collect negative samples of adaboost algorithm for face detection - image-processing

Viola-Jones' AdaBoost method is very popular for face detection? We need lots of positive and negative samples o train a face detector.
The rule for collecting positive sample is simple: the image which contains faces. But the rule for collecting negative sample is not very clear: the image which does not contains faces.
But there are so many scene that do not contain faces (which may be sky, river, house animals etc.). Which should I collect it? How can know I have collected enough negative samples?
Some suggested idea for negative samples: using the positive samples and crop the face region using the left part as negative samples. Is this work?

You have asked many questions inside your thread.
Amount of samples. As a rule of thumbs: When you train a detector you need roughly few thousands positive and negative examples per stage. Typical detector has 10-20 stages. Each stage reduces the amount of negative by a factor of 2. So you will need roughly 3,000 - 10,000 positive examples and ~5,000,000 to 100,000,000 negative examples.
Which negatives to take. A rule of thumb: You need to find a face in a given environment. So you need to take that environment as negative examples. For instance, if you try to detect faces of students sitting in a classroom than take as negative examples images from the classroom (walls, windows, human body, clothes etc). Taking images of the moon or of the sky will probably not help you. If you don't know your environment than just take as much as possible different natural images (under different light conditions).
Should you take facial parts (like an eye, or a nose) as negative? You can but this is definitely not enough (to take only those negatives). The real strength of the detector will come from the negative images which represent the typical background of the faces
How to collect/generate negative samples - You don't actually need many negative images. You can take 1000 images and generate 10,000,000 negative samples from them. Here is how you do it. Suppose you take a photo of a car of 1 mega pixel resolution 1000x1000 pixels. Suppose than you want to train face detector to work on resolution of 20x20 pixels (like openCV did). So you take your 1000x1000 big image and cut it to pieces of 20x20. You can get 2,500 pieces (50x50). So this is how from a single big image you generated 2,500 negative examples. Now you can take the same big image and cut it to pieces of size 10x10 pixels. You will now have additional 10,000 negative examples. Each example is of size 10x10 pixels and you can enlarge it by factor of 2 to force all the sample to have the same size. You can repeat this process as much as you want (cutting the input image to pieces of different size). Mathematically speaking, if your image is of size NxN - You can generate O(N^4) negative examples from it by taking each possible rectangle inside it.
In step 4, I described how to take a single big image and cut it to a large amount of negative examples. I must warn you that negative examples should not have high co-variance so I don't recommend taking only one image and generating 1 million negative examples from it. As a rule of thumb - create a library of 1000 images (or download random images from Google). Verify than none of the images contains faces. Crop about 10,000 negative examples from each image and now you have got a decent 10,000,000 negative examples. Train your detector. In the next step you can cut each image to ~50,000 (partially overlapping pieces) and thus enlarge your amount of negatives to 50 millions. You will start having very good results with it.
Final enhancement step of the detector. When you already have a rather good detector, run it on many images. It will produce false detections (detect face where there is no face). Gather all those false detections and add them to your negative set. Now retrain the detector once again. The more such iterations you do the better your detector becomes
Real numbers - The best face detectors today (like Facebooks) use hundreds of millions of positive examples and billions of negatives. As positive examples they take not only frontal faces but faces in many orientations, different facial expressions (smiling, shouting, angry,...), different age groups, different genders, different races (Caucasians, blacks, Thai, Chinese,....), with or without glasses/hat/sunglasses/make-up etc. You will not be able to compete with the best, so don't get angry if your detector misses some faces.
Good luck


Counting number of bright spots in image (python)

I'm trying to develop a way to count the number of bright spots in an image. The spots should be gaussian point sources, but there is a lot of noise. There are probably on the order of 10-20 actual point sources in this image. My first though was to use a gaussian convolution with sigma = 15, which seems to do a good job.
First, is there a better way to isolate these bright spots?
Second, how can I 'detect' the bright spots, i.e. count them? I haven't had any luck with circular hough transforms from opencv.
Edit: Here is the original without gridlines, here is the convolved image without gridlines.
I am working with thermal infrared images which subject to quantity of noises.
I found that low rank based approaches such as approaches based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) or Weighted Nuclear Norm Metric (WNNM) give very efficient result in terms of reducing the noise while preserving the structure of the information.
Their main drawback is the fact they are quite slow to compute (several minutes per image)
Here is some litterature:
The second paper has some MatLab code available, there is quite a lot of files but the translation to python is should not that complex.
OpenCV implement as well (and it is available in python) a very efficient algorithm on the Non-Local Means algorithm:

