EF Code First to create multiple databases dynamically - asp.net-mvc

Is it possible to generate different databases according to a specific parameter?
My final goal is john.domain.com => create john db, paul.domain.com => create paul db
How could I achieve this using EF6 code first, MVC5? Could model first do it?

Yes you can change the connection string at runtime, something like.
Need to add reference to System.Data.
public static class ConnectionStringExtension
public static void ChangeDatabaseTo(this DbContext db, string newDatabaseName)
var conStr = db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString;
var pattern = "Initial Catalog *= *([^;]*) *";
var newConStr = Regex.Replace(conStr, pattern, m =>
return m.Groups.Count == 2
? string.Format("Initial Catalog={0}", newDatabaseName)
: m.ToString();
db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = newConStr;
using (var db = new AppContext())
// Uses it just before any other execution.


ASP.NET MVC 5 API, Changing a class in GET function

I'm working on a dotnet mvc5 application. Here's a function from my api of customer controller
public IHttpActionResult GetCustomers()
var customerDtos = _context.Customers.ToList().Select(Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDto>);
return Ok(customerDtos);
I need to add "TYPEAHEAD" plugin to my application. The video series/instructor I'm following says to make the function code change to
public IHttpActionResult GetCustomers(string query = null)
var customersQuery = _context.Customers
.Include(c => c.MembershipType);
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
customersQuery = customersQuery.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(query));
var customerDtos = customersQuery
.Select(Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDto>);
return Ok(customerDtos);
in order to make "TypeAhead" plug in work on my view.
The only problem is previously while creating customers I didn't feel the need to add "MembershipType" class to my customer. So how do I use the new code without MembershipType. Is there any other attribute I can replace it with? Name, ID etc.
.Include(c => c.MembershipType);
essentially means that you also want to include the 'child' collection of MembershipType
See here for more information on Loading Related Entities
For your case, you can simply omit this.
public IHttpActionResult GetCustomers(string query = null)
var customersQuery = _context.Customers;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
customersQuery = customersQuery.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(query));
var customerDtos = customersQuery
.Select(Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDto>);
return Ok(customerDtos);
You don't need to replace it with anything.
customersQuery is then an IQueryable<Customer> which the rest of this code can append Where clause to.
It is not executed against the database until the ToList call.

Autofac Automocking in ASP.NET MVC

So I'm trying to use Autofac Automocking in ASP.NET MVC 5, but for some reason I can't get it to work.
Here's the test so far:
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
const string mainUserID = "MainUserID";
const string otherUserID = "OtherUserID";
ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser()
Id = mainUserID,
UserName = "TestUser"
var dataProvider = mock.Mock<IDataProtectionProvider>();
dataProvider.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock;
var userManagerMock = mock.Mock<ApplicationUserManager>();
The test fails when mocking the ApplicationUserManager. The error is this:
Result StackTrace:
at Autofac.Extras.Moq.AutoMock.Mock[T](Parameter[] parameters)
at AwenterWeb_NUnit.AccountControllerTest.<Deactivate_User>d__0.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Fabis\Documents\Docs\Kvalifikācijas darbs 2015\AwenterWeb\AwenterWeb-NUnit\AccountControllerTest.cs:line 51
at NUnit.Framework.AsyncInvocationRegion.AsyncTaskInvocationRegion.WaitForPendingOperationsToComplete(Object invocationResult)
at NUnit.Core.NUnitAsyncTestMethod.RunTestMethod()
Result Message: System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'AwenterWeb.ApplicationUserManager' to type 'Moq.IMocked`1[AwenterWeb.ApplicationUserManager]'.
The same thing happens when trying to automock the ApplicationDbContext and it has a very simple constructor, so there shouldn't even be any issues with it.
I'm new to Mocking - what should I do in this scenario?
Edit: Also kind of an unrelated question, maybe you guys know - I've noticed that when creating a Moq for a DbSet using a list created previously in the test, I have to do this:
var dbSetMock = new Mock<IDbSet<DbEntity>>();
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(data.Provider);
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(data.Expression);
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(data.ElementType);
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(data.GetEnumerator());
It seems really unintuitive. Is there a way to just tell the mock to take the list? So something like:
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m).Returns(data);
Or any other way to create a DbSet Moq from an existing list quickly without having to write those 4 extra lines?
If you look at ligne 73 of MoqRegistrationHandler.cs you can see that only interface is moqable using Autofac.Extras.Moq
var typedService = service as TypedService;
if (typedService == null ||
!typedService.ServiceType.IsInterface ||
typedService.ServiceType.IsGenericType && typedService.ServiceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>) ||
typedService.ServiceType.IsArray ||
return Enumerable.Empty<IComponentRegistration>();
var rb = RegistrationBuilder.ForDelegate((c, p) => CreateMock(c, typedService))
You can change the code but it may be quite difficult to make it works with non parameter less dependency.
Can your dependencies be changed to use an interface instead of a concrete class ? if it is not possible and/or if it doesn't make sense, you can use the MockRepository to create your non parameter-less component and then inject it on the AutoMock class.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
/// configure your non interface component with constructor parameters
/// if foo need more complex parameters you can get them
/// using mock.Mock<T>().Object
var fooMock = mock.MockRepository.Create<Foo>((String)null);
fooMock.SetupGet(f => f.Value).Returns("test");
// insert your instance into the container
var bar = mock.Create<Bar>();
public class Foo
public Foo(String value)
this._value = value;
private readonly String _value;
public virtual String Value
return this._value;
public interface IBar
String GetValue();
public class Bar : IBar
public Bar(Foo foo)
this._foo = foo;
private readonly Foo _foo;
public String GetValue()
return this._foo.Value;
It is not a perfect solution but without big refactoring of the Autofac.Extras.Moq project I can't see any simpler way to do it.

