Enterprise Architect cannot check in package to TFS - tfs

I am trying out Enterprise Architect integration with Team Foundation Server using EA trial version. I was able to create a model with several sub packages using DBMS based and TFS 2013 as a version control system. I was able to check out a package successfully from TFS via EA. However I could not check in that same package, EA keeps showing me the error message:
You cannot check-in package ‘blahblah’.
The associated file ‘blahblah.xml’ is not currently checked-out by you.
I double checked the xml file from TFS Source Control via Visual Studio, it showed that the xml file was “lock, edit” under my same credentials that was used in EA Version control settings.
Interestingly, I was able to Undo check out successfully.
Any help is appreciated.

I remember having this issue at work a couple of months ago. I don't have access to Enterprise Architect at the moment, nor am I in a position to recreate the problem to verify this solution, but I do remember how our team solved it:
The missing assumption to solving this, which may or may not be true in your case, is that your team went from the standard authentication method in the TFS settings, to SCC(or possibly the other way around). Now, assuming your credentials are the same in either method, you won't get an issue in Visual Studio, and can do everything apart from checking in in Enterprise Architect until you update your TFS settings in Enterprise Architect. Heck, everything will seem correct everywhere as your files IS checked out to you (no idea why this is permitted) but you cannot check in through the standard authentication method.

I had the same problem which I was able to solve only by resynchronizing the status with the version control.
Right click on Model, click on "Package Control", click on "Re-sync status with VC provider".


TFS Online Deleted Projects Cannot Be Remove from Visual Studio Source Control Explorer

Someone in my team has decided to delete old (unused) projects from our TFS Online server and now I see a bunch of GUID text in the Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio 2015.
On the right pane you can see that the projects do not exists on the TFS Online Server. Also, I logged in to our Visual Studio Online to make sure that its not there and its not.
I tried deleting the mapping and disconnecting from the server but when I connected back the GUID projects still there.
Also, I tried deleting the cache folder from "C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\6.0" nothing helps.
The Guid in the middle (in the screenshot) seems to be mapped to a project that does not exists in my local anymore and I cannot remove the mapping.
Does anyone know how to delete these projects from my source control explorer?
by the way other developers see these GUID text too. Every developer sees it.
This issue is already reported here
Currently Azure DevOps Team is working on this issue for the fix.As of now there is no workaround for this. So, we have to wait for it.