Image segmentation with maxflow

I have to do a foreground/background segmentation using maxflow algorithm in C++. ( I get an array of pixels from a png file according to their RBG but what are the next steps. How could I use this algorithm for my problem?
I recognize that source very well. That's the Boykov-Kolmogorov Graph Cuts library. What I would recommend you do first is read their paper.
Graph Cuts is an interactive image segmentation algorithm. You mark pixels in your image on what you believe belong to the object (a.k.a. foreground) and what don't belong to the object (a.k.a the background). That's what you need first. Once you do this, the Graph Cuts algorithm best guesses what the labels of the other pixels are in the image. It basically goes through each of the other pixels that are not labeled and figures out whether or not they belong to foreground and background.
The whole premise behind Graph Cuts is that image segmentation is akin to energy minimization. Image segmentation can be formulated as a cost function with a summation of two terms:
Self-Penalty: This is the cost of assigning each pixel as either foreground or background. This is also known as a data cost.
Neighbouring Penalties: This enforces that neighbouring pixels more or less should share the same classification label. This is also known as a smoothness cost.
This kind of formulation is well known as the Maximum A Posteriori Markov Random Field classification problem (MAP-MRF). The goal is to minimize that cost function so that you achieve the best image segmentation possible. This is actually an NP-Hard problem, and is actually one of the problems that is up for money from the Clay Math Institute.
Boykov and Kolmogorov theoretically proved that the MAP-MRF problem can be translated into graph theory, and solving the MAP-MRF problem is akin to taking your image and forming it into a graph with source and sink links, as well as links that connect neighbouring pixels together. To solve the MAP-MRF, you perform the maximum-flow/minimum-cut algorithm. There are many ways to do this, but Boykov / Kolmogorov find a more efficient way that is much faster than more established algorithms, such as Push-Relabel, Ford-Fulkenson, etc.
The self penalties are what are known as t links, while the neighbouring penalties are what are known as n links. You should read up the paper to figure out how these are computed, but the t links describe the classification penalty. Basically, how much it would cost to classify each pixel as belonging to the foreground or the background. These are usually based on the negative log probability distributions of the image. What you do is you create a histogram of the distribution of what was classified as foreground and a histogram of what was classified as background.
Usually, a uniform quanitization of each colour channel for both foreground and background suffices. You then turn these into PDFs but dividing by the total number of elements in each histogram, then when you calculate the t-links for each pixel, you access the colour, then see where it lies in the histogram, then take the negative log. This will tell you how much it will cost to classify that pixel to be either foreground or background.
The neighbouring pixel costs are more intuitive. People usually just take the Euclidean distance between one pixel and a neighbouring pixel and apply this distance to a Gaussian. To make things simple, a 4 pixel neighbourhood is what is usually used (North, South, East and West).
Once you figure out how to compute the cost, you follow this procedure:
Mark pixels as foreground or background.
Create a graph structure using their library
Compute the histograms of the foreground and background pixels
Calculate t-links and add to the graph
Calculate n-links and add to the graph
Invoke the maxflow routine on the graph to segment the image
Go through each pixel and figure out whether or not the pixel belongs to foreground or background.
Create a binary map that reflects this, then copy over image pixels where the binary map is true, and don't do this when it's false.
The original source of maxflow can be found here:
It also has a README so you can see how the library is supposed to work given some example images.
You have a lot to digest, but Graph Cuts is one of the most powerful interactive segmentation tools out there.
Good luck!

Image size consideration for Haar cascades

The OpenCV Haar cascade classifier seems to use 24x24 images of faces as its positive training data. I have two questions regarding this:
What are the consideration that go into selecting the training image size, besides the fact that larger training images require more processing?
For non-square images, some people have chosen to keep one dimension at 24px, and expand the other dimension as necessary (to, say 100-200px). Is this the correct strategy?
How does one go about deciding the size of the training images (this is a variant of question 1)
I honestly believe that there are far better parameters to be tweaked than the image size. Even so, it's a question of fine-to-coarse detection - at finer levels, you gain detail and at coarser levels, you gain structure. Also, there is a trade off: with 24x24 detection regions, there are about ~160,000 possible rectangular (haar-like) features, so increasing or decreasing also affects this number for both training/testing (this is why boosting is used to select a small subset of discriminative features).
As you said, this is because his target was different (i.e. a pen). I think it is sensible to introduce a priori aspect ratio information to the cascade training, otherwise you would be getting detections that have square bounding boxes for a pen detector and probably suffer in performance because the training stage is picking up a larger background region around the pen.
See my first answer. I think this is largely empirical. There are techniques for either feature scaling or building image pyramids (e.g. see this work) that also mitigate the usefulness of highly controlling the choice of training target image sizes too.