How to improve my Entity Framework , to join several database queries into single query

I have the following ActionFilter class, to implement my custom authorization system:-
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class CheckUserPermissionsAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
Repository repository = new Repository();
public string Model { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
string ADusername = filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name.Substring(filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
if (!repository.can(ADusername,Model,Action))
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult("You cannot access this page");
The above class will call the following repository method:-
public bool can(string user, string Model, string Action)
bool result;
bool result2;
int size =tms.PermisionLevels.Where(a5 => a5.Name == Action).SingleOrDefault().PermisionSize;
var securityrole = tms.SecurityroleTypePermisions.Where(a => a.PermisionLevel.PermisionSize >= size && a.TechnologyType.Name == Model).Select(a => a.SecurityRole).Include(w=>w.Groups).Include(w2=>w2.SecurityRoleUsers).ToList();
foreach (var item in securityrole)
result = item.SecurityRoleUsers.Any(a => a.UserName.ToLower() == user.ToLower());
var no = item.Groups.Select(a=>a.TMSUserGroups.Where(a2=>a2.UserName.ToLower() == user.ToLower()));
result2 = no.Count() == 1;
if (result || result2) {
return true;
return false;
But inside my repository method , I am doing the following:-
Query the database and include all the Groups & SecurityRoleUsers when executing the .tolist()
Then filter the returned records insdie the server, based on the foreach loop.
But this will cause the following drawbacks:-
If I have many Groups and SecurityRoleUsers, then I will be getting them all from the DB, and then filter the result on the server.
And since this code will be executed whenever an action method is called, as it Is a security attribute at the begging of the controller class. So this might not be very efficient.
So my question is whether I can join all the queries inside the repository method to be single query , and do all the work on the Database and just return true or false to the server ?
The associated tables looks as follow:-
Ideally remove this foreach.
Try riding with Linq to Sql.
You should be more comfortable because it resembles SQL.
This link has several examples.
Julio Spader
Use linq.
Ideally you should only have one line of code after you got the size value. e.g.
int size =tms.PermisionLevels.Where(a5 => a5.Name == Action).SingleOrDefault().PermisionSize;
var result = //One line of code to determine user authenticity
return result;
I think you should design you database in the way that join queries are easy to do. So you don't have to perform more than one select.
Try code-first EF, which links tables very easily.
You need to take care with Lazy Loading. If not used correctly, it will make a query to the database each object segmentation, especially in your foreach. With that already has a good improvement.
Take a look at this article. I think it will help you too.
Julio Spader

Linq casting Issue in EntityFramework

I am new to Linq and entity framework. I am doing something like this
I have 3 viewmodel:
public class FlowViewModel
public List<FlowLevelViewModel> Levels { get; set; }
public class FlowLevelViewModel
public List<BlockDetailsViewmodel> Blocks { get; set; }
public class BlockDetailsViewmodel
and from my controller I am calling the datalayer.
var model = new FlowViewModel();
model = dataOb.GetFlowForTheDocument(company, docType);
model = dataOb.GetFlowStageForTheDocument(model);
return model;
and in my datalayer
public FlowViewModel GetFlowStageForTheDocument(FlowViewModel model)
var flowlevelviewModel = (from p in dbContext.FlowStages
where p.FlowID == model.FlowId
select new FlowLevelViewModel()
Blocks = GetBlockDetailsForTheDocument(p.StageID, .StageType)
model.Levels = flowlevelviewModel;
return model;
public List<BlockDetailsViewmodel> GetBlockDetailsForTheDocument(int StageID, string stageType)
var blockDetails = new List<BlockDetailsViewmodel>();
return blockDetails;
While I am running the program I am getting this error:
**NotSupportedException Was unhandled by user Code**
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[SEADViewModel.BlockDetailsViewmodel] GetBlockDetailsForTheDocument(Int32, System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
My project is in production stage so I have no time at all. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
This should solve your problem:
var data = (from p in dbContext.FlowStages
where p.FlowID == model.FlowId
select p).ToList();
var flowlevelviewModel = (from p in data
select new FlowLevelViewModel()
Blocks = GetBlockDetailsForTheDocument(p.StageID, .StageType)
Note that this will evaluate the query at the first ToList(). If you need to run the entire query at once, you need to build a simple LINQ expression, you can't use your method GetBlockDetailsForTheDocument inside the query. See #Tilak's answer for a link to supported build in methods.
You are using Linq to Entities.
It does not support all the functions. List of supported and non supported functions
You need to write custom model defined function GetBlockDetailsForTheDocument to use it in LINQ query.

EF Code First, how to reflect on model

In EF code first, one specifies field properties and relationships using the fluent interface. This builds up a model. Is it possible to get a reference to this model, and reflect on it?
I want to be able to retrieve for a given field, if it is required, what its datatype is, what length, etc...
You need to access the MetadataWorkspace. The API is pretty cryptic. You may want to replace DataSpace.CSpace with DataSpace.SSpace to get the database metadata.
public class MyContext : DbContext
public void Test()
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
var mdw = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace;
var items = mdw.GetItems<EntityType>(DataSpace.CSpace);
foreach (var i in items)
foreach (var member in i.Members)
var prop = member as EdmProperty;
if (prop != null)
