Get an eventbrite event ID - eventbrite

I'm trying to figure out how to get an Eventbrite Event ID for an event that does not include it in the URL. I'm not the event owner, so I can't use the technique to go to my "manage events" page, like eventbrite tells me.
Also, I can't find a consistently good way to use the event search API method to find the specific event I want...
It seems as though this should be a pretty easy thing to do!
Thanks in advance!

The quickest way to grab an event ID (just a quick trick without using the API) is to look in the event's footer at "Contact the Organizer" -- opening that link in a new tab will display the EID in the URL.
For the problem around /event_search, try using keywords and narrowing the search with location parameters:
Hope that answers your questions!


Hackathon project regarding Twitter

I will be attending my first hackathon this upcoming weekend, and plan to create a Twitter-based Chrome extension. Basically, when someone wants to tweet or reply to something, and they click the 'tweet' button, it will open up a pop-up modal that asks them some questions about their tweet (so as to encourage them to be mindful about what they post). Within the modal, there will be a button that then publishes the tweet.
So, to sum it up, my modal will be an intermediary in the process of posting a tweet.
What technologies will be useful in implementing this? Specifically, how can I implement the feature in which someone clicks the tweet/reply button, and it opens up my web app's modal on the same screen? Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is called event capture? Does this have anything to do with Web Intents?
I have done similar things on other sites. A high level overview of what you should try doing:
Find out how twitter sends tweets, the "tweet" button has a "js-send-tweets" class, I would start by investigating that. They probably have a piece of js listening to the button press.
Once you figured it out you can override that function by injecting your own script to the page after twitter's. This way when you press tweet your function will execute.
You should write your own logic in there then add twitter's function logic too which would conditionally execute based on the user's action.

Embed Eventbrite Event Creator on my website

I want to use event Brite as the Event creating system for in my Web Application.
Since there is no api to do the same by EventBrite and we cant't embed the complete eventbrite site in an iframe how do we go about it.
Is there any way to do it ?
We just discussed this on the forum but so that others may see as well, we hope to have full event creation available within the next month. You can, however, update events by POSTing parameters to the Event Details endpoint including event name, event description, etc..
We will also have Event Copy available in the very near future as well.
Event creation is fully available in V3.
You can find all the details for the Event endpoint here
Event Object

Gem for creating a left/right scrollable notification viewer for web app?

I'm new to Ruby on Rails so please bear with me.
I'm creating a web app for users to trade cards and would like to include in the user's home page a notification section that shows relevant alerts for the user based on possible trade matches and other things like new messages. The functionality would require alerts to be generated based on certain triggers (userB accepts trade, trade is proposed to userA, userB messages userA, and possibly even incorporate sponsored posts). This will basically function like the "notification center" on iOS.
I've made a quick mockup: (or if that's too big --> -- wouldn't let me embed image because I'm new :(
So the idea is the view will probably have 5-15 alerts at any given time (give or take) and can scroll through them using those left/right arrows. The alerts will be a basic message with a link to the relevant page, or for something like a trade rating have the message "open" to fill the viewer and show the necessary functionality.
Hopefully I explained this okay. Anyone know anything out there that might make building this easier? Please let me know if there is any info I missed in asking this?
Not sure I get exactly what your wanting to do but if I understand correctly this may help. I have used swipe.js it is easy to use, should get you started on a swipeable/scrollable interface.

Barcode ID for order/ticket

Is there a way to get a users barcode id for a ticket/order other than calling event_list_attendees and paging through the attendees trying to find the right user match? This method would be taxing on the eventbrite servers and a lot of unnecessary work/resources from the client side as well.
It seems like this should be included by default with the return json of user_list_tickets. Anyone have any ideas or other ways of doing this more efficiently?
It looks like right now that's not an option.

Possible to add attendee via api?

Prior to making an elance job ad, I'm hoping to confirm it's possible to add an attendee to an event via the eventbrite api. As a non-programmer it's not at all clear in reading the dev eventbrite site that this is in fact possible. Here is what I want to do:
Create an event in Eventbrite
(and get the event id or whatever is needed)
Create a product in Infusionsoft
(using event id from eventbrite)
Upon product sale in Infusionsoft, make an http post with information similar to: (add attendee command)?(event id command)?(customer name, email, etc)
Happily let eventbrite do it's thing in regards to reminders, checking, followup!
I apologize if my question is obvious! Thanks for any help! If this seems doable my hope is to make an elance job ad and provide the developer resource page for eventbrite!
Based on my research and attempts to work with the API, it seems unlikely Eventbrite will ever open up that option. Importing attendees and using API to add attendees is crippled, likely so that no one uses their own site/payment processing to circumvent Eventbrite fees.
It looks like this is not possible to create a new attendee through the API. Their workflow page also suggests this:
This is not currently a feature available through the API, but there is an option to add attendees manually through the UI. Instructions are here:
