Xcode WebView part of a page - ios

I'm working on an iOS app and need to place a web view on a view controller...but I only need a certain portion of it to be shown (the title). Does anyone know how to do this? I would REALLY appreciate any help!

Just set the frame size (size where you want to display the title)required for the UIWebView.
Also you definitely can set the UIWebview to whatever size you wish to.


Swift Custom Map Callout - Resize for each device

This isn't a coding question, more of in need of which way to go. I created a custom call out but the problem is that it doesn't resize to the devices. Some devices it fits perfect and others it completely zoomed in on. Will using the stack view method help with this size problem? Not sure how to go about this.

Use the modal view displayed by UIDocumentInteractionController

I've been thinking about the following possibility:
I am right now developing an app for displaying a different set of files(could be different formats), and use the content of these files to form 1 single file.
Because UIDocumentInteractionController could show content of formats that otherwise can't be viewed by my app(docx for example), wouldn't it be nice that I capture the modal view displayed by this controller and use it somewhere else?
I am wondering how can I access the content of presented UIDocumentInteractionController and capture it.
Any advice would be nice, thank you.
Screenshot - Maybe I could do a screenshot of presentedViewController.view, but the resolution of captured image isn't ideal - limited to the screen resolution and not high enough to be viewed on a computer monitor.

ios - how to create a screen with a lot of text and buttons and not use UIWebView

I can not use UIWebView because I want the text to be accessible even if the user does not have Internet access on their phone. Also, I will need to have buttons to other screens on the app and I think that is not possible with UIWebView (right?)
Is there a way for me to edit the xml of the screen directly inside Xcode? My requirement is to have about 10 sections with header labels and buttons before each, so if I have to adjust it on the storyboard screen, it will be a bit nightmarish.
What is a reasonable approach for me here? I think only to edit the xml by hand and hardcode it with styles and text, right?
several things here:
webviews only need an internet connection if you are downloading the content for the view (which doesnt seem like what you want anyway, aren't you just building it locally?)
you can make the buttons in a webview do whatever you want. See this answer.
What is so complex about this UI that you can't just build it the regular way in code or IB?
Just because you consider using a UIWebView it doesn't mean you are restricting your application functionality to internet access.
You can just as well have HTML documents in the application bundle that you display in a webview. This is basically what PhoneGap is doing.
If you don't want to use webviews then nothing is stopping you from using UIViews, UILabels, UIImageViews etc and compose your app how you want.

PageControl with multiple xib's?

I'm having trouble with getting Page Control set up with multiple xib's. I searched on Stack on the internet for a while now but all I've been getting is getting Page Control set up with an Array with colors or images. Is it possible to get a UIScrollView with PageControl for multiple View Controllers? I'm thinking that I should use (initwithNibName: method), but I'm not sure on how to set it up with the scrollview. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Yes, it is possible. Check this very useful library out. It's an iPhone UIScrollView with horizontal paging like mobile Safari tabs HGPageScrollView.
It works pretty great in our app.
GitHub HGPageScrollView.
Here's another example. Check this link.

Large uipickerview on ipad

Does anyone know if the sdk provides a way to display a larger picker view on the iPad?
I see it in many iPad apps but not sure if it's a built-in ui element or not. If it's custom made where can. Find some sample code?
It looks kind of like this http://images.mobilism.org/?dm=VCIS
A check mark appears when you select it.
Set the frame.size.width to the value that fits your needs.
