iphone app icon ios 7,8 (3x) for iphone 6 - ios

just got xcode 6 gm seed and wanna upload new version to app store. Noticed that now you are suggested to specify Iphone app icon ios 7,8 60pt 3x. Apple has not updated its app icon guide yet. Is logic the same for 3x as 2x files, how do you think? I mean, just make resolution for the case 180x180 and name file Icon-60#3x.png?

Well yes the logic is same, 3x means (60x3), and what I see from the screenshot in your question - your are using assets catalog so you dont need to worry about the naming convention. Simply drag and drop your icon.
Hope this helps


iOS9 Causing iPhone 5 Optimization to be lost

EDIT To clarify question
I have a large app that has been out for a few years. It runs perfect on all iPhone sizes (4 up to the 6 plus). It supports both iOS 7 & iOS8, and is Optimized for iPhone 5.
My issue is with iOS9. The app no longer uses the built in scaling that iOS provided to fit the app onto the 6 or 6P screens.
Not only that, but it is rendered as if it were on a 3.5" screen. It is not recognizing the Default-568h#2x.png static image. Causing it to letterbox on an iPhone 5.
Is this a bug in iOS9 that does not recognize the static splash screen image?
Thank you so much!
This was caused by my Default-568h#2x.png file being localized (Which is required by iTunes Connect).
When I removed the localization from the file, it started rendering perfect in iOS9.
This does not help anyone whose app is currently in the store with a localized Default-568h#2x splash screen file.
As far as I can tell the only way around it is to have a 'Splash Screen' .xib file defined in your project settings (you then lose the auto scaling for iPhone 6 and 6+, which was perfect for our application).
I have a case open with Apple regarding this. They told me that they could not look deeper into it until iOS9 was out of Beta (tomorrow morning), and if it was still happening, than it is indeed a bug on their side and (hopefully) would be fixed soon.
I use Images.xcassets to manage assets of app. I had to create a LaunchImage in there and just add images for iphone Portrait ios 7-9 and not have any for retina 4.7 and retina 5.5 and things worked again.
If you use a Launch Storyboard then you need to remove that and add xcassets as mentioned in previous paragraph
This is in xcode 7

iOS App submission without 3x launch images but supporting iPhone 6 and iPhone 6plus

We are planing to submit an app supporting from iOS 7 . We might submit it in the month of April 2015. We are not currently planning to add 3x images. iPhone 6 and 6 plus are supported though. We are not adding launch images in the iOS8+ category. We are adding only in iOS 7 and later in Xcode 6.
Given that scenario will our app be approved by Apple?. Please post if there is risk of rejection.
There is no issue in adding launch images just for the 1x and 2x although not highly recommended.
Recommendation from Apple
Support for a New Screen Scale The iPhone 6 Plus uses a new Retina HD
display with a screen scale of 3.0. To provide the best possible
experience on these devices, include new artwork designed for this
screen scale.
You can go ahead, there is no reason that apple would reject it.
iOs will automatically choose whatever image is most suitable for that particular screen size.
I don't think there is a rule which says that you can't submit an app which does not have launch images for some devices.
In fact we sent an app which had the situation like you explained here. And it was approved by Apple.
We are not currently planning to add 3x images. iPhone 6 and 6 plus are supported though
==> Iphone 6+ support means including #3x images. (otherwise by default you mean by support which it provides by itself)
App won't be rejected.

"You must provide a screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 5.5-inch Retina displays" while building in Xcode 5.1

I've updated an old app with a minor bug fix. The app was compiled using Xcode 5.1.
(No way to use assets catalog or to add iPhone 6 and 6 Plus images.)
But still when I try to submit it to review I'm getting this error:
You must provide a screenshot for 4.7-inch Retina display, because
your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays.
You must provide a
screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary
supports 5.5-inch Retina displays.
The easiest fix would be to upload 4.7 & 5.5 pics which is fine but I'm more worried about the "because your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays" part.
Although it feels like a bug in iTunes connect, any one found a workaround for this?
We've had the same issue yesterday although our app did not state support or optimization for iPhone 6(or +).
Using Xcode 6.1 to build the IPA, we've simply re-scaled relevant images, and had no further issues submitting the app.
Some developers are not encountering the issue with their app's submission, while having no 4.7/5.5 inch scaled screenshots, meaning there's a possible flag in the binary which enforces this limitation.
The longer version
Apple now demands screenshots for the new screen sizes, without being dependent on the actual app binary.
As per the Developer portal, if an app states it supports iPhone 6, it must provide at least one properly* scaled image ( * proper size is listed in the link above).
All current releases to the app store should support the latest device, including iPhone 6 and the 6+, by default, therefore the error message is terrible. There is no actual relation to the binary. Just a new iTunes Connect limitation.
This is a recently added limitation by apple as our previous release to the App Store using Xcode 6.0 did not require us to add these new scaled images.
I had this issue too and I discovered that it was because I had inadvertently set the "Launch Screen File" (General Project Settings) to the name of Main.storyboard. When I cleared that out I was able to Submit for Review successfully.

How the apps already build for iPhone 4 and 5 will shown in iPhone 6 and 6 plus

As the apple has announced the two more screen sizes iPhone 6 and 6 plus. What will happen to apps already in app store build for iPhone 4 and 5. Will they be stretched or their layout be distorted in these new phones?
Please help me because I have recently submitted two of my apps in app store waiting for review. So should I change them or they will work fine. As I haven't use Auto layout in these apps.
If you have uploaded apps from XCode 5.x apple will take care and they will be scaled and stretched to fit them in iPhone and iPhone 6. If you want to take advantage of new devices you will have to use XCode 6 and add launch images on your project with these steps.
If you have not added launch images for iPhone 6 and 6 plus (and do not have Launch Screen File for iOS 8) , than your apps will be streached to fit in new devices , once you add them app will not be streached and you will have to manage it.
So with Xcode 5.x , you can be absoulatly sure that iOS will take care and streach your app to look just like thy look in iPhone 5 or 5S.
As Bhumit said, you need to add launch images at the new sizes if you want to have your apps scale properly for iPhone 6.
A corollary is that they will not scale in the simulator until you add those launch images. You can just add some default ones to test - I recommend grabbing David Smith's blanks.
If you do not test in the simulator with launch images, you will get a false impression of your app working because the default scaling kicks in. (If you are happy to leave it with that default scaling, fine for now.)
According to the latest version of Xcode 6 , the apps running in the previous iPhone environments of 5 and 4s will work as they are in iOS 8 i.e iPhone 6 , 6+. I suggest you download Xcode 6 from the Apple Developer Site and run your apps in the iPhone 6 and 6+ and see for yourself.
I have also found the apple link for this problem. Under heading 'Supporting New Screen Sizes and Scales'. You can check out above link for more such information.

iPad iOS 7 Icon for a "iPhone only" app

So here is my situation:
I have an iPhone app that is "iPhone only" I have separate icons for iOS 6 and iOS 7. When the app is downloaded on iPad with iOS 7, the iOS 6 is showing. Which icon size do I need to change in order for the iOS 7 icon to be shown on an iPad? I don't have iPad icon sizes showing because it is a "iPhone only" app and I would not like to use the "Asset catalog" because I am not familiar with it.
You need not really worry about how to pass exact size icons for app (be it any iOS-Device combination). The Asset catalog is your right answer & it takes care of everything you are here confused with. You just need to come out of your comfort zone of passing images manually. Once you use the Asset catalog, you will never look back.
Read my answer of understanding Asset catalog here.
Now take deep breathe & open asset catalog.