Keypoint detection and matching for large images in opencv

I am doing keypoint detection and matching in opencv to stitch two images.
When the images are small, it works well. But when dealing with larger images, the number of keypoints detected is increased, and therefore it cost a lot of time to match them. But in order to stitch the images, it seems that we don't need so many keypoints. In order to increase efficiency, is there any way to only detect a limited number of keypoints?
In the code, I use SiftFeatureDetector and SiftDiscriptorExtractor to detect keypoints and extract descriptors.
My advise:
Re-size the image so they become much smaller and then execute feature matching.
Once you have a fast solution (Homography) apply it and than the next matching will be much faster.
You do have a way to easily control the amount of features. You can rise the threshold and as a result less features will be selected.
You can even wrap the threshold in while() loop. It rises the threshold until features amount is less than N (but grater than some M).
Look at full code example I posted here:
Calculate offset/skew/rotation of similar images in C++

Determine if an image needs contrasting automatically in OpenCV

OpenCV has a handy cvEqualizeHist() function that works great on faded/low-contrast images.
However when an already high-contrast image is given, the result is a low-contrast one. I got the reason - the histogram being distributed evenly and stuff.
Question is - how do I get to know the difference between a low-contrast and a high-contrast image?
I'm operating on Grayscale images and setting their contrast properly so that thresholding them won't delete the text i'm supposed to extract (thats a different story).
Suggestions welcome - esp on how to find out if the majority of the pixels in the image are light gray (which means that the equalise hist is to be performed)
Please help!
EDIT: thanks everyone for many informative answers. But the standard deviation calculation was sufficient for my requirements and hence I'm taking that to be the answer to my query.
You can probably just use a simple statistical measure of the image to determine whether an image has sufficient contrast. The variance of the image would probably be a good starting point. If the variance is below a certain threshold (to be empirically determined) then you can consider it to be "low contrast".
If you're adjusting contrast just so you can threshold later on, you may be able to avoid the contrast adjustment step if you set your threshold adaptively using Ohtsu's method.
If you're still interested in finding out the image contrast, then read on.
While there are a number of different ways to calculate "contrast". Often, those metrics are applied locally as opposed to the entire image, to make the result more sensitive to image content:
Divide the image into adjacent non-overlaying neighborhoods.
Pick neighborhood sizes that are approximate to size of the features of your image (e.g. if your main feature is horizontal text, make neighborhoods tall enough to capture 2 lines of text, and just as wide).
Apply the metric to each neighborhood individually
Threshold the metric result to separate low and high variance blocks. This will prevent such things as large, blank areas of page skewing your contrast estimates.
From there, you can use a number of features to determine contrast:
The proportion of high metric blocks to low metric blocks
High metric block mean
Intensity distance between the high and low metric blocks (using means, modes, etc)
This may serve as a better indication of image contrast than global image variance alone. Here's why:
(stddev: 50.6)
(stddev: 7.9)
The two images are perfectly in contrast (the grey background is just there to make it obvious it's an image), but their standard deviations (and thus variance) are completely different.
Calculate cumulative histogram of image.
Make linear regression of cumulative histogram in the form y(x) = A*x + B.
Calculate RMSE of real_cumulative_frequency(x)-y(x).
If that RMSE is close to zero - image is already equalized. (That means that for equalized images cumulative histograms must be linear)
Idea is taken from here.
I've illustrated this approach in my blog (C example code included).
There is a support provided in skimage for this. skimage.exposure.is_low_contrast. reference
example :
>>> image = np.linspace(0, 0.04, 100)
>>> is_low_contrast(image)
>>> image[-1] = 1
>>> is_low_contrast(image)
>>> is_low_contrast(image, upper_percentile=100)
