Xamarin.Forms iOS Project is not being loaded - ios

While downloaded some example project for images, my iOS project is not getting loaded and while reloading iOS project, I am getting below mentioned error in VS 2012.
The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Could anyone please help me out to resolve the error?

This bug has been fixed, but you'll need to manually edit your .csproj files and change ...\Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets to ...\Xamarin.MonoTouch.CSharp.targets


Unable to read input file '/Users/anonymous/Downloads/GoogleService-Info.plist'

This message just appeared out of nowhere even though I made absolutely no changes to the project. I have an Ionic cordova project that has been working for Android and iOS. The project builds fine in Visual Studio code for ios but when I open the project in xCode then I try to run the emulator in xCode I get the following error message:
Showing All Messages
unable to read input file '/Users/anonymous/Downloads/GoogleService-Info.plist': fopen(/Users/anonymous/Downloads/GoogleService-Info.plist, rb): Operation not permitted (1)
This is really weird because I haven't changed anything in the project so I'm not sure why it's trying to copy the .plist file from the downloads folder even though I've added it to the root project and the project\platforms\ios directory.
I found one solution that suggested adding the following to my config.xml:
That did not work. It actually caused build failures within Visual Studio Code.
Any help would be greatly appreciate. I'm not sure why this would issue would appear all of a sudden and the solutions I've seen online haven't been helpful.
I can see the .plist file in xCode

How to find where this file is being referenced, and why doesn't it find it?

I can't seem to get past the following error when building my project (from TFS Build Server). The project actually does not even need this file. It is definitely in the project in the location specified. I have tried deleting it from the project, and I have tried adding it back, yet it makes no difference.
It builds fine locally and I can publish it just fine locally. I can't seem to figure out what in the world is causing this though as I'm not aware of anything other than my project file referencing this just as a matter of it being included in the project and even when I removed it from the project (as mentioned above) there was apparently still some other place that it's getting referenced from and I have no clue where (and, again, no clue why it can't find it in the location it says it should be... which as far as I can tell is where it is).
I know I've run into this issue (or similar) before like when there are conflicting changes but I just can't seem to remember how I resolved it in the past.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js" because it was not found.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js" because it was not found.
EDIT: I have created a new workspace and got the latest to verify that when I do this, I do in fact get the file in question. I think when I've faced this issue in the past that this test would have failed so I really don't know what the problem is this time. :(
The problem was that I was looking at the wrong project in the solution. Changes had not been made to that project as far I knew and the error (as seen in my post) did not indicate which project was the problem.
How I finally figured it out was I updated the build to clean the sources and output directory when building and then the error message I received actually included the project in the error.

Firebase Unity Google-services-info.plist iOS not working

I'm trying to use Firebase in my unity project for IOS I imported the plist file but when I run the program I get the following error
Unable to load options for default app ([/Users/.../ Coding AR Demo/Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services-desktop.json, /Users/.../Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services.json] are missing or malformed)
Firebase app creation failed.
Firebase.FirebaseApp.CreateAndTrack (Firebase.CreateDelegate createDelegate, Firebase.FirebaseApp existingProxy)
Firebase.FirebaseApp.Create ()
Has anyone had a similar problem I'm not sure if I'm importing the file wrong it just says to drag it in the main assets folder
I fixed the issue by also importing the android setting, that is google-services.json in a folder named streaming assets
That seemed to fix it
I had the same problem today. In my case, I solved this issue by placing both google-services.json and Google-services-info.plist in Assets > StreamingAssets under my project directory, so Firebase was able to autoconfigure. I hope this helps somebody.
I created StreamingAssets folder in the Assests folder and copied the google-service.json file into that folder. then it was fixed

GracenotemusicID.Framework. In that .h file not found error - Xcode 6.4 - ios

When i try to build the App in Xcode, i get GNConfig.h file not found error.
But the file is present.
How to resolve it?
I have moved the files from another mac.
I have a doubt whether the framework has deprecated.
Header path seems to be incorrect. Delete the reference of the framework from project and drag and drop the framework again inside framework folder.
It should resolve the issue

Xcode Project cannot build after adding iOS Charts Framework (Info.plist not found)

I recently added the iOS-Charts framework to my Xcode Project. The project would build before I added the framework to my project, but will not afterwards. I am not even using any of the framework's features yet, it is not imported anywhere, I have just added it in embedded binaries according to the instructions here.
The build fail message: could not read data from .../AppName/Supporting Files/Info.plist': The file "Info.plist" couldn't be opened because there is no such file.
This does not make sense because nothing has been moved and if I remove the framework from the embedded binaries section the project does build.
Help will be much appreciated, thank you.
The error message has said clearly: The file "Info.plist" couldn't be opened because there is no such file. When you see this, double check the Info.plist file in your disk, to make sure it does exists.
If you removed the library and it start building again, it's more like the Info.plist is modified but broken. You may want to google and do some testing, like creating a new project and import the library to give a try. If the new project has the same issue, file an issue on its github page.
Turns out the project file for iOS Charts was moved when I was setting it up. The project file had to be dragged into the Xcode interface, not actually moved into the project directory.
I have met the same problem with you, as it said "no such file", and it provides the path of it. So I realized that I forget to copy "Supporting Files" to folder.
Notice the file in this screenshot:
the missing Info.plist
Then in your project: TARGET -> Building Settings -> Packaging -> Info.plist File
By the way, due to the bug of Xcode, you should build before import Charts.
Good Luck!