how to fix Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access VS2017

I changed my password for my TFS. But when I try to reconnect I receive the TF30063 unauthorized error.
There are many issues like this and I tried everything I could find from this solution and other forums
Solve this issue by using the VS browser
The right click on the connection
The windows 10 manage user accounts edit and even the remove
Deleted every VS cache file from appdata
Deleted the whole connection in VS & tried to readd a new one
Deleted all my Internet explorer cookies, passwords cache etc.
None of them work... Can't figure out what the issue is.
PS: it works within the browser.
It should be a Visual Studio 2017 credential cached token issue. You could try below ways to clear cache:
Close all Visual Studio instances.
Delete %LOCALAPPDATA%.IdentityService.
There are some identity related caching going on in there, deleting the folder will force the identity system to rebuild its cache.
Also Clear TFS related caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\x.0\Cache
Run Visual Studio as another user:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE
runas /netonly /user:<account> devenv.exe
Enter the user password, then Team Explorer > Manage Connections
If the issue still exists, also take a look at this blog for more ways.
Based on developer community there is a timing issue during visual studio start up that can cause the Source Control Explorer window to grab and then hang on to an invalid version of the connection to your team project. Details visit developer community.
Following work around steps help me to resolve the issue
Close all visual studio 2017
Start Visual studio 2017
If you see source control explorer at start up, then close source control explorer and Team explore and close visual studio 2017
Open visual studio 2017, ensure no source control explorer opened at start up
Go to View menu and click on team explorer
Then connect to TFS server.
I've gotten the above error (TF30063: You are not...) numerous times and the following three resolutions worked for me at different times:
Simplest: I've seen "Source Control Explorer" referenced numerous times, but I never leave that open. I resolved the above error by closing Team Explorer and reopening. I then loaded my solution, and then reopened Team Explorer. It opened without issues and I could contact the server (ie, I ran a code comparison in the Solution Explorer on a file I'd edited) -VS Pro 2017 v 15.8.0
Middle complexity:
I was able to reconnect with the following steps:
-Open Team Explorer (View menu => Team Explorer)
-Click "Manage Connections" which is the plug shaped button at top
-Click the text "Manage Connections" which is actually a drop down menu
-Select "Connect to a Project"
This brings up a new window that shows hosted repositories for your account. After several seconds the window displayed the desired projects. I just had to click the desired one and click the "Connect" button at the bottom. Once I did this, I was able to access all TFS features (ie I checked in some work) -VS Enterprise 2017 v15.9.3
Last resort:
I loaded VS2017 Community onto another machine and logged in on that machine using my regular login. I'm not sure why, but as soon as I logged in on this new installation my other two computers had no problem connecting. No additional steps were needed, though I may have restarted VS on those machines.
I will be facing this issue every six times a year. Because domain account password gets expired every 2 months 0 days or 8 weeks 5 days or 61 calendar days interval due to business security policy.
Follow these steps to change/set Password of TFS from IDE
Delete TeamExplorer.config from
%AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_xxxxxxxx\Team Explorer.
(So after establishing a successful connection, it'll try to recreate
again with the same data)
Add or change the TFS account Credential from Windows Credential Manager. So it won't prompt to enter a password again whenever when a connecting is established from IDE to TFS
If the above doesn't work close the Visual Studio IDE. Delete all the files inside %LocalAppData%\.IdentityService and %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache and on elevated prompt execute runas /netonly /user:<user domain account> devenv.exe navigating from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\<Professional>\Common7\IDE\"
I had this same problem, and the solution I finally found was when VS asked if this was a "Work or school account" or a "Personal account" I chose "Personal account", and that fixed it even though it is a work account. This used to work fine, but it seems with some recent updates it causes an issue if you select "Work or school account"
I also had this problem with VS2017, version 15.9.4.
Common fixes are detailed here and here. And the majority of pages talking about this problem reference those solutions or sub-sets in some combination or another. (And often to fix login bugs introduced in one of the 15.5.* versions of VS2017)
None of those solutions worked for me either and after researching for 2 days, I found a couple of fringe-reasons why VS 2017 will not refresh/store credentials.
The 2 main "fringe" problems/fixes I've found are:
Connecting through certain proxy setups
Cryptography store not allowing for local storage, see also here
For myself it was the second problem, a good indicator of the issue is a log entry in %TEMP%\servicehub\logs with the error: "The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation."
It might also be a Windows 7/8.1 known issue carried over to Windows 10 upgraded machines. The problem only happened on a machine that joined the domain after doing the Windows 10 upgrade.
The fix is to add the following registry entry:
Setting that immediately fixed the issue with VS2017 connecting to the Microsoft Account. (And some other applications that would not persist credentials between launches)
After you have tried making changes to default browser and installing new browser like firefox or chrome, if still doent work, then you might have to check with network team of your organization on proxy settings that should be allowed in internet options. We have tried the above and it worked.
Maybe this only happened to me but I always used the wrong credentials (wrong username or wrong password). On Windows 11 I was only using my PIN, so it took automatically a user and password. I had to use different credentials to change my name and password.

Why is TFS not updating my project?

We have an ASP.Net MVC Core project solution in TFS.
And there is an error icon at the top of the solution explorer that says "Package restore failed".
And if I open up the project.json I see the red sqigglies:
"The dependency ... could not be resolved" for several dependencies.
The developer who created this error has since fixed it. And all the other developers on the team get latest and the error goes away.
But it won't go away for me.
I get latest and the error icon at the top of the solution explorer and the errors within the project.json are still there.
I blew away the folder, got latest from Team Explorer, and the errors are still there while gone for the other errors.
Anyone know why this is happening?
I'm stumped. I don't understand what is happening.
First, you could try to do a force update for the specific error fixed changeset.
To force a update, use the "Get Specific Version" command with the
"Overwrite all... " option checked.
You could also clear TFS and VS cache, delete old workspace(back up changes first), create a new one, then do a fresh getting latest files from TFS source control. Which should do the trick.
If the issue still exist, you will have to check your local environment if you are missing some thing. Do a simply compare of the environment with other developers on the team.
It turns out this was a combination of the way .Net Core stores nugget packages and of being in a government environment.
We log into our computer with one account that does not have admin priveledges and this is the one I develop with in order to connect to TFS. But there seems to be a lock on the users folder for this account. So when I start up the solution and project.json tries to resolve all the packages, if one is missing it can't download it and put it in that folder. I then have to start Visual Studio as an Admin and open the project. Then the missing package is downloaded to the nugget package folder under my Admin user's folder. Then I read the resolution failure output at the top of the solution explorer next the the red circle with the X in it to see which package is missing and copy it over. It may be more than one so you have to close VS open back up as the non admin account and look for the next one that fails.

