Black Borders in Adobe Air IOS - ios

My application on IOS created with Adobe Air is displaying random black bars on the top and bottom of the screen using an iPhone 5 and all other 4-inch devices.
I have exported the same app on Android, Desktop and HTML and the aspect ratio is rendered correctly. I've also tried changing the stage dimensions to match the iPhone's screen resolution to no avail.
I have enabled high resolution in Adobe Flash CS5 and also targeted the iPhone exclusively. My render method is direct, and yet nothing seems to make the borders disappear. This is what it looks like:
I also tried creating a blank Adobe Air project, and the bars still come up regardless.
I have used Adobe Air SDK 3.2, 3.4, and the latest SDK and nothing works. What is happening?

You need to use the proper launch image for the device you're on. See here and here:
iOS lauch image specs


Splash screen in IOS does not display

Using Delphi 10.4.1 with the latest patches. iOS 14.2 SDK using XCode 12.x (latest in app store).
MacOS Big Sur (if it matters)
The splash screen works perfectly in Android.
However, in iOS, it does not work. I created a new project... splash shows
in Android but there is a 1-3 seconds show of a white screen then the simple
app appears (it's a template app from Delphi Wizard).
I have googled but it seems people hardly has this problem.
I set the background
of the IOS splash to different bright colours to see if the splash indeed comes out in these
colours but it didn't show these bright backgrounds, or the standard FM splash screen.
For the Android, there's a checkbox to say [x] Show splash but there is nothing
for IOS. So I assume that IOS does not need a setting to show the splash screen?
This happens whether I use the default FireMonkey splash screens, or provide my own
(in the same dimensions)
Please advise.

Xamarin Forms for IOS use native resolution

I have created my first Xamarin Forms App targetting UWP and IOS.
The UI was originally designed for UWP to target a 1920x1080 screen and when IOS on an iPad was added we identified that the ones we are interested in have a minimum of 2048x1536 screens, so the same design should fit onto the iPad quite comfortably.
Unfortunately, when the app is deployed to a brand new iPad and even iPad Pro then the UI shows effectively 1024x768.
The UI does allow for low resolutions but we don't want to be restricted to such a ridiculous resolution as 1024x768 when we have 2048x1536 available on the iPad and 2732x2048 available on the iPad Pro
So the app is scaling to 2x or 3x, (which is terrible on the iPad Pro).
I have seen many suggestions to use a LaunchScreen.xib to tell iOS that the app is allowed a resolution but when I try to research this I find that it is deprecated. I created a LaunchScreen.storyboard but this has not helped.
So my (2-part) question is as follows...
Is there actually a way to convince iOS to use 1x scaling?
If so could anyone point me in the direction of some current documentation about how to make it work?
After much investigation and hair pulling it would seen that iOS just "knows" how big its physical pixels are and it won't let you switch off scaling.
Our next best course of action was to reduce font sizes by 20%, cut back on whitespace and then finally explicitly change what still didn't fit.

iOS app not displaying correctly iPad

I am working on an App which should be able to run on iPhones and iPads.
I have been able to run it on iPhones and it is displaying perfectly. But when I run it on an iPad the App itself is very zoomed in. I am not sure what main issue.
This is how it displays on iPad:
And this is how it comes up on an iPhone:
Any idea how to fix it or what the issue is?
Your app isn't made to run on the iPad. When displayed on the iPad, it just stretches the display of the iPhone version (you can see that by the 1x button on the lower right corner of the screen). You need to setup your XCode project as a Universal App (instead of it being just for iPhone) and then you'll be able to take advantage of the entire iPad screen and design the display especially for it.
You can set the app as Universal on your project properties in XCode:

iOS 7 black splash bug and app launch size

Currently I am having troubles with a project I am working on.
First of I have this bug. Where the splash screen on iOS 7 is black when I set a splash screen for iOS 7 devices. The tip which I found there (and which works) is to only set splash screens voor iOS 6 and it will fetch those for iOS 7.
However, when doing this the app launches as an 3.5" app on an 4" device on iOS7. (The splash screen is full size).
I have tried using the old methods to have splash screens (e.g with correct naming conventions) and not using the Image Catalogs, but this doesn't change anything.
What can I do to have and a working splash screen on iOS 7 devices and the correct launch size for those devices?
It might be worth noting that this is a Universal app.
Have you tried to use a new project and set all image sizes?
There could be a problem with your Info.plist after changing the splash images many times.

Blur effect disappears when testing flash app on iOS5 device

with Flash Professional CS6 I build an iOS app (AIR SDK This app features a MovieClip with blur effect applied with AS3 code. No problem when I run this app in the Flash simulator. But, when I test the app directly on a device (iOS5), the blur effect disappears.
Any help is appreciated!
I FINALLY SOLVED: it seems when using GPU rendering mode the Blur effect (and any other flash.filters.* package effect) can't be easily rendered in iOS:
