PageControl with multiple xib's? - ios

I'm having trouble with getting Page Control set up with multiple xib's. I searched on Stack on the internet for a while now but all I've been getting is getting Page Control set up with an Array with colors or images. Is it possible to get a UIScrollView with PageControl for multiple View Controllers? I'm thinking that I should use (initwithNibName: method), but I'm not sure on how to set it up with the scrollview. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Yes, it is possible. Check this very useful library out. It's an iPhone UIScrollView with horizontal paging like mobile Safari tabs HGPageScrollView.
It works pretty great in our app.
GitHub HGPageScrollView.
Here's another example. Check this link.


Automatic scrolling in a PDF using Swift

I'm a newbie to iOS and just recently finished the Swift developer tutorial on the Apple website. I want to create a program that loads in a PDF that can automatically scroll, like a teleprompter. I was looking through the PDFView documentation, but could not find a scrolling function. The closest things I could find were go but I don't understand what it means by rectangle and scrollSelectionToVisible which I'm not quite sure what it does. Any help / tips / general Swift knowledge would be appreciated! Thanks so much!
The only way to switch to vertical scrolling is to start all the way from scratch at CGContextDrawPDFPage
If the selection is not visible, scrolls view so that it is.
You can put pdfview on the top of UIScrollView and then give a timer to let it auto scroll like PDFExpert.
You can visit the demo from Apple.
Visit hereZoomPDF
It needs time to make it happen, nobody can tell you how to make it happen quickly , based on my experience it's the core code about PDF application such as PDFExport, but the mind is same, you can do as I said.The PDF inherits to UIView, so you should know why it can support auto scroll. Chose UIScrollView , it's right choice.

I want the partial pagecurl effect ,not the full screen

Now I am developing an app on iOS, I need the pagecurl effect, but the all source code I found was full screen! However, I only need the partial screen, not full screen. So I need to know how to do it!
Could anybody provide an example for me?
There's a good reference on the different forms of Modal Views contained in iOS, including the partial page curl, here: on Tim Neill's blog.

Basics on how to setup horizontal paging in iOS app?

I've looked for this for a while, but I can't find any good guides or resources that explain it thoroughly (not even Apple's own documentation, which seems to not have as much information as I'd expect). I want to setup a basic interface that has 6 pages horizontally. Each page will have a bunch of labels and textboxes, but the layout will be the same for each page. Eventually, I want to be able to have each page scroll down to view all the content, but I'm assuming I just need to use scrollviews as the content for each page.
Also, each page will eventually have to have separate names for each textbox (and separate from the other pages too) because I'll need all the content of the whole app to be saved out later.
But really, for now, I just need to figure out how to get paging working. I tried following one demo but when I typed in the code, Xcode wasn't recognizing one of my classes (which I know I included it). Plus, I didn't understand what was going on really, and I feel that I need to understand what I'm coding.
Also as a side note, how do I start programming for iOS 5? I updated Xcode to the latest version which said it had support for iOS 5, but I only get up to 4.3 in my project target.
You can use this project, the only downside is it does not support cell reuse, so if you plan on having more than a 5 or so panels the app will really start to blog down.
For any future searchers that have found this thread, I was able to achieve what I wanted.
Basically, just make a scrollview the size of however many pages you want (multiply the width by how many pages you want and that will be the content width). Then just enable paging in interface builder and it will page through the view. Then you can just add content to the scrollview.
It's not hard. When I did it for some of my apps, I had a very detailed 'template view' which included primarily a tableview, but also lots of buttons and text fields and such. I was amazed at how well it all worked when put together -- no real trouble with gestures or anything. Apple's UIPageControl sample code is a good place to start.

How to implement auto scroll view using corona sdk in lua programming?

I want to add a scroll view and it should scroll automatically (auto-scroll). Is there any way to achieve it, please share your suggestions or ideas
Thank you, Madan Mohan.
If you mean "auto scroll" as the screen moves with the character then you should take a look at Lime
scrollView is made more for making small windows you can drag up and down to get at other things on it.
I'm not sure if you've already found your own answer or not by now but I'm gonna answer it anyways.
In Lua using Corona SDK, there's a piece of code here at ANSCANA Comunity:
Corona SDK-Lua ScrollView
It is a scrollview code in Lua, but I want a Horizontal one, which implies that one page must be twice the size even for an Android app, which I am making ;P
Hope this help :D

ipad:orientation issues

Regards to everybody here I am with another problem. I have some screens which basically have several search filters and search results are displayed accordingly in a table. Now I have orientation issues cause this search screen does not cover the full screen in landscape mode.
Solutions that I came across:
Two xibs for same view but I'll loose data if I do so as this data will be in bulk so I can store it locally.
write lots of coordinate related code which is again cumbersome as there will be lots of search filters.
Autoresizemask -> not able to implement this upto expectations. (I tried this but was able to move the screen to the center but I wanted the complete view expanded resizefill something)
Can anybody enlighten me on this so that screens can be prepared in standard ways.
Thnx in advance.
Refer the screen shots
ok it finally worked.. we just have to adjust resizing mask for xibs or set autoresizemasks for the view-- as Ole Begemann mentioned