Upgrade to TFS 2015.3 successful, but portal unavailable

Today we have installed update 3 to our existing TFS 2015.2 server. The offline installation ran for about an hour and completed succesfully. However when trying to reach the portal site, nothing shows up (well a 404 page shows up actually).
When opening the Team Foundation Server Administration Console, it correctly displays the expected product version: 14.102.25423.0 (Tfs2015.Update3). However when I click on 'Application Tier', it displays the text:
This feature has been installed but needs to be configured. Click on
Configure Installed Features to begin initial configuration.
This same text is shown on many other administrative pages. Is this the cause of the portal missing? When I configure these features again, will it not erase our current team projects, history, build definitions and work items?
Are there any better ways to troubleshoot why the portal is missing?
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Yes, you are right. After the upgrade, the configuration is needed to make sure the normal operation of TFS server. It will not erase your current team projects, history, build definitions and work items. There are just some settings will not effect your Database. Certainly, it's also important to keep good backup habits. After all, we didn't have a foolproof thing in the world.
After you upgrade TFS to 2015, each team project may need to be
configured to use some of the new features in TFS 2015. You don't have
to do this immediately, but those features aren't available in that
team project until they're configured. Depending on the team project,
you'll use some combination of the Configure Features wizard that
appears on the Work page and some manual configuration.
Source Link: Upgrade your deployment to the latest version of TFS
For your situation, there maybe some other error cause it. However, still suggest you to finish the configuration first. If it's still not work, then you can try below ways to narrow down the issue:
Check the Event View in the server to see whether there are some
related info
Check the configuration logs (Team Foundation Server Administration
Console-Logs or browser the folder in the server
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Team Foundation\Server Configuration\Logs)

Setup for Team Foundation and ClearCase with TFS Integration Tool

I want to do daily migration of TFS changes to a ClearCase system. I was going to try out TFS Integration tools but I can't get any of the toolset pieces to work. What are the requirements to run this app? I have VS 2010, TFS 2010 and Sharepoint 2010 installed. The assemblies it's trying to load don't seem to be present in VS2010 and I don't if it requires VS 2008 or not. Anyone ever had this running? I'm migrating from TFS to CC. Not the other way around.
I've been using this tool to sync TFS 2010 changes back into a UCM ClearCase implementation at the client. It has been going poorly. The tool should be clearly marked as Beta or even Alpha. A peek into the code reveal around 100 TODO's and "This needs to be fixed". I have spent a good deal of time trying to iron out some of the issues and have made progress. My suggestion is before using this tool on mission critical projects, spend at least 3-4 weeks evaluating it in your environment. When it works, it works pretty well with moving changes.
I don't know much about how to access TFS2010 elements, besides "check an individual project for pre & postbuild steps either by loading the project in visual studio or manually reading the project file".
If you need Sharepoint assembly, this technote describes the requirements.
And I don't think an automatic import utility exists (from TFS2010 to ClearCase 7.1.x), as this technote mentions:
Change request (RFE) RATLC01005874 had been submitted requesting a conversion utility to export source code from Microsoft Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) to ClearCase;
however, the decision was made by Product Management to exclude the requested feature from future upgrades and releases due to the significant architectural changes required to implement the solution.
The right approach is to manage to list the content of relevant labels for a given scope, and make a clearfsimport into a ClearCase view, with a full label applied right after it.
You don't need TFS (server), VS or SharePoint installed. You will need a SQL server for the core platform. Then you will need the various assemblies for TFS, which you can get by installing the Team Explorer component (it's on the TFS install media).
We decided to go with the TFS Integration Platform. It allows us to sync TFS work items back into ClearCase when ever we want. It provides the level of integration we needed to keep the traceability. The TFS to CC integration is bleeding edge, but it works enough for what we need. (Syncing work items and user check ins.)
