iPad iOS 7 Icon for a "iPhone only" app - ios

So here is my situation:
I have an iPhone app that is "iPhone only" I have separate icons for iOS 6 and iOS 7. When the app is downloaded on iPad with iOS 7, the iOS 6 is showing. Which icon size do I need to change in order for the iOS 7 icon to be shown on an iPad? I don't have iPad icon sizes showing because it is a "iPhone only" app and I would not like to use the "Asset catalog" because I am not familiar with it.

You need not really worry about how to pass exact size icons for app (be it any iOS-Device combination). The Asset catalog is your right answer & it takes care of everything you are here confused with. You just need to come out of your comfort zone of passing images manually. Once you use the Asset catalog, you will never look back.
Read my answer of understanding Asset catalog here.
Now take deep breathe & open asset catalog.


Xcode Error ITMS 90096 - I am not using any launch screens

I have removed the launch screen file and removed all references from the info.plist file and in the main settings of the project the launch screen text field is empty.
What should I do?
Based on other related questions, the ITMS 90096 error means your app isn't optimized for the iPhone 5.
Since you are supporting iOS 7 you must provide all of the appropriate launch images. You will need ones for 3.5" and 4" devices at a minimum. You should also provide ones for the 4.7" and 5.5" devices as well if you want happy users. And if your app is a universal app then you also need the iPad launch images.
You don't need a launch screen (unless you want native support for the iPad Pro*) but you must provide launch images.
* No longer true as of Xcode 8.

Where do I add App Icon for iPad Pro?

From iOS Developer Library updated 2015-11-05:
"With the exception of the App Store icon—which must be named iTunesArtwork—you can name your icons anything you want. Use image asset entries in your Xcode project for your app’s icon files. To add icons, assign the corresponding image files to the image assets of your project. At build time, Xcode adds the appropriate keys to your app’s Info.plist file and places the images in your app bundle. iOS chooses an icon based on whether its size is appropriate for the intended usage. To learn more about asset catalogs, see Asset Catalog Help."
I'm using Xcode 7.1 and there are NO spaces for App Icons for iPad Pro. Someone said they were using the Xcode 7.2 beta and still NO iPad Pro information in asset catalog.
I read on this site to add CFBundleIconFiles~ipad in info.plist but that didn't work.
How do I add the 167x167 app icon for iPad PRO?
Xcode 7.2 release now contains iPad Pro app icon with size of 83.5 x 83.5 points, #2x, which results in icon of size 167*167.

iphone app icon ios 7,8 (3x) for iphone 6

just got xcode 6 gm seed and wanna upload new version to app store. Noticed that now you are suggested to specify Iphone app icon ios 7,8 60pt 3x. Apple has not updated its app icon guide yet. Is logic the same for 3x as 2x files, how do you think? I mean, just make resolution for the case 180x180 and name file Icon-60#3x.png?
Well yes the logic is same, 3x means (60x3), and what I see from the screenshot in your question - your are using assets catalog so you dont need to worry about the naming convention. Simply drag and drop your icon.
Hope this helps

Launch Image in asset catalog only has spaces for 2x and R4

I'm starting the design phase of an app and this is the first app I've ever built. The app is currently using iOS SDK 7.1 and has a Deployment Target of 7.0
Even after all of the research I have done so far here on stackoverflow and reading the iOS 7 design guidelines, I am still having trouble figuring this out.
When I go to my asset catalog, and click on LaunchImage, it only has two slots. One for 2x and one for R4. However, a lot of the screenshots I keep seeing online have more slots than that.
If I click on the + symbol and select New Launch Image, then this new LaunchImage has a ton of slots for iPhone and iPad, even for iOS 5, 6, and 7.
Am I correct in thinking that I am only supposed to use the default LaunchImage with slots for 2x and R4, because my app has a deployment target of iOS 7.0 and the only iPhone models that iOS 7 supports have retina displays?
EDIT: AppIcon in the asset catalog is similar. It only has 3 slots, and all of them have 2x underneath them.
The AppIcon and LaunchImage assets in asset catalog respond to your project configuration.
If you have iOS SDK 7.1 and deployment target of 7.0, you do not need any iOS 6 resources, because your project will not run on iOS 6 operating system. Why would you waste application size, when resources are not used ever?
Same goes for iPhone and iPad. You probably selected your project as iPhone only, so you do not need iPad resources.
If you selected deployment target 7.0, that means that the device needs at least iOS 7.0 installed for your application to run. Because iOS 7 only runs on Retina phones (iPhone 4 and newer), you do not need resources for anything else except Retina (which have the #2x in the name).
You do need resources for normal devices, if you are running on the iPad, because iPad 2 and iPad Mini do not have Retina.
Hope this explains it.

XCode 5 assets catalog with iPhone only application on iPad

I've got an iPhone only application, and I'm using XCode 5 assets catalog.
What should I do to make sure that all the necessary icons are available also when installing to an iPad?
Is it enough to have the default set, or should I check the iPad assets from the right toolbar and add those?
Tested it with just the iPhone assets and it is ok on iPad too. From what I can see a lower resolution icon than the one that would be needed it's being used, so it is a bit grainy, but the important thing to me is that the app icon isn't missing.
