setup donation system in rails - ruby-on-rails

Ok so there is this feature that I would like to implement on my site. Users can choose to donate money to a specific nonprofit (let's say Wikipedia). So they click donate and they choose the amount on the website, get redirected to PayPal website, complete the transaction, and then get redirected to my website AFTER I get some Instant Notification, with which I track that donation in my website database with the users info.
I looked up some Railscasts video about PayPal, but they were all mostly about e-commerce. How can I set up the system to wire the money directly to Wikipedia's PayPal account and how can I get the notification back? I really could appreciate it if someone could assist me with this.
P.S I am running the localhost server for now, will that be a problem?

What you're trying to do is called a "third party transaction" since the first two parties to the transaction are the donor and the recipient org (eg Wikipedia).
From my quick search of PayPal, I don't think it is supported. Even if it is supported, you'd need approval from each of the recipients to set it up. Eg see this Paypal 3rd party shopping cart article
Amazon Flexible Payments Service does support third party payments. Again, you'd need the co-operation of the recipients.
You could have the donors pay money to you which you would then turn around and donate to the non-profits. But to do so, either your donors would lose the tax deductions or you'd need to become a non-profit yourself. In addition, there would be two sets of transaction fees, yours and the recipients.


App pay - multiple payees (payment receivers)

I am new to the payment area in app. Say in an App like Ritual or Open Table, I want the end user to be able to pay to multiple payees (just like the two apps I mentioned that you can pay to any listed restaurants), how can I achieve that?
From what I understand, each payee could have an merchant ID. If I want to make payment to multiple payees, do I have to obtain all their merchant ID? Or do I collect payment and then transfer to each payees?
Or, is it as app developers, we pick a payment solution (like Stripe or Braintree), and ask the participating restaurant to provide their bank info for receiving payment, and when the end users are paying, they pay directly to the restaurant's bank account through the payment solution.
Not sure if I understand this, why do you need multiple payee? Isn't the customer would just pay he merchant? As long as you can get the merchant ID and their account number, there should not be any issue. No?
Never mind the question, it's basically what I described in the last paragraph of my question
As app developers, we pick a payment solution (like Stripe or Braintree), and ask the participating restaurant to provide their bank info for receiving payment, and when the end users are paying, they pay directly to the restaurant's bank account through the payment solution.

Rails 4: PayPal IPN, Payments for various Sellers

I am working on a Rails Application where Users can buy Items other Users shared previously.The payments should be flexible to allow the User who shared an Item to get the money a buyer pais.
1) Is it possible to create Flexible Paypal Payments (Different Seller, different Price for each Item)?
2) Can you use the PayPal IPN with Donations to check whether a buyer paid or not?
3) If not, what is the most efficient way to achive that goal?
Thanks in advance for each answer! Please tell me if you need additional information.
Here's the way I'd approach this:
Is it possible to create Flexible Paypal Payments?
Different sellers: Do you want them to be able to receive the payment directly in their Paypal? If that's the case, you'd need to provide them the details to create a Paypal merchant account and securely store those details, but I don't think that's the approach you want to take;
Most payment solutions provider gives a way to send payment to multiple vendors/merchants, which you may instead want to set up or even in your application, you can set up a kind of payment stuff to ensure that integrates with Paypal's API to pay your vendor soon as you receive payments for items.
So, yes it's possible, the different sellers could be tricky, but all other things are possible!
Can you use the PayPal IPN with Donations to check whether a buyer paid or not?
Absolutely, that's one of the biggest benefit of the IPN is that your application gets to know on time if someone has made a payment. You only have to validate this record with Paypal and, not like it's often necessary compare the payment amount

How can I allow users to get paid directly with stripe?

I've looked at stripe connect and it forces each user to impute their Social Security number and etc. just so they accept payments for a item they want to sell.
Is there a less painless method where users can sell something on my site, receive monies, and buy from other users?
I tried using stripe alone and it pays me directly. Problem is I want user to sign up, sell something on the site, and get paid. I'm not sure how this can be done without having each user impute social security numbers, tax id, and other personal information if all they want to sell is a pen.
For financial compliance reasons (know your customer laws, anti-money laundering stuff), as well as protecting you from chargebacks and refunds, you'd have to use Stripe Connect and either Standalone or Managed Accounts. Unfortunately this means you'll have to collect certain information from the user like their bank account, date of birth, last 4 of their social, etc.
You can using their Transfers API, but you need to be in the US and so do they.


I made a website ASP.NET MVC which use PAYPAL to manage payments.
I want to know when the payment is received by paypal account and save the information into my database.
The situation is the following:
USER_A has product which want to sell
USER_A subscribe an account in my Website,
USER_A provides is paypal email account to my website
to do that I have followed the instruction from here
everything works good, although there a problem,
to get the notification of payment into my website the USER_A (who receives the payment)
has to enable IPN notification into his paypal accaunt and set URL for notification.
Could be nice avoid that the user does that manual and make a automatic procedure to do that, my achievement is
Is that possible? I spent so much hours into paypal API info websites but I haven't found anythings valuable. Is there anyone who as manage that problem?
You can't update somebody's profile setting via the API, but you can include the NOTIFYURL parameter in your API request and that would simply override what is in the profile.
You could even setup a listener that you host and have your application send all the IPN's to it so that you can generate personalized email notifications, update your database, hit 3rd party web services, or anything else you might want to automate for your customers.
You could actually go ahead and give your sellers the option to setup an IPN URL that they want to use separate from what you're sending in NOTIFYURL so they can do their own processing, too. Then you would actually POST the same IPN data from your listener on to their listener. I actually wrote an article on this awhile back you might be interested in: Daisy Chaining IPNs

Billing Provider - Pay What You Want

I have an app that needs to use with a pay what you want model. I'm struggling to find a billing provider that offers this service outside of donate buttons.
The app is for a for-profit company, so I'm not sure if there is any gray area using Paypal, Amazon or Google for this. Outside of Paypal's 'donate' button, the process of allowing users to enter in a value they'd like to pay seems clunky at best.
I was wondering if there were any less known billing providers out there that offer a simple a nice pay-what-you-want or pay-as-you-will option. Merchant accounts and gateways arn't an issue.
The possible isssues are You need to find international payment provider, User needs credit card.In case You use local payment system like netbanking you can target bigger circle.
For International payment Options are
Why not just implement it yourself, just like any other shopping cart app? The difference being that instead of the "cart" calculating the total for the user to pay, the user himself fills up the amount in a form. After that, just redirect him to the credit card processor with whatever amount he filled up!
