Connect QlikView to Neo4J - neo4j

I am new to Neo4J and qlikview. I need to connect these two to create reports. Can anyone give me step by step process. I am asked to connect using JDBC, but some body please tell me how to do that too

A simple search would have led you to
There's more information about Neo4j at, the JDBC driver at


Connecting Local Neo4j Graph to Databricks Cluster

I've created a Neo4j Local Graph DB containing some data that I need to use on a Databricks Notebook to do some graph analysis. I've seen that there's the Neo4j Spark Connector available and I was wondering if it were possible to access my local db using it, I don't have any hosting service available for my database and haven't managed to find one that offers a free trial and it's fairly easy to setup with Neo4j.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm fairly with both Neo4j and Databricks so I hope my question is fairly explained.
If you're running Neo4j on localhost with the default ports, you onl have to configure your password in spark.neo4j.bolt.password=<password>.
Otherwise set the spark.neo4j.bolt.url in your SparkConf pointing e.g. to bolt://host:port.
You can provide user and password as part of the URL bolt://neo4j:<password>#localhost or individually in spark.neo4j.bolt.user and spark.neo4j.bolt.password.
For more details, refer "Neo4j Connector to Apache Spark".
Hope this helps.

Neo4j browser and some databse queries

what is the difference between remote and a local graph in neo4j browser. I have searched an answer for this question but didn't get any so please help me .
thanks is advance.
I'm guessing this is asking about the options in the Neo4j Desktop.
A local graph is one you create on the same machine that is running the Neo4j Desktop application.
A remote instance is a Neo4j instance that resides on a different machine, so you need to supply the connection information so a bolt connection can be made so you access the instance.

neo4j client doesn't support DNX 50

I'm moving my web application to ASP.NET 5, my application is using Neo4jClient to connect to neo4j database.
But, one thing I see that neo4j client doesn't support DNX50.
I wonder if there are any alternatives or not.
Please look at the GitHub repo at the bottom you'll find links which you can try. This is the only Core client for .net for neo4j, but I've had no feedback yet as to how it works.

Runs multiple web application with same embedded neo4j db

It is required to run multiple application on same neo4j db. But when I try to do that, I am meeting a problem about locking.
Neo4j is locking itself when an application is using it. Multiple application can't be run.
The exception is like,
Unable to lock store [/opt/neo4j-lojika-db/neostore.relationshiptypestore.db.names], this is usually a result of some other Neo4j kernel running using the same store
Is there a way to run multiple web application with same embedded neo4j db.
Thank you!
You can't do this way. You have two options
Use Neo4j HA or
Run Neo4j in server mode rather than embedded mode. If your application is simple then you can use the REST api provided by Neo4j out of box. If your service layer is more involved then, put a service layer on top of a single Neo4j embedded instance and let each application talk to Neo4j through this service layer.

How to connect to neo4j server in spring via rmi?

How to connect to neo4j server in spring via rmi? I found Is it component neo4j-remote-graphdb supported?
You can connect with that library, which is also in
But you shouldn't use individual operations over the wire for higher performance operations, use Cypher instead (using RestGraphDatabase.query(query, params)) with Cypher Parameters.
