Expected Program Not Found in PATH or not Executable - path

I keep running lb build, fixing problem after problem and then running it again, and now i'm getting this message:
dpkg: warning: 'start-stop-daemon' not found in PATH or not executable
dpkg: error: 1 expected program not found in PATH or not executable
Note: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...
P: Saving caches...
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
I then went to check my path and i see
This clearly shows /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin, and /sbin.
Any suggestions?
**UPDATE 1**
Followed this guide
every command ran fine but still the same error message after running lb build again.
**UPDATE 2 -- Additional Info**
root#kali:~# ls -lA /sbin
(Other files)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28208 Aug 12 15:00 start-stop-daemon

First, you must check the feedback information from the first line (although it is just a warning).
Then, you must have understand that the warning is the key. All the mistakes are caused by this warning. You have to add start-stop-daemon to your pc.
According to the following:
cd /tmp
wget http://developer.axis.com/download/distribution/apps-sys-utils-start-stop-daemon-IR1_9_18-2.tar.gz
tar zxf apps-sys-utils-start-stop-daemon-IR1_9_18-2.tar.gz
cd apps/sys-utils/start-stop-daemon-IR1_9_18-2/
gcc start-stop-daemon.c -o start-stop-daemon
cp start-stop-daemon /usr/local/bin/start-stop-daemon
Now you can help yourself,and others

I have the same problem, according to https://debianforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=155279 (in german) the only known solution is to run sudo lb clean before sudo lb build.


Godot Nix Expression Fails

I've added the following nix expression to my project (verbatem from nixpkgs) and tried to build it, but I get the following error message:
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/l6l5j1gas74pnzc2pb8w9fv2namxpgki-godot-3.0.6.drv'...
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/mlbp5ibpyq2rd710fl43pwr6a03ysz57-source
source root is source
patching sources
applying patch /nix/store/yk47p909lklbcai94izb5dfqjqqnnxmc-pkg_config_additions.patch
patching file platform/x11/detect.py
applying patch /nix/store/sdr3xp65cibpd06vq4fg5czv2s3m6a3c-dont_clobber_environment.patch
patching file SConstruct
no configure script, doing nothing
no Makefile, doing nothing
cp: missing destination file operand after '/nix/store/mxvinscpfbv3k5j7dvpa83pd4w1p1f4f-godot-3.0.6/bin/godot'
Try 'cp --help' for more information.
builder for '/nix/store/l6l5j1gas74pnzc2pb8w9fv2namxpgki-godot-3.0.6.drv' failed with exit code 1
What could be causing this? Note that when I simply add godot to my nix config (in NixOS using nixos-18.09 channel), it installs and runs just fine. Aren't these the same expressions? If so, why does it work globally and not locally?
NOTE: Here is the part of the nix expression that invokes the cp shell command (related to the error above):
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/bin"
cp bin/godot.* $out/bin/godot
mkdir "$dev"
cp -r modules/gdnative/include $dev
mkdir -p "$man/share/man/man6"
cp misc/dist/linux/godot.6 "$man/share/man/man6/"
mkdir -p "$out"/share/{applications,icons/hicolor/scalable/apps}
cp misc/dist/linux/godot.desktop "$out/share/applications/"
cp icon.svg "$out/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/godot.svg"
cp icon.png "$out/share/icons/godot.png"
substituteInPlace "$out/share/applications/godot.desktop" \
--replace "Exec=godot" "Exec=$out/bin/godot"

TinyOS not compiling/uploading to TelosB mote

I'm running into a problem attempting to upload the "blink" app onto the motes. I can't seem to run the command make telosb reinstall bsl,/dev/ttUSB0 or make telosb reinstall while in the apps/Blink directory, which is preventing me from moving on with my project. I've tried as a user, superuser, and as root. I've outlined below the responses from variable commands. [Running Ubuntu 16.04, TinyOS 2.1.2, ncc version 1.4.2, nescc version 1.3.6]
(A)With root and the make telosb command I get back:
mkdir -p build/telosb
compiling BlinkAppC to a telosb binary
ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -Os -fnesc-separator=__ -Wall -Wshadow -Wnesc-all -target=telosb -fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board= -DDEFINED_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x22 -DIDENT_APPNAME=\"BlinkAppC\" -DIDENT_USERNAME=\"root\" -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\"liam-Latitude-E\" -DIDENT_USERHASH=0x9236fe46L -DIDENT_TIMESTAMP=0x59384a62L -DIDENT_UIDHASH=0xdc08609fL BlinkAppC.nc -lm
compiled BlinkAppC to build/telosb/main.exe
2538 bytes in ROM
56 bytes in RAM
msp430-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/telosb/main.exe build/telosb/main.ihex
writing TOS image
(B)With regular user and the make telosb command I get back:
mkdir -p build/telosb
/bin/sh: 1: cannot create build/telosb/ident_flags.txt: Permission denied
/home/liam/tinyos-main/support/make/ident_flags.extra:13: recipe for target 'ident_cache' failed
make: *** [ident_cache] Error 2
(C)With a super user and the sudo make telosb command I get back:
make: *** No rule to make target 'telosb'. Stop.
(D)With root and the make telosb reinstall command I get back:
cp build/telosb/main.ihex build/telosb/main.ihex.out
found mote on /dev/ttyUSB0 (using bsl,auto)
installing telosb binary using bsl
tos-bsl --telosb -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -r -e -I -p build/telosb/main.ihex.out
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-goodfet-8
Mass Erase...
Transmit default password ...
Invoking BSL...
Transmit default password ...
Current bootstrap loader version: 1.61 (Device ID: f16c)
Changing baudrate to 38400 ...
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-goodfet-8
Mass Erase...
Transmit default password ...
Invoking BSL...
Transmit default password ...
Current bootstrap loader version: 1.61 (Device ID: f16c)
Changing baudrate to 38400 ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/tos-bsl", line 1918, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/tos-bsl", line 1843, in main
File "/usr/bin/tos-bsl", line 1218, in actionStartBSL
self.actionChangeBaudrate(speed) #change baudrate
File "/usr/bin/tos-bsl", line 1345, in actionChangeBaudrate
AttributeError: 'Serial' object has no attribute 'setBaudrate'
/home/liam/tinyos-main/support/make/msp/bsl.extra:45: recipe for target 'program' failed
make: *** [program] Error 1
(E)Whereas with a regular user and make telosb reinstall I get back:
cp build/telosb/main.ihex build/telosb/main.ihex.out
cp: cannot create regular file 'build/telosb/main.ihex.out': Permission denied
/home/liam/tinyos-main/support/make/msp/msp.rules:92: recipe for target 'setid' failed
make: *** [setid] Error 1
I have been all over the internet and online forums and haven't found a fix yet. I researched around (D) and found that perhaps python 2 might have changed the name of 'setBaudRate' variable. I'm not sure how to change that either.
Thank you for your time and help!
edit: added ncc and nescc versions.
This stack overflow answer is applicable to TinyOS.
So it turns out that pyserial 3.0.1 is not compatible with the TinyOS app, Blink. I'm fairly certain that pyserial 3.0.1 came with the package for TinyOS. To fix this, use the command sudo pip install "pySerial>=2.0,<=2.99999". For me, it kicked back:
The directory '/home/liam/.cache/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
The directory '/home/liam/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
Collecting pySerial<=2.99999,>=2.0
Installing collected packages: pySerial
Found existing installation: pyserial 3.0.1
DEPRECATION: Uninstalling a distutils installed project (pySerial) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. This is due to the fact that uninstalling a distutils project will only partially uninstall the project.
Uninstalling pyserial-3.0.1:
Successfully uninstalled pyserial-3.0.1
Successfully installed pySerial-2.7
But the blink app still uploaded and worked fine.

error when install tools in docker container

I install ubuntu-14.04.4-server-amd64.iso in my VirtualBox,then I use some way to get its rootfs. after that i can the rootfs to create my docker image.the Dockerfile as following:
FROM scratch
COPY rootfs /
RUN chmod u+s /usr/bin/sudo && chmod u+s /bin/mount && chmod u+s /bin/umount
I start my docker container,then I install some tools,like minicom,wget ...,but error,the following is error msg:
root#20ca319c51e6:~$ apt-get install minicom
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
minicom is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Setting up libpam-systemd:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.19) ...
initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/systemd-logind not found.
runlevel:/var/run/utmp: No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing package libpam-systemd:amd64 (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
I also try to "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade",but get same error msg too,
what's should i do.need you help! thanks all :)

Cordova Build fails on OS X with EACCES & ENOENT

I recently started building iOS apps using Cordova and I’ve hit a roadblock. After installing nodeJS, git and cordova (with sudo), I created my first app in the Documents folder of my user account.
The first run went perfectly. Everything worked, and adding my dev account to Xcode helped my app to run on the device. I decided I’d spice things up a bit by adding a “before_prepare” hook called 001_c.js in <appName>/hooks/before_prepare folder. This is how the hook begins:
//This is where nodeJS exists
#!/usr/local/bin node
console.log("Changing config");
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var rootdir = process.argv[2];
//and so on
When I now build the app, I get this error:
pc295786:master kellster$ cordova build ios Running command:
/Users/kellster/documents/apps/master Error: spawn EACCES
at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process.js:1155:11)
at Object.exports.spawn (child_process.js:988:9)
at Object.exports.spawn (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/superspawn.js:104:31)
at runScriptViaChildProcessSpawn (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/hooks/HooksRunner.js:188:23)
at runScript (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/hooks/HooksRunner.js:131:16)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/hooks/HooksRunner.js:114:20
at _fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:787:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:816:30)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:749:13)
To troubleshoot, I changed the first line of the hook script from
#!/usr/local/bin node
#! node
(Because this worked on Windows. node was in global scope). But, this resulted in an ENOENT error:
pc295786:master kellster $ cordova build ios Running command:
/Users/kellster/documents/apps/master Error: Hook failed with error
code ENOENT:
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/hooks/HooksRunner.js:194:23
at _rejected (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:797:24)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:823:30
at Promise.when (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:1035:31)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:741:41)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:557:44
at flush (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:108:17)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:503:11)
at startup (node.js:129:16)
How do I get this to build? I’d appreciate any suggestions I could try.
Some things to note:
(In my desperation, ) I tried running the following commands, because the "EACCES" type of error. But none of them seemed to have any kind of effect on the result. The build was still failing.
sudo chmod 777 “/Users/kellster/documents/apps/master"
sudo chmod 777 “/usr/local/lib”
sudo chmod 777 "/usr/local/bin/"
chmod 777 "/Users/kellster/documents/apps/master/platforms/"
sudo chmod a+rwx "/Users/kellster/Documents/apps/Master/hooks/before_prepare/001_c.js"
sudo chmod a+rwx "/Users/kellster/Documents/apps/Master/"
sudo chown -R kellster /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova
2) Node is installed in
Old answer: #!/usr/local/bin node -> better #!/usr/bin/env node
Updated answer: do not use spaces for referencing node executable instead use:
Also chmod your script: For example:
chmod 777 hooks/before_prepare/onde.js
where onde.js it is your script. If you're on Mac(my case) or Linux, then your .js must on chmod 777 to avoid EACCES errors.

asm/socket.h: No such file or directory cross compiling Dart for Raspberry pi

I'm cross-compiling the Dart runtime using the instruction here.
I've installed all the dependencies as specified. I've also cloned the git repository with the necessary tool chain.
I'm running the runtime compilation with this command:
./tools/build.py -m release -a arm --toolchain=../tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf runtime
The compilation starts with no problem then it stops with this error:
LINK(target) out/ReleaseXARM/libdart_dependency_helper.target
CXX(host) out/ReleaseXARM/obj.host/libdart_lib_withcore/runtime/vm/bootstrap.o
In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:38:0,
from /usr/include/netinet/in.h:23,
from /usr/include/arpa/inet.h:22,
from runtime/platform/globals.h:56,
from runtime/platform/assert.h:16,
from runtime/vm/allocation.h:8,
from runtime/vm/bootstrap.h:9,
from runtime/vm/bootstrap.cc:5:
/usr/include/bits/socket.h:345:24: fatal error: asm/socket.h: No such file or directory
#include <asm/socket.h>
compilation terminated.
CXX(host) out/ReleaseXARM/obj.host/libdart_lib_withcore/gen/async_gen.o
In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:38:0,
from /usr/include/netinet/in.h:23,
from /usr/include/arpa/inet.h:22,
from runtime/platform/globals.h:56,
from runtime/platform/assert.h:16,
from runtime/vm/allocation.h:8,
from runtime/vm/bootstrap.h:9,
from out/ReleaseXARM/obj/gen/async_gen.cc:5:
/usr/include/bits/socket.h:345:24: fatal error: asm/socket.h: No such file or directory
#include <asm/socket.h>
compilation terminated.
runtime/libdart_lib_withcore.host.mk:978: recipe for target 'out/ReleaseXARM/obj.host/libdart_lib_withcore/runtime/vm/bootstrap.o' failed
make: *** [out/ReleaseXARM/obj.host/libdart_lib_withcore/runtime/vm/bootstrap.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
runtime/libdart_lib_withcore.host.mk:986: recipe for target 'out/ReleaseXARM/obj.host/libdart_lib_withcore/gen/async_gen.o' failed
make: *** [out/ReleaseXARM/obj.host/libdart_lib_withcore/gen/async_gen.o] Error 1
Am I missing any dependency or package?
I hit the same problem. On my ubuntu 14.04 system /usr/include/asm didn't exist. It was called asm-generic instead. I sym-linked it and the build was able to continue.
cd /usr/include
sudo ln -s asm-generic/ asm
The build was able to continue after that.
This is probably because you're trying to build an application without some of the include paths correctly set, for example using a 32-bit gcc on a 64-bit platform.
To resolve:
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
I'm not sure why this happens, but sometimes /usr/include/asm gets deleted. My teammates who looked at their Ubuntu x86-64 workstations found that the asm symlink was:
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 May 22 2013 /usr/include/asm -> x86_64-linux-gnu/asm
And the command to recreate it is:
$ cd /usr/include
$ sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/asm asm
The files in /usr/include/asm-generic are sometimes, but not always, equivalent to the files in the x86-64 specific directory; so it's difficult to recommend symlinking it as a workaround.
