iTunes Connect version control - ios

First of all I want to thank all of you for this great community. I started coding my app in March of this year with zero experience and just yesterday my app was approved for the App Store.
I have a pretty tight release deadline being the first of September so I'm happy that my app is already Ready For Sale. Since my app submission I made some minor changes to the UI and corrected some spelling errors so it's really nothing dramatic but I'd like to update it before release.
So my question is, is there any problem uploading a new version when I haven't released anything so far? I don't want to lose the Ready For Sale approval for my first version, just in case anything would go wrong during the review process.
Thanks for your help :)

You can submit your new version of application .It will not affect your current version of application.If application will be approved then old one will be removed from appstore and newer one version will be ready for sell .If New version will not be approved then old version will be ready for sell.


How to submit a new version when there is a Pending Developer Release version already in iTunesConnect?

We have version 2.4 of our app already gone live (Ready for sale) in app store. We planned a new update 3.0 to be released on 28th March and it is Apple reviewed and in Pending developer release state, but there is a new feature we need to add to the app. We have created a new build but we do not want to reject the 3.0 because it is already approved and we have to go live something on 28th of March. There is a risk of Apple will not approve the new build in time (we have 6 days to get the approval) if we cancel 3.0 and re-submit it.
How can I submit a new version (lets say 3.0.1) or change the build of 3.0 without removing approved 3.0 build?
Thank you.
You can't submit for review more than one build at a time.
Just submit your 3.0.1, once it's ready, you will be pushed to the end of the Waiting For Review queue.
I know you have a deadline (28th of March). But you have no other choice.
Either you decide to make the modification on your build and pray that the validation process won't take too long, or you release the already approved 3.0 build.
TBH I would recommend submitting the 3.0.1 build with the feature implemented, if it's necessary for the users/clients.
I submitted an App yesterday, Apple has just approved it this morning.
Have a look at those links :
How to Minimize App Store Approval Time

iTunes -- How much time iTunes takes to update newly released version of application on Store

I have updated new version of iOS application on Apple iTunes. After it got approved today morning i released version.
Its been more than 5 hrs still i can't see updated version on iTunes. It still shows old version when i open up URL:
I have checked it from multiple regions but its showing same version.
Any idea how long it may take for newer version to get reflected.
It depends on the current status of the app. Make sure it's not pending developer release, in which case it won't go live on the App Store until you tell it to. If it's saying processing for App Store, then it can take up to 24 hours to actually show in the store. If it's saying ready for sale but you can't see it, then wait 24 hours and contact iTunes Connect support if it's still not showing.
Finally its resolved.
Sent request to Apple to check status of application as new version is showing as Ready to Sale. Finally they have refreshed app from their side. Now new version of app is live!

ItunesConnect Ready for Sale invaild version in AppStore [duplicate]

We requested an expedited review for an update of our app that fixed a critical bug. The expedited review was granted and now our version 1.1 is up instead of our version 1.0. But the app is the same.
The changes we made to the app are not in the new version. We have an ad hoc version of the same binary and in the ad hoc version the changes are there. I dont know if somebody has had the same issue and if there was a way to fix it. This is our first expedited review and already contacted iTunes developer support but we are still waiting for their response.
Maybe now it takes time to propagate the servers with the new app or somehow the metadata for version 1.1 was passed to the appstore with the binary for 1.0. This is the first time we ever had problems after an update.
It may be one of two options:
- The servers (Apple's servers) have not still propagated the correct version.
- The servers have inconsistent information, so they won't propagate the current version till you contact Apple. This happened to a dev some months ago and here is his answer: iOS 7 users unable to install new version
Seems to be a common problem at the moment. See
My app is 'Ready for sale' for almost 48 hours now, but the AppStore still shows the previous version.

Same app after an update in iTunes

We requested an expedited review for an update of our app that fixed a critical bug. The expedited review was granted and now our version 1.1 is up instead of our version 1.0. But the app is the same.
The changes we made to the app are not in the new version. We have an ad hoc version of the same binary and in the ad hoc version the changes are there. I dont know if somebody has had the same issue and if there was a way to fix it. This is our first expedited review and already contacted iTunes developer support but we are still waiting for their response.
Maybe now it takes time to propagate the servers with the new app or somehow the metadata for version 1.1 was passed to the appstore with the binary for 1.0. This is the first time we ever had problems after an update.
It may be one of two options:
- The servers (Apple's servers) have not still propagated the correct version.
- The servers have inconsistent information, so they won't propagate the current version till you contact Apple. This happened to a dev some months ago and here is his answer: iOS 7 users unable to install new version
Seems to be a common problem at the moment. See
My app is 'Ready for sale' for almost 48 hours now, but the AppStore still shows the previous version.

iPhone App Submission - Rejecting Binary & Uploading New Binary

Currently an update to my iPhone application has been in review for over 10 days!!!
In that period of time I've been able to work out a few bugs and even add some small new features to my application. I know that it is possible to reject your binary, but I would rather go a head a publish my application then send apple a better version 1.1.1...
So basically my question would be if I rejected my apps binary and submitted one right after would my app get pushed to the bottom of the review pile or would I keep my spot in line (since I've already been waiting for 10 days)?
No, rejecting a binary and immediately resubmitting a new one will not maintain your place in line: you would be knocked back to the start of the queue. I base this on my own experience, having rejected and resubmitted binaries a few times in the past.
Now, you might be thinking: "OK, what about the expedited review process?"
I can share some experience with that: With my latest app, I was in the same position you were in but I decided to go ahead and release 1.0 and then submit 1.0.1 soon afterwards. When 1.0 was approved and released, Apple chose it for the "New & Noteworthy" section. All of a sudden the app was getting a lot of exposure—and complaints about a bug that I had fixed in 1.0.1. I submitted 1.0.1—and as well as a request for expedited review—which was approved. 1.0.1 was released about 24 hours later.
So, you'll have to weigh the pros and cons for your own app, but I hope this info helps. :)
Yes it would, rejecting and resubmitting the binary will place you at the bottom of the review queue. It's unfortunate, but there is no work around.
If Apple allowed that then many devs would start uploading their beta version while trying to fix those last few bugs.
I had the same issue. I had submitted my app and it was in review. I was asked to change some metadata and resubmit the app. While doing that, I discovered a UI issue and fixed it. I was in a dilemma as to keep the current binary and release a version 1.01 or upload the new version. I did not want to send my first app with an issue so, I went ahead and rejected the binary and uploaded the new one. I immediately contacted Apple developer technical support. They claim that "The review time will not be affected and that our internal systems do have process your build before it can be reviewed (verifying it’s general correctness and resigning your app for the store), which can add some delay. However, that delay is fairly small and is only a minor factor in review time. More to that point, any delay here is much smaller than the delay of a new submission." I hope that is true and hope my app is not stuck in the "waiting for review or in review" limbo :(.
