installing ios 7 on xcode 6.1 on yosemite - ios

I have search a lot and comes up with lot's of different solutions and opinions which I got really confused .
I have xcode 6.1 installed with ios 8.1 simulator and I'm trying to test my apps on ios 7 . There are so many different opinions about installing ios 7 . Some says that ios 7 is not working on Yosemite and some says otherwise. also I have tried to install ios 7 from preference>devices but It got stuck and there is no progress at all with downloading.
Can anybody helps me please?Is it possible to run ios 7 on xcode 6.1 and yosemite?If so , how should I download ios 7 simulator for xcode 6.1 without using the xcode download section?maybe I can extract it from older version of xcode or download it from another source.Does upgrading to higher version of xcode helps?

Open at Xcode Window menu, then Devices and there you can add desired simulator using little + button at the left bottom corner

The iOS 7.0 Simulator Runtime is not supported on OS X Yosemite.
The iOS 7.1 Simulator Runtime is supported on OS X Yosemite.
Install Xcode 6.2 and navigate to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads, and you will be given the option to install the iOS 7.1 Simulator Runtime. It will install below /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator.
Note that some versions of Xcode have a bug where the download will not occur if your laptop is running on battery. I do not know of the top of my head which versions of Xcode are affected. If the download progress isn't moving forward, go connect to AC.

Of course you can run iOS 7 on Xcode 6 or higher version. In order to download the iOS 7 follow the blow steps
Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Choose the iOS 7 simulator
If you want to extract the iOS sdks from older version go to the terminal and follow below and then restart the xCode.
for example
cp -r /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.0.sdk /Applications/


Using iOS8 and later devices with Xcode

Using iOS8 and later devices with Xcode?
Well you have two options:
1)Straightforward, download Xcode 9 and you are good to go.
2) You need to put DeveloperDiskImage of iOS 11 in
Put iOS 11 DiskImage
and you can find this diskImage in Xcode9 at same path in case you want to continue with XCode8
Path of iOS 11 Disk Image:
NOTE: Xcode 9.0 requires a Mac running macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or later.
Up to iOS 12.1 is available
You can download DeveloperDiskImage.dmg here or here
1.Download Zip file and extract.
2.Click on "Finder" in MAC OS
3.Click on "Go to Folder"
4.Paste /Applications/ . Otherwise go to Applications > Right Click on Xcode > Show Package Contents and follow the directories above.
5.Reboot Device + Xcode + Mac
One of the reasons why software no longer installs, such as you can't install Sierra or Xcode 9 has more to do with Apple making your computer obsolete.
Here is a recent (2016 Addition to machines no longer supported by Apple), and there are so surprises there.
I have a perfectly running iMac Early 2008, and 2 years ago it was placed on the obsolete list. I can no longer update certain programs, such as install Sierra or Xcode 9.2.
There are some very disgruntled people who purchased MacBooks and Apple made them obsolete without even introducing an upgraded machine to replace it.
Now, if I want to have my Apps run on the new iOS 11 OS, I need to replace a perfectly good and working machine. That is not right.
You can't run ios 11 on Xcode 8.2
You need Xcode 9 beta
Xcode 9 beta requires a Mac running macOS 10.12.4 or later. Xcode 9
beta includes SDKs for iOS 11, watchOS 4, macOS 10.13, and tvOS 11

Is there a way to get iOS 7 simulator on Xcode 7

I just updated my Xcode to the newest version (7.0 7A220) and I lost the iOS 7 simulator that I had in the previous version. I still have the iOS 7 SDK and was wondering if there is way to use it on the newest version of Xcode, instead of installing another version of Xcode on my OS X.
Download the official installation package from:
This is where Xcode 6.4 is downloading it from.
But it won't work on El Capitan, only on Yosemite. The runtime has a problem with El Capitan... So until Apple solves it (if they want to), we're stuck.
As for my initial analysis referred from link you cant install it and use older version of Xcode version for using respective iOS simulators. To use iOS 7.1 go for Xcode 6.4 or earlier. Install Xcode 6.4 and download respective simulator from Preference.
To download older version of Xcode you need to login with developer account

