using the cxGrid. I have a field (column) in my grid that is of boolean type (true/false) represented in the grid as a checkbox. How can I make all the checkboxes in the column checked (or unchecked) on button click ?
it looks like this :
Now I would like, on button click, to turn those 3 checkboxes checked BEFORE I save everything..
DATA on the left(USERS) comes from a table, the data on the right is from a query. The SAVE of everything goes to a separate LOG table.
When I hit 'Check all' button,the result :
I could run the update query : update MYFIELD set SELECTED = '2';
but I am more interested in manipulating the grid itself.Something simple...
You will have to add a button or pop up menu somewhere on your form to accept the check all 'command', or maybe even place a checkbox in your column header. Then go through your underlying dataset and set all field values. Don't forget a DisableControls/EnableControls.
added an extra field to my table (boolean type) and changed its property in the cxGrid to that of a checkbox.Then on button click:
with uniquery1 do begin
SQL.Add('update users set selected = 0'); //or '1'
this I found was the easiest way ....

JqueryUI tagit - how can I suppress the new entry text field from appearing?

For the JqueryUI tag-it widget, I'd like to completely prevent the new extra text entry field from appearing. I'm pre-populating with existing tags, and I'd just like to allow people to delete tags but not enter them.
I can make the new field read-only, but the field remains visible in IE and in both IE and Firefox clicking in the area of the widget causes the cursor to focus on that field.
What I'd like to do is get rid of the extra input field altogether.
There doesn't seem to be a tagit property for this associated with the .tagit() method. Is there something else I can do to prevent the extra field from being created?
Try this:
}).ready(function() {
$(this).find('.tagit-new').css('height', '13px').empty();
Using firebug we can see that the input field created by tagit is in a li element with class tagit-new. We need to set the height otherwise the tag container will squash to a slither when the last tag is deleted, and then we can empty() this to get rid of the tag input field.

Remove highlighting box from edit field

I am using edit field to enter some text. When I click on edit field, one Highlighting box is showing as in image. I want to hide that box. Please catch the problem using below image:
How to remove this focused box in edit field??
As it's Edit Field, its default nature is to highlight text for editing. If you are going to enter values in the field during application runtime means you have to bare this. If you are going to enter values programatically means use Rich Text Field or your
