iOS 8: Black screen gap between Splash screen - ios

I installed the iOS8 beta, and now it seems that between my splashscreen and the presentation of my rootviewcontroller there is a gap of a couple of secs. in which the whole screen in black.
I read somewhere that it could be just that I'm assigning my viewController to the rootViewController too late, but I changed that and now assign it in the init method. I;m out of ideas and any help would be great.


iOS Splash Screen is brighter than main screen

I've never faced something like this, as you see in the attached gif the transition from splash screen to main screen with the same background image causes screen to get darker.
Any ideas why is this happening?
Okay..that was weird but I found out that changing the background color of the view for both splashscreen.xib and the next screen to be the same solved it for me.

iOS Wierd Splash Screen Bug

I'm trying to get my app's splash screen to be displayed correctly instead of a black screen for a few seconds before the splash screen. I have made 3 implementations of the splash screen; issues with each are listed below:
XIB: This only displays the background color of the splash screen for a few seconds and then the rest of the splash is loaded.
XIB + Asset Catalog: For iPhone 5 running iOS 8: if the phone is currently displaying the blue navigation bar and the app is opened from a url while in the background, a black screen will be displayed before the splash.
Storyboard: On all models: this displays a black splash screen before the actual one loads.
Is this an iOS bug or am I implementing something wrong?
You might want to check the logic that is executed when the application is launched - application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. If it takes significant time to execute the code in it, then this might be the problem. It is always recommended to return fast and execute any additional logic on a later moment.
It's so quite simple! I had such bug and I solved it.
You should enable "Enable Initial View Controller" to see splash screen

Black Screen at the start of iOS swift app

i have a problem. when i launch my app there is a black screen viewed for a seconds then the launch screen appeared.
my splash screen isn’t the default one. i used view controller because my splash had an animation.
i searched for a solution, and i get this on:
Black screen before my splash screen loads iphone
but it didn’t worked
any help please?
Have you selected your Launch Screen in your target's App Icons and Launch Images ?
Edit: If you don't use any launch (splash) screen or image then, a black screen is the default behaviour before loading your view controller.
I faced same issue but my solution is different,
I've made an extension of UINavigationController to make UINavigationBar clear.
So,the problem is , I was doing some R&D on that code and unknowingly put a method
open override func loadView() {
and from that time, I started facing this issue.
My advice, please double check that you haven't don't something like that.
I had a custom splash screen to launch. But the Launch Screen file was pointed to Default LaunchScreen.storyboard. Replaced that with my original custom splash, the issue fixed

iOS 8+ black screen

Good evening.
I'm developing for iOS for some years now and I'm experiencing a strange issue ever since iOS8 was released. I was assure it will be fixed but it's 8.1.2 now and it's still happening.
On iOS7 everything is working fine but on a phone running iOS8 something strange happens.
The Problem:
The application turns black randomly. the application is still running as the debugger not firing with an exception. It happens on iPhone 4,5,6 running iOS8 and not on iOS7.
I can not predict the black screen.
I tried opening a new project but the same: random black screen.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Any idea on how to fix this?
It's really annoying.
Thank you so much in advance!
P.S: I'm developing in Swift if it makes any difference.
I had the same problem :
Go to the iOS simulator menu and choose Reset Content and Settings...
Close xCode
Delete the contents of the DerivedData folder (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData)
Delete (~/Library/Caches/
Now launch Xcode…
You can give your main UIWindow background color and check if your view is being removed for some reason.
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window].backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]
I am not sure but you can try.
I had the same black screen problem using storyboard UINavigationController with two sequed UIViewcontrollers. My rootwiew controller would flash on screen followed by the black screen. After much researching of the problem I found a hint which stated that your code must be in the correct order when the app launches.
My original code under FinishedLaunching method:-
UIStoryboard storyBoard = UIStoryboard.FromName("MainStoryboard", NSBundle.MainBundle);
var navController = storyboard.InstantiateViewController(navigationController);
window.RootViewController = navController;
This provided my root view controller followed by the black screen.
Simply moving window.MakeKeyAndVisible(); from FinishedLaunching method into the OnActivated method gives me a working app with page navigation back and forth with no errors and no black screen.

iOS 7 iPad Status bar in splash screen is hidden

Have anyone met the same issue? Or have I missed something.
On my iOS 7 iPad simulator I can't see the status bar anymore.
It is visible in iOS 6 iPad though.
Is it a bug, or there is a setting to fix that?
The status bar has been changed in iOS7. While the background is not visible by default you should still see its contents. It might be not visible if you are displaying black content above a black background but you can override this method for this: - (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle.
I found this article recently about changes to consider on iOS7 for the status bar.
