iOS 8 Simulators for Xcode 5 - ios

Is it possible to build using Xcode 5 for iOS 8 simulators?
Specifically looking to build with Xcode 5 because we are close to submitting an app but we'd like to make best efforts with iOS 8. We are able to deploy to an iOS 8 device but we do not have enough devices to cover the possibilities.

No, you cannot install the iOS 8 simulator on Xcode 5. If you want to deploy to both iOS 8 and 7, you can use Xcode 6 and build against the iOS 8 SDK (it will run on both 7 and 8).

I'm using the following workaround:
Build and run on Xcode 6.
Find the installed app in the Xcode 6's simulator directory: ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<SOME-DEVICE-UDID>/data/Applications/<SOME-APP-UUID>.
Make a note of this path and quit.
Build and run on Xcode 5.
Find the installed app in ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/7.1-64/Applications/<SOME-APP-UUID>.
Move (or copy) the Xcode 5 app to the Xcode 6 location: rm -r <first-path>; cp -r <second-path> <first-path>
Start the Xcode 6 Simulator (from the Xcode 6 -> Open Developer Tool menu).
From the simulator's Springboard start the app.
You can test the app in iOS 8 but you cannot (easily) debug like this.

I was able to check iOS 8 compatibility by compiling an ad-hoc beta version and installing that via iTunes on my iOS 8 iPad. Not as easy as regular compiles direct from xcode but good enough to check the final master before submitting for approval.


Not able to enable Development mode on iOS 13

Downloaded beta iOS 13 on iPhone X and iPhone 6s but none of the devices are working in development mode.
While Running project the Xcode gave me errorNot able to enable Development Mode
Using Xcode 10.1 and added Developer disk image for iOS 13
Already tried restarting Xcode, restarting the device and even restarting Mac several times but nothing worked.
You have to download xcode 11 to support iOS13.
Xcode 10.1 support for iOS 12.1.
See this documentation
Xcode 10.1 also supports iOS 13 devices. The only thing you need is Genuine develope disk image.
Downloaded Xcode 11 Beta and then from Xcode Beta I took Developer disk image for iOS 13 which resolves my problem.
Xcode-Beta-> Show Package Content > developer > Platform > iPhoneOS.platform > DeviceSupport

How to debug iOS 7.1 simulator on Xcode 7?

I updated Xcode 7 and write some new code.
The problem is that my app support iOS 7.1, that require run from Xcode 6.4 to run iOS 7.1 simulator. But I can not run the app from Xcode 6.4 any more, because there's some new coding syntax that is only run from Xcode 7.
How can I debug my app for iOS 7.1.
Thank you!
Build your app in Xcode 7.
Quit Xcode 7.
Open up Xcode 6.4.
Launch the from Xcode 6.4
Run 'sudo xcode-select -s /path/to/'
Run 'xcrun simctl install booted /path/to/the/built/'
Your app should be visible in the iOS 7.1 sim.
Xcode 7 doesn't have any code syntax. That's the iOS version. And If you are using any new API, your app will crash on lower versions.
Before using the newer API calls on existing framework objects, you may want to check respondsToSelector: on the object to avoid crashes. And you need to have a fallback method for lower API versions.
But if you are using iOS 9 only frameworks, Contacts framework for instance, you need to check the device's iOS version before using the framework to avoid crashes.

Can I publish an app to the AppStore while having iOS 9 beta installed on my iPhone and using Xcode 6?

Prior to submit an app to the AppStore we must generate an Archive, and have an iPhone or an iPad connected to Xcode during that time.
If I upgrade to the iOS 9 beta, will I still be able to do this (generate the archive from Xcode 6)? Or will I encounter any issues if I upgrade?
Thank you!
You can install two (or more) versions of Xcode on your Mac, beta versions of Xcode for testing, and the official released version for App Store build and submission purposes. Currently, for instance, install Xcode-beta 7.x to directly run and debug test builds on an iPhone running an iOS 9 beta, and install Xcode 6.x to build with the iOS 8 SDK and submit to the App Store. You can (and should) also still test the latter build using Ad Hoc deployment.
Dont do that ! It is risky.
XCode cannot run an app into your iPhone/iPad, if the iPhone OS version is greater than the higher iOS version in XCode.
It is risky. If you install iOS 9 bĂȘta on iPhone, and XCode has only iOS 8.3, you wont be able to run an app from XCode--to-->iPhone
Ok running is not publishing.
But you know Apple/XCode... So strict, minimize the risk. Dont do that.
Beta is NOT for publishing & public releases.

Xcode 6.4 "Could not download and install iOS 8.3 simulator"

I've been trying to install iOS simulators 8.3 & 8.4 on Xcode 6.3.2 an 6.4 beta respectively. In the first case is not even an option to download this simulator while in Xcode 6.4 it shows an error "Could not download and install iOS 8.3 Simulator. Authorization is required to install the packages". I've searched the web but I could not find anything so I tries reinstalling Xcode from Apple developer website as well as from the app store with no change at all. The only simulator I can use is 8.2. I cannot install any other version. Any help would be really appreciated.
This is the error on Xcode 6.4 with no additional option of iOS 8.4 Simulator
These are the simulator options for me to download which result in that error
These are my options in Xcode 6.3.2 with no option for iOS 8.3
I found a workaround on the Apple forums. If you run Xcode using sudo the simulator downloads and installs work just fine:
sudo /Applications/
Note: Once the downloads and installs are complete you should quit Xcode and start it normally.
The iOS 8.3 Simulator runtime is includes in Xcode 6.3 (which is why it isn't offered as an additional download).
The iOS 8.3 Simulator runtime should be downloadable from Xcode 6.4, as you show. Your dialog box reports that there was an authentication problem when attempting to install the package. You need to provide administrator credentials when installing the package.
The reason you are getting your "iPhone 6 runs iOS 8.2 which is lower than -project name- minimum deployment target." errors is because you are selecting an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.2 on it and not an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.3 on it.
Use 'xcrun simctl create' or Xcode's Devices window to create the iOS 8.3 devices you need.

installing ios 7 on xcode 6.1 on yosemite

I have search a lot and comes up with lot's of different solutions and opinions which I got really confused .
I have xcode 6.1 installed with ios 8.1 simulator and I'm trying to test my apps on ios 7 . There are so many different opinions about installing ios 7 . Some says that ios 7 is not working on Yosemite and some says otherwise. also I have tried to install ios 7 from preference>devices but It got stuck and there is no progress at all with downloading.
Can anybody helps me please?Is it possible to run ios 7 on xcode 6.1 and yosemite?If so , how should I download ios 7 simulator for xcode 6.1 without using the xcode download section?maybe I can extract it from older version of xcode or download it from another source.Does upgrading to higher version of xcode helps?
Open at Xcode Window menu, then Devices and there you can add desired simulator using little + button at the left bottom corner
The iOS 7.0 Simulator Runtime is not supported on OS X Yosemite.
The iOS 7.1 Simulator Runtime is supported on OS X Yosemite.
Install Xcode 6.2 and navigate to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads, and you will be given the option to install the iOS 7.1 Simulator Runtime. It will install below /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator.
Note that some versions of Xcode have a bug where the download will not occur if your laptop is running on battery. I do not know of the top of my head which versions of Xcode are affected. If the download progress isn't moving forward, go connect to AC.
Of course you can run iOS 7 on Xcode 6 or higher version. In order to download the iOS 7 follow the blow steps
Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Choose the iOS 7 simulator
If you want to extract the iOS sdks from older version go to the terminal and follow below and then restart the xCode.
for example
cp -r /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.0.sdk /Applications/
