Which PayPal SDK is best for me - asp.net-mvc

I am building an MVC 5 site.
There are multiple vendors with their own product pages
The purchaser is your average consumer. (They may need to setup a PayPal account)
I need to accept payments using PayPal, Visa, etc...
I need to send funds to the respected vendor once their product has been purchased.
Question: What is the best SDK to start with?
There are several different options and I was hoping not to have to go down a road that wasn't necessary
thank you


Stripe allowed for split payments to vendor direct to bank account in India?

I need to integrate the Payment gateway to the React Native mobile app India.
I am using rails 6 in Backend. As per my application, I need to do a split payment between the vendor and the platform.
The important thing is that the vendors are very small and they do not have the stripe account so I need to make the payment to their Bank Account directly without getting into their stripe account.
As per my research, I can do that here but it's not possible for India.
Am I missing something, is it possible with stripe?
I also did research with razorpay and there is a gem for that here.
Does anyone have experience with that?
To make payouts to vendors you must use Connect and fund recipients must have connected accounts. Note there are some limitations on platforms in India. You can use, for example, Custom accounts that you manage and take advantage of Connect Onboarding to collect identity information, then you can collect payout bank account information on your platform and manage payouts to your vendors.

Preauth and split payment in paypal using REST APIs in rails

I have buyer and seller in my platform.
When the buyer purchases a product, at the same time the amount should be captured from his account, and on product delivery the seller should receive the amount and admin gets 10% as platform charge.
This implementation is very easy in stripe but I want this to implemented in Russia, France, and Germany and stripe is not supporting these countries.
So, I want to go with PayPal.
I am googled and found that adaptive payment is used for that.
But on the paypal documentation page, it is written that adaptive payment is restricted. Paypal's documentation is very confusing and limited.
I want some can help me on that or can share some links for my better understanding.
Unfortunately, there is not a "quick and easy" solution available right now.
They have added the Marketplaces API which will replace what Adaptive Payments was doing, but it's not ready for public use yet.
You might be interested in this article about PayPal split payments with Express Checkout. It outlines a few alternative methods to get this done.

Rails 4: PayPal IPN, Payments for various Sellers

I am working on a Rails Application where Users can buy Items other Users shared previously.The payments should be flexible to allow the User who shared an Item to get the money a buyer pais.
1) Is it possible to create Flexible Paypal Payments (Different Seller, different Price for each Item)?
2) Can you use the PayPal IPN with Donations to check whether a buyer paid or not?
3) If not, what is the most efficient way to achive that goal?
Thanks in advance for each answer! Please tell me if you need additional information.
Here's the way I'd approach this:
Is it possible to create Flexible Paypal Payments?
Different sellers: Do you want them to be able to receive the payment directly in their Paypal? If that's the case, you'd need to provide them the details to create a Paypal merchant account and securely store those details, but I don't think that's the approach you want to take;
Most payment solutions provider gives a way to send payment to multiple vendors/merchants, which you may instead want to set up or even in your application, you can set up a kind of payment stuff to ensure that integrates with Paypal's API to pay your vendor soon as you receive payments for items.
So, yes it's possible, the different sellers could be tricky, but all other things are possible!
Can you use the PayPal IPN with Donations to check whether a buyer paid or not?
Absolutely, that's one of the biggest benefit of the IPN is that your application gets to know on time if someone has made a payment. You only have to validate this record with Paypal and, not like it's often necessary compare the payment amount

Third party payment gateway for membership plans

I want to use third party payment gateways for allowing users to subscribe to various membership plans.
Once user subscribes to any of these membership plans he will get additional services in the app as well as on website. so the content consumption is inside as well as outside of the app.
In current version which is on the app store we are using IAP for this but want to know if any third party payment gateway can be used for this kind of product.
I have only experience with Braintree and Stripe. Both offer subscriptions/recurring billing that seems to be what you are looking for.

setup donation system in rails

Ok so there is this feature that I would like to implement on my site. Users can choose to donate money to a specific nonprofit (let's say Wikipedia). So they click donate and they choose the amount on the website, get redirected to PayPal website, complete the transaction, and then get redirected to my website AFTER I get some Instant Notification, with which I track that donation in my website database with the users info.
I looked up some Railscasts video about PayPal, but they were all mostly about e-commerce. How can I set up the system to wire the money directly to Wikipedia's PayPal account and how can I get the notification back? I really could appreciate it if someone could assist me with this.
P.S I am running the localhost server for now, will that be a problem?
What you're trying to do is called a "third party transaction" since the first two parties to the transaction are the donor and the recipient org (eg Wikipedia).
From my quick search of PayPal, I don't think it is supported. Even if it is supported, you'd need approval from each of the recipients to set it up. Eg see this Paypal 3rd party shopping cart article
Amazon Flexible Payments Service does support third party payments. Again, you'd need the co-operation of the recipients.
You could have the donors pay money to you which you would then turn around and donate to the non-profits. But to do so, either your donors would lose the tax deductions or you'd need to become a non-profit yourself. In addition, there would be two sets of transaction fees, yours and the recipients.
