Embed Eventbrite Event Creator on my website - eventbrite

I want to use event Brite as the Event creating system for in my Web Application.
Since there is no api to do the same by EventBrite and we cant't embed the complete eventbrite site in an iframe how do we go about it.
Is there any way to do it ?

We just discussed this on the forum but so that others may see as well, we hope to have full event creation available within the next month. You can, however, update events by POSTing parameters to the Event Details endpoint including event name, event description, etc..
We will also have Event Copy available in the very near future as well.

Event creation is fully available in V3.
You can find all the details for the Event endpoint here http://www.eventbrite.com/developer/v3/endpoints/events/#ebapi-post-events.
Event Object http://www.eventbrite.com/developer/v3/formats/event/#ebapi-std:format-event


Get an eventbrite event ID

I'm trying to figure out how to get an Eventbrite Event ID for an event that does not include it in the URL. I'm not the event owner, so I can't use the technique to go to my "manage events" page, like eventbrite tells me.
Also, I can't find a consistently good way to use the event search API method to find the specific event I want...
It seems as though this should be a pretty easy thing to do!
Thanks in advance!
The quickest way to grab an event ID (just a quick trick without using the API) is to look in the event's footer at "Contact the Organizer" -- opening that link in a new tab will display the EID in the URL.
For the problem around /event_search, try using keywords and narrowing the search with location parameters: http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/events/event_search/
Hope that answers your questions!

Possible to add attendee via api?

Prior to making an elance job ad, I'm hoping to confirm it's possible to add an attendee to an event via the eventbrite api. As a non-programmer it's not at all clear in reading the dev eventbrite site that this is in fact possible. Here is what I want to do:
Create an event in Eventbrite
(and get the event id or whatever is needed)
Create a product in Infusionsoft
(using event id from eventbrite)
Upon product sale in Infusionsoft, make an http post with information similar to:
http://eventbrite-api-sample.com/ (add attendee command)?(event id command)?(customer name, email, etc)
Happily let eventbrite do it's thing in regards to reminders, checking, followup!
I apologize if my question is obvious! Thanks for any help! If this seems doable my hope is to make an elance job ad and provide the developer resource page for eventbrite!
Based on my research and attempts to work with the API, it seems unlikely Eventbrite will ever open up that option. Importing attendees and using API to add attendees is crippled, likely so that no one uses their own site/payment processing to circumvent Eventbrite fees.
It looks like this is not possible to create a new attendee through the API. Their workflow page also suggests this:
This is not currently a feature available through the API, but there is an option to add attendees manually through the UI. Instructions are here: http://help.eventbrite.com/customer/en_us/portal/articles/428370-add-attendees-manually

Eventbrite API: is there a way to access the waitlist?

We use EventBrite for managing some free events: works great.
We also make extensive use of the waitlist feature.
I would like to script the synchronisation of the EventBrite ticket list contacts (sold and waitlist) with another system.
(yes, I know, I can manage contacts in EventBrite. But we have an existing system and I want to keep using that)
There does not appear to be an obvious way to retrieve any information about people on the waitlist via the API? Is this possible?
Each of the available API access methods are listed here:
Waitlists are not currently available.
This should do the trick. Run it in your web browser to see an xml list of all attendees:
You'll have to signup for a developer's key to run the query though: https://www.eventbrite.com/api/key/
The down and dirty method to get the eventID to make sure it's working is to view the page source of your EventBrite page, and search for "eventID" or "eid".
You can get the event id through the EventBrite API as well: http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/events/

What is the best way to get my application featured on the EventBrite website?

How can I display my email marketing application (for sending invitations as newsletters) on the EventBrite website?
Eventbrite does not usually promote third-party solutions within their main product.
I would start by applying to be listed in their application showcase. If that works out well, then they may be interested in following-up with a blog post, or evaluating other opportunities for cross-promotion.

Google Calendar Event GUI

does anybody know, where I can find the Google Calendars Event-GUI?
I'm building an social networking site, which relies on google calendar.
For adding and changing events, I want to use googles GUI (i dont want to code this myself if there is a partial/control already existing).
Does anybody know where I can find this?
Checkout http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/ it's the full API documentation from Google. If what you want to do is supported, it's almost certainly written about here somewhere.
If you take a look at the docs page, there is a "Calendar Tools" section on the left hand side bar that has the tools available, including gadgets and an embeddable calendar.
If you want to code something yourself you'll probably want to look at retrieving events, updating events and creating events.
This article may also be helpful to you. http://www.google.com/googlecalendar/event_publisher_guide.html#site
Although that is to embed just your calendar.
