LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL - oauth-2.0

I'm attempting to sign in users with the LinkedIn Omniauth 2 gem. I have tried a few different possibilities for the redirect, read several articles and nothing is working.
I'm trying to test this locally.
Rails 4 app
Gems include:
A few attempts of the redirect URL to put in the box includ:*
= API Key that needs to stay private
I read both of these articles the entire way through, but still couldn't attempt to find the correct way to redirect it.
Any help in what I need to change would be great.

They need to match exactly what you are sending:

In case of Linkedin Authorized Redirect URLs should be in form of:
After authentication if you want to redirect to a specific page then

I was having a similar issue and kept getting "Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key." error when using Auth0
I added URL below to LinkedIn's list of allowed callback then it worked.
https://"Insert your Client Domain Name from Auth0"/login/callback


Getting "URL Blocked" for Facebook login error on Rails 5 app

I'm implementing Facebook login on a Rails 5 app with Devise and the omniauth-facebook gem and I'm getting the following error:
URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs.
I followed this tutorial:
So for the "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" it works locally with no URIs whitelisted, but for production I added and (the production domain is After getting the error I even added 2 more URIs with a / on the end and added and as domains, but I'm still getting the same error.
The app is on live mode and the login page is at Part of the Facebook settings are here:
Any ideas? Config seems good, but maybe someone sees something I don't? Thanks!
You should whitelist your callback url, not the one that has login button:
I was looking for this answer for hours, the solution for me was:
When I checked the params in facebook error page, it said:
and not:
So I add the first one to Valid OAuth Redirect URIs, without users, and problem solved!!!

Oauth2 redirect_uri_mismatch

I've setup an environment in Cloud9 to create a website in Rails. I'm currently trying to enable login via Gmail, using the google oauth2 gem, but i ran into this problem and no matter where i look, every solution i've found does not seem to work.
Here is the error:
And here is my google development urls:
(Sorry, seems like i can't upload images directly to the post yet)
I think you are having this issue because Google's OAuth does not support wildcard subdomain matching and your app is basically a subdomain on Cloud9. Check this SO post.
I found a post with similar issues on Cloud9 forums
I googled with "OAuth".
Have you added the authorized redirect URIs?. It´s in the Credentials tab. You must edit your OAuth 2.0 client IDs and set the URIs there.
Go to
Select the project
Click on Credentials link on the left menu
Edit the OAuth 2.0 client IDs clicking the pencil next to it
Add your Authorized redirect URIs (https://domain/users/auth/google/callback or something similar)

Linkedin authentication using auth0 Firebase and Ionic

I am using to create a seed project with Firebase and Ionic (under Apps / APIs).
However, I ran into this issue Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key. I did the following research:
linkedin : Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key
(Tried to use http://localhost:8100/auth/linkedin/callback in OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs and not working) (http://localhost:8100/signin-linkedin not working) (http://localhost:8100/linkedin/company/token is not working as well)
Regardless of what I changed in Linkedin app, the login popup url always has
That means for some reason my redirect url didn't get change and somehow auth0 forced a "wrong" url in it?
Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Or is it bug?
When using LinkedIn, you should follow the instructions on how to configure as an email provider from this link
The important part is that you must set https://{accountName} as the Callback URL in the LinkedIn app you create. Did you do that?
Does this help?

error:Redirect uri invalid for vimeo using oath in ios app

In my app I'm integrating OAuth2.0 library for vimeo upload. I'm getting error as invalid redirect uri after user log into his account.
My code,
self.oauthClient = [[LROAuth2Client alloc] initWithClientID:#"**** client ID ****"
secret:#" * secret * " redirectURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"testMyApp://oauth"]];
In the plist i have given "testMyApp" as string in url schemes.
is this the right way to specify redirect uri? please help!
Your redirect url must 100% match the url configured on the developer site.
If your user is redirected to testMyApp://oauth your configured redirect url must be exactly testMyApp://oauth
The 3 pieces of information that you pass back to the Vimeo API (redirect_uri, code, grant_type) must be form URL encoded body parameters.
If they're being passed as query parameters, for example, the request will fail and return the error you're seeing.
For the Vimeo API to allow for your redirect, you have to register it for your app with the developer site. When it is registered there you are able to use it when you specify the redirect.
The plist scheme registration only notifies iOS that you can handle the scheme; Vimeo is unaware that it's a valid thing to redirect to for your app without this step.
The redirect url in the developer site must exactly match with the one in your application authentication request. I faced the same problem because of difference in the redirect url. But I fixed that and its working.
Developer site redirect url:
My app's request url:
the value of the key redirect_url in above request is exact to the developer site. Please feel free to comment..
In my case, I had forgotten to enable implicit authentication and was getting the missing redirect_uri message.

Oauth2 Instagram API "redirect URI does not match registered redirect URI"

I am working on a Rails application which is in development mode and it can register with omniauth.
The host is
I'm using the gems:
gem 'omniauth'
gem 'omniauth-foursquare'
gem 'omniauth-instagram'
When I register through omniauth with Foursquare there's no problem at all. All the settings are right and my redirect_uri in the Foursquare developer settings equals to the host (localhost:3000)
However, if I fill in the exact same redirect_uri (localhost:3000) in the Instagram client manager*. Instagram gives me this:
"code": 400,
"error_type": "OAuthException",
"error_message": "Redirect URI does not match registered redirect URI"
Based upon this URL:<ID>&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Fauth%2Finstagram%2Fcallback&state=18415adf24dd97873e61094f67c0fb7a94857fedf93e9d2e&scope=basic
What am I doing wrong according to Instagram and how should this be fixed?
Fixed the issue myself. Added localhost:3000/auth/instagram/callback as redirect_uri and it worked just fine.
When you specify a redirect URI http://localhost:3000 is not the same as http://localhost:3000/ (note the trailing slash).
Make sure the callback URI matches exactly.
I needed to add
as my callback URI because I'm using Devise.
For Drupagram module (Drupal 7) added: http://localhost:3000/instagram/oauth as redirect_uri
For anyone that is having this issue and the redirect uri provided to instagram is exactly the same as the one you're using, i've found that some users were typing my website address as when in my instagram api it was
Then I created a php script to detect if the string www exists in my url and then reload to the same page but without the www.
if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'www.') !== FALSE) {
header("Location: ".str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
Issue: Oauth2 Instagram API “redirect URI does not match registered redirect URI
My Solution: Please check ng-cordova-oauth.js file and check instagram function in that. Verify redirect_uri value is same as register your application on developer console for Instagram.If it is same it works properly,otherwise you get the above issue.
{"error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Redirect URI does not match registered redirect URI"}
How to get Access token from instagram
Your website url must be same when registering sandbox clien api on instagram
here we used website url:
Valid redirect URIs:
For live website you can get Access token easily by using
Replace above url "CLIENT-ID" with your client ID
Replace above url "REDIRECT-URI" redirect url should be your domain name like:
I mucked around with this for ages..
perhaps it has changed but:
was the callback URI that finally worked for me.
The ONLY issue i was having was that it was exactly an incorrect callback uri and wish I had seen here that I should be focusing on my Instagram setup instead of modifying my code.. to get the error message means everything else is working (so far), otherwise you would not be getting that particular error message.
Good luck!! - don't get distracted!
This isn't a ruby-specific but for anyone else wrestling w/this here's what got me past it (note: nothing in above answers worked for me):
1. Edit your Client on Instagram Developer and uncheck Disable implicit OAuth.
2. Click Update Client to save it.
3. Now go to[CLIENT_ID]&redirect_ur.... Just change [CLIENT_ID] and [REDIRECT_URI] with their values.
4. After that you will be redirected to [REDIRECT_URI]/#access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN]. Get it and place it on the Instagram Access Token textbox.
...Or you can follow the instructions here:
See "Step One: Direct your user to our authorization URL" section.
Just simply supply your CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URI.