iPhone running iOS 8.3 shows up as ineligible in Xcode 6.2

Current setup:
iPhone 6+ updated to iOS 8.2
iMac running Mavericks (10.9) with Xcode 6.2
Deployment target set to 8.2
When I connect the iPhone, it shows up as ineligible.
Also, it shows this warning:
I've tried:
to reboot both iPhone & iMac -> Not solved
to manually select iPhone from: Product > Destination > Ineligible Devices
Many other answers in this question, but all for problems using Xcode 6.3, not 6.2.
I know I can solve this:
upgrading to Yosemite & installing Xcode 6.3
using an iPhone running 8.2
But is there any possibility that mounting the Xcode 6.3 DMG and copying some libs / symlinking something it will work?
Just copy the folder DeviceSupport/8.3 from Xcode 6.3 to Xcode 6.2.
Download Xcode 6.2 and 6.3, install as /Applications/ and /Applications/ (or similar names)
In both installations, there's a folder Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
In Xcode 6.2, this folder contains packages for iOS 8.2 and many lower versions, but not for 8.3.
In Xcode 6.3, this folder also contains a package for iOS 8.3. In my case, the folder is called 8.3 (12F69)
Copy the iOS 8.3 package from Xcode 6.3 to Xcode 6.2 (this command is one line, of course):
cp -r '/Applications/ (12F69)' '/Applications/'
Or even better, create a link:
ln -s '/Applications/ (12F69)' '/Applications/'
Now restart Xcode 6.2 and connect your device through USB. Xcode should allow you to test apps on it.
Diego Freniche's solution (copying the whole iPhoneOS.platform folder) was a great help, but when I ran my app from Xcode 6.2, it looked slightly different than it did when I deployed an ipa file on the phone (buttons in wrong positions, status bar display wrong). I guess Xcode got confused and built the app as if it was targeted at a different iOS version.
With this solution (only copy one folder in DeviceSupport), it looks like the app works exactly as it is supposed to. I'll let you know if I encounter problems, but I haven't seen any so far.
A little progress, but this is a WIP.
Looks like in Yosemite Xcode 6.2 works correctly with 8.3 devices. Need to test on Mavericks
Testing with Xcode 6.2 in Yosemite (need to test also in Mavericks, any feedback would be appreciated)
Go to your Xcode 6.2 folder and rename
Mount your Xcode 6.3 DMG, install it
Copy from Xcode 6.3 this folder:
inside your Xcode 6.2 folder.
you'll probably find an error telling you rootuser does not own the simulator / OS Platform folder. To solve that just open Terminal, then:
$ cd /Applications/
$ sudo chown -R root iPhoneSimulator.platform/
$ sudo chown -R root iPhoneOS.platform/
now you can run your app inside your iOS 8.3 device from Xcode 6.2 but you have no simulators in the target tdestination menu
UPDATE: I'm getting weird errors while ibtool tries to compile the storyboards:
/Users/dfreniche/Desktop/Test/Test/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard: The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 2001.)
So finally give up and update to Yosemite. If there's any new info on this, please share.
Had the same problem with connecting iOS8.3 devices to Xcode 6.2 on Mavericks. Ok on a machine at work running Xcode 6.4 on Yosemite. Software update on the Mavericks machine doesn't offer any higher version. Looking at the specs of Xcode 6.4 (and presumably 6.3 of the original question) says it requires OS X 10.10 (i.e. Yosemite). So, whether or not you can hack around it, the behaviour you/we are seeing on Mavericks is what Apple intends.
I have the same issue and I don't want to just use the lastest version of XCode for the need of maintaining my old projects. I end up with installing two versions XCode(6.2 and 6.3) to solve this problem. Here is what I did.
Download XCode6.2 install package from apple site
Upgrade the existed XCode6.2 to x6.3
Open my project on XCode6.3 (this time the device can be recognized by XCode, and I think XCode6.3 might have done some updates to your project.)
Close my project, re-install XCode6.2, there will be a prompt saying I have a newer version and if I want to keep both. Click Yes. Then I have two versions of XCode.
After all those steps done, I can finally open my project and use my device in XCode6.2. Hopefully it can help someone.
XCODE 6.3 is out.. It solved my problem.. If you have Yosemite, you can download the 6.4 beta version

Can we install iOS 6 simulator in XCODE 6.0.1?

I updated my XCODE version to 6.0.1 from 5.1.1 but when i try to install iOS simulator 6 , i cant find it in XCODE -> Preferences -> Downloads option ...
My project needs iOS 6 environment
Can anyone please suggest a way to install it or get back to older version.
Thanks in Advance .
Xcode 6 contains CoreSimulator. CoreSimulator supports the iOS 7.0 and later simulator runtimes.
The iOS 7.0 simulator runtime is not supported on OS X Yosemite.
If you are on OS X Mavericks, you can install 7.0 or later.
If you are on OS X Yosemite, you can install 7.1 or later.
If you need the iOS 6 simulator runtime, you should install Xcode 5.1 (on Mavericks) and use it for testing your projects in the iOS 6 runtime. You can install both versions of Xcode simultaneously.
No, you can't install that simulator in Xcode 6.0.1. You can download Xcode 5.1.1 from the iOS Developer Center:
If that link doesn't work login to the dev center and under the downloads section click "Looking for an older version of Xcode?"
In the search box type "Xcode 5.1.1" and filter your Categories to Developer Tools:

iOS 8 Simulators for Xcode 5

Is it possible to build using Xcode 5 for iOS 8 simulators?
Specifically looking to build with Xcode 5 because we are close to submitting an app but we'd like to make best efforts with iOS 8. We are able to deploy to an iOS 8 device but we do not have enough devices to cover the possibilities.
No, you cannot install the iOS 8 simulator on Xcode 5. If you want to deploy to both iOS 8 and 7, you can use Xcode 6 and build against the iOS 8 SDK (it will run on both 7 and 8).
I'm using the following workaround:
Build and run on Xcode 6.
Find the installed app in the Xcode 6's simulator directory: ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<SOME-DEVICE-UDID>/data/Applications/<SOME-APP-UUID>.
Make a note of this path and quit.
Build and run on Xcode 5.
Find the installed app in ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/7.1-64/Applications/<SOME-APP-UUID>.
Move (or copy) the Xcode 5 app to the Xcode 6 location: rm -r <first-path>; cp -r <second-path> <first-path>
Start the Xcode 6 Simulator (from the Xcode 6 -> Open Developer Tool menu).
From the simulator's Springboard start the app.
You can test the app in iOS 8 but you cannot (easily) debug like this.
I was able to check iOS 8 compatibility by compiling an ad-hoc beta version and installing that via iTunes on my iOS 8 iPad. Not as easy as regular compiles direct from xcode but good enough to check the final master before submitting for approval.
